Friday, April 25, 2008

Living With A Gluten Allergy

If suddenly you find yourself suffering from a gluten allergy you are not alone. It?s important to learn to live with a gluten allergy and the best way to do that is to understand the allergy.

With a gluten allergy your immune system will respond to the gluten which is found in a variety of foods that have the proteins found in cereal grains. The difference between a wheat allergy and a gluten allergy is Celiac a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Not everyone but a majority of people that suffer from a gluten allergy will develop Celiac which targets the gastrointestinal tract. In fact it wasn?t until recently when it was determined that Celiac was caused by a gluten allergy. Prior there had been no connection made.

A person suffering from a gluten allergy must ensure that they have a gluten free diet. When diagnosed with Celiac disease one must ensure that their diet is gluten free to ensure that the problems associated with Celiac are avoided.

When a gluten allergy turns into Celiac disease the biggest problem is that it does not just affect the gastrointestinal tract, it also affect the brain causing brain dysfunction, inflammation of the lungs, and arthritis.

The classic symptoms that accompanies a gluten allergy that has become Celiac is diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating, weight loss, iron deficiency, and malnutrition as a result of not absorbing the nutrient. And that?s just the beginning of what this dreadful disease can do.

For example a gluten allergy can actually affect the tissue causing eczema, skin rashes and itching, and it can even cause hives. It can also cause respiratory problems including asthma and it can cause

Arthritis will develop in about 45% of those suffering from a gluten allergy that do nothing about it and about 15% in those that change to a gluten free diet. Those with Celiac see an increased risk of esophagus, pharynx, and small intestinal cancer. Fibroid lung disease is also seen at a much higher rate than in those that do not have Celiac or a gluten allergy.

Recently studies have shown that a gluten allergy is often combined with a dairy allergy. If you know you have a gluten problem it?s a good idea to replace dairy products with soy products or some other alternative.

Be sure to include natural supplements in your diet when suffering from a gluten allergy. There are several things they can do for you. They can replace the nutrients you are missing because of a diet that is gluten free and they can help restore the body to health and build the immune system back up to a healthy state.

With a gluten allergy you want gluten free diet will have no wheat, barley, rye in any form. The best diets are made up of foods that are good for you and also foods that taste good. Try to make the changes so as not be depressed by a long list of what you can?t eat. You gluten free diet should be comprehensive.

A gluten allergy can be a tough diagnosis to hear but once you know what?s wrong it?s much easier to start making yourself feel better.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our gluten allergy pages.

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