Anti Allergy Products by Nutricology
Nutricology/Allergy Research Group products have set the standard for hypoallergenic nutritional supplements since our inception in 1979. These products are the purest and highest quality obtainable and are generally made without yeast, corn, wheat, soy, dairy products, flavorings, colors, salt, sugar, starch, common preservatives, binders and excipients. The only ingredients are those listed on the label, except where refined micro-crystalline cellulose is used as filler and silicon dioxide is used as a flow agent. To ensure optimal stability, our products are stored in humidity and temperature controlled environment. Although Nutricology/Allergy Research Group supplements were designed with the allergic individual in mind, they may be used by anyone since they are generally the cleanest and purest available.
Nutricology/Allergy Research Group endeavor to explore, develop and access new and innovative health products to improve the quality of life for all of us. Nutricology rely on scientific research and collaboration with other experts in the biomedical field to insure state of the art, hypoallergenic, when possible, formulations containing the purest, highest quality ingredients.
For user Information Artemisinin description by Nutricology Resarch Group
Artemisinin or Qinghaosu, the active constituent of the herb Artemisia annua (sweet wormwood). Good quality Artemisia annua contains 0.3-0.5% artemisinin, so pure artemisinin provides hundreds of times more of the active constituent artemisinin than the whole herb itself. Research has shown artemisinin to be particularly beneficial in balancing the microbiology of the GI tract.
Nutricology Research Group introduced artemisinin to the U.S. market more than a decade ago. ARG does independent potency assays on every batch (using HPLC), and independent tests verify its effectiveness. ARG artemisinin is minimum 98.5% pure, and does not contain thujone.
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Herbs & Nutrition Analys
Labels: allergic_allergy_book_cook_family_food_food_gourmet_homestyle_hundred_recipe_two_whole, dog_food_allergy, gluten_allergy_symptom, nickel_allergy, shellfish_allergy
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