Allergy Treatment: Help Your Thymus, Help Yourself
An allergy refers to the adverse reaction of the body???s immune system to certain allergens such as dust, pollen, certain foods, and fur. Another way to describe allergy is the abnormal reaction to a normal substance. The immune system defends the body from harmful organisms. When the immune system is protecting body from all kinds of infections, the inflammation, soreness, and running nose are a small price to pay for optimum health. However, when the same distressing symptoms and hypersensitivity are due to everyday things not harmful to our health, then allergy treatment should be found. The key to the immune system, cause of allergy symptoms, and so to allergy treatment, is the thymus.
The thymus is a grayish organ located in the upper interior portion of the chest cavity, just below the neck and plays an important role in controlling the immune system. People with under-active thymus are more likely to fall ill and get common, chronic and prolonged infections. The role of the thymus in allergy treatment is therefore crucial. But to find relief from allergy symptoms, the answer lies not in tinkering with this delicate part of the body, but supplementing thymus hormone in the body.
More About the Thymus in Allergy Treatment
A healthy thymus ensures a healthy immune system, less prone to different allergy symptoms. This is because the main function of the thymus gland is to produce white blood cells, which are important in developing cell based immunity and are responsible for protecting the body from infection, yeast, viruses, parasites, fungi, and even cancer. Inflammation and other allergy symptoms are the body???s last line of defense from attack. Therefore, with a thymus deficiency we have fewer white blood cells, and fewer white blood cells mean our body is more prone to allergy symptoms.
However, supplementation of thymus hormone helps in allergy treatment and relief from symptoms in many other ways.
Produce Immunocompetent T-cells.
Thymus plays a great role in allergy treatment and symptom relief by developing immature T-cells into immunocompetent T-cells, which are present in the cellular immune system of the body and are responsible for identifying the foreign substances in body and destroying them. Put simply, it is the thymus that allows our ???cadet white cells??? to graduate from military college into a fighting fit allergy treatment crack squad.
Allergies can be treated by the desensitization method, in which extremely small doses of allergens are given to the allergy patients to stimulate their immune system so that the thymus reacts immediately and create new T-suppressor cells. The T cells secrete a substance to attack the protein of foreign cells and helps in allergy treatment besides maintaining cellular immunity.
Regulate the Immune system
The thymus releases many hormones such as thymopoeitin, thymosin, and serum thymic factor that regulate many immune functions that are helpful in allergy treatment. Thymosin is responsible for the development of antibodies, particularly T lymphocytes (T cells) to provide effective treatment and relief from allergy symptoms. Thymus gland hormones can also increase the key immune signals called lymphokines and increase interferon, interleukin 2 (IL2), and other hormones that are responsible for the production of white blood cells that fight germs, infections, and allergies.
Thymus hormones have the capability of increasing disease fighting antibodies balancing and boosting the immune system. They can also be an effective allergy treatment. In a clinical trial conducted on 130 patients suffering from various diseases showed that oral pharmaceutical thymus extract (derived from the thymus gland of calves) reduced the rate of infection. A number of thymus extract preparations are available and may even stimulate correct thymus function, meaning allergy treatment needn???t be a long-term thing.
Help your body help yourself by taking care of your thymus, and feel allergy symptoms disappear.
vitamin support for Allergies treatments Allergies Allergy symptoms
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