Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Main Symptoms of Allergy

Allergy is a health condition that arises when you inhale/eat or touch certain substances your immune system is oversensitive to. Allergy may develop relatively quickly, for example you may have eaten shellfish for years with no negative effects, you try it today and oops! You discover that you're allergic to it.

The things that cause allergy are called allergens. Virtually everything might be an allergen, though there are some things that cause it much more often than others.

Common Allergy Symptoms

Runny nose Watery eyes Itching (anywhere) Stuffy nose, pressure in the nose and ears and headaches Deep bags under the eyes Hives Temperature

The Causes of Allergy Symptoms

The mechanism of becoming allergic is still unclear. There are studies pointing that allergies may have some genetic background, but this certainly is not a decisive factor. Other scientists argue that allergy is just a health condition that develops and disappears over time, with little regard to people's genes. The one thing that is certain is that there are certain specific factors which, if found in the environment, will trigger the body to develop allergy symptoms.

The list of common allergen is opened by pollen. If you're a pollen allergic, you can expect the symptoms to occur in the spring and sometimes late in the summer (late May to July). If you're unlucky enough to be allergic to Ragweed, you can expect the symptoms to show also in the fall (up to the first frost).

Another important allergen is contracted by touching the skin. Wherever water collects (shower curtains, window moldings or basements), you can expect molds to show up. The worst times for all molds allergy victims are those with high humidity, especially during rains.

The third most popular allergen (or a group of allergens) is animal dander - the proteins from the skin, saliva and urine of our furry friends. The allergy symptoms may develop after handling an animal or after contacting the house dust in a place where the pet lives or lived..

The unending source of allergens is the house dust. The most notable of all is dust mites - tiny living creatures found everywhere - in mattresses, not vacuumed carpets or upholstered furniture. Dust mites allergy is something you suffer 24/7 and the only way to fight it is to constantly clean the house you live in.

Controlling Allergy Symptoms?

Normally you're not allergic to everything, but even if you suffer from numerous allergies, you can still manage it and effectively reduce the occurrence of allergy symptoms. The first thing you should do is keeping you and your environment clear. Remember to have a shower everyday and/or bathe before bedtime. This washes off most of pollen and other allergens hiding in your hair or skin. Frequently cleaning the house is just another method of getting rid of allergens, this gets especially effective against dust mites, but also about all other allergic threats.

Advice: do not go out during dry, windy days, it will only make things worse. Remember to shut the windows and doors; you will have to rely on air conditioning both at home and in the car. Using air filtration systems will also help a lot.

To find out more about allergy symptoms, allergens and remedies just visit the authors website at:

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