Monday, July 21, 2008

I Have A Cat Allergy - What Can I Do?

If we were smart we would avoid things that we are allergic to but who said most of us were smart or sane when it comes to our pets. For most cat lovers there is no way they are going to part with their beloved pet because of a cat allergy.

That means you?ll need to learn to manage your cats and your cat allergy symptoms. Although you might not rid yourself of your cat allergy you should be able to make your symptoms manageable.

In case you have forgotten we?ll give you a little reminder about the allergens and the fact that they are airborne so when you breathe them in you can have a cat allergy reaction. There is a high rate of contamination and recontamination.

1. No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed
Okay no monkey?s here but there will be no more cats sleeping on your bed. This might be the hardest habit to break but it?s a small price to pay to wake up clear headed in the morning and without your cat allergy bothering you.

2. No Trespassing
The bedroom has to become a cat free zone and this will reduce the allergens to almost zero. Don?t give into your cats. They?ll find somewhere else they love to curl up and you?ll find yourself suffering a lot less with your cat allergy.

3. Give Me An H..E..P?A
HEPA air filters do a great job of cleaning the air in your home and because cat dander is so difficult to pick up this is a smart way to be effective and help your cat allergy.

4. HEPA Vacuum
Vacuuming just became that much more important. You need to invest in a HEPA vacuum cleaner and you need to vacuum walls, carpets, furniture, and just about anything else that lives in the house other than Grandma?s fine china. You need to do it at least twice a week to reduce your cat allergy.

5. Steam Clean
Using a vapor steam cleaner to clean your home will kill the proteins in the dander. This has been scientifically proven. What that means is for under a hundred dollars you can rid your home of everything and you?ll find your cat allergy is forgotten.

6. Wash Em Now!
Always wash your hands right after handling your cat and make sure you do not rub your eyes at any time even after you?ve washed your hands. Your cat allergies will be better.

7. Heat It Up!
Wash all your bedding in water that is 140 degrees and do this twice a month to eliminate dust mites and cat allergens.

8. Bath Your Cat
Yes we know that this task could easily be worse than your cat allergy but you simply have to do it at least once a month and more often if you can.

What?s most important to realize when you suffer from a cat allergy is that you do not have to get rid of your cat. Your cat is a family member and getting rid of your cat is like getting rid of one of your children. You can have your cat and your cat allergy too.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our Cat Allergy pages.


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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Allergy Drops Provide Freedom

Are you chained to your weekly allergy shot treatments? Typically shots need to be given once a week and require not only time but money as well. Allergy drops which have been used in Europe for some time are now being offered here in the United States. These drops are given at home and therefore can reduce the cost of doctor office visits even if you only have a copayment.

Allergy shots and allergy drops are both immunotherapy treatments allergists use for their patients. The "new" sublingual allergy drops(not to be confused with eye drop treatments) have the same goal of slowly making the sufferer immune to whatever allergen is causing their problems. This is sometimes referred to as desensitization.

Disadvantages of Allergy Shots

1. Allergy shots can be inconvenient because they require a weekly trip to the doctor's office. Typically, shots consist of diluted versions of the allergen to which the patient reacts. The patient then has to wait approximately 30 minutes after the injections to make sure there is no adverse reaction before leaving the allergist's office.

2. Allergy shots can be costly. Even if you don't count the time lost out of work or school there is usually a cost associated with the office visit itself. Even if the shots are covered by your medical insurance typically there is a copayment with each visit. I know my copayment for an office visit is $15. If you have to go every week that adds up to a whopping $780 per year out of your pocket.

Advantages of Allergy Drops

  • Save time - the patient visits the doctor only two or three times a year versus as many as 52
  • Save Money - reduced patient visits equals reduced copayments
  • Much More Convenient - patient received the prescription at the office and places the drops under his or her tongue at home
Some patients have experienced adverse reactions to sublingual allergy drops. The risk is similar to that of taking allergy shots but you can see that most people would think that the advantages far outweigh the risk of having to deal with a reaction on their own. Typically you would seek medical treatment immediately.

Many allergists will begin a patient's treatment using both shots and allergy drops and if the drops show a reduction in symptoms similar or better than the shots the allergist will most likely suggest that the patient move to just the drops. Given the convenience of this course of treatment it has been shown that more people will take the drops on a regular basis in comparison to the injections.

Treatments get better every day, rumor has it that allergy pills are around the corner that will treat more than the symptoms of allergies but will act as replacements for the allergy drops and allergy shots that exist for immunotherapy therapy treatments that exist today. Though immunotherapy does not work for everyone if it does the effects can seem miraculous.

Marilyn Franklin writes for where you can find more info on how to manage your allergies

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

What To Do About - A Food Allergy

Food allergies happen when your immune system messes up. Your immune system is supposed to protect you from disease and germs. If you have a food allergy your immune system makes a mistake and thinks the food is going to harm you.

The response is the same whether it is a food allergy, an allergy to medicine, an allergy to a flower or tree, or an allergy to peanuts. Although the foods themselves are not harmful the reaction the body has can be life threatening.

In recent years we have heard a lot about the peanut food allergy mainly because the reaction is usually very severe leading to anaphylactic shock.

Here?s what can happen if a child or adult for that matter eats a peanut topped brownie which they have a food allergy to ? the antibodies in the body over react releasing histamine in the blood.

The histamine released eyes, throat, nose, respiratory, skin, and even the digestive system can be affected by the food allergy. The reaction could be mild or severe and it can happen almost right away or a couple of hours later.

Some of the first signs of a person suffering from a food allergy can be a runny nose, hives, itchy skin, tingling lips or tongue. Other signs can include tightness in the throat, hoarse voice, coughing, wheezing, stomach pain, diarrhea, and nausea or vomiting.

And with a serious food allergy anaphylaxis occurs which is a severe allergic reaction that comes on suddenly and with several serious problems all occurring at once ? the heart, digestive system, respiratory all react at the same time and the breathing tube narrows while the tongue swells making breathing difficult if not impossible ? this is a medical emergency.

If you have a serious food allergy and not necessarily to peanuts you need to make sure you know exactly what you are eating. If there is any doubt don?t eat it. You might also carry the proper medication with you.

Kids often suffer from milk and eggs but the often will outgrow these. Severe allergies are commonly seen in peanuts, shrimp, and fish and these do not usually disappear with age.

Not sure how to tell if you have a food allergy? Sometimes it?s pretty easy to figure out. Hives may appear or perhaps stomach problems occur. But other times it?s harder to tell. And sometimes even if you know you have a food allergy determining to what can be really difficult.

Many medical professionals believe that allergies are genetic and inherited so if you have a parent that suffers from hay fever you can expect to do so yourself. Food allergies can resolve themselves over time.

It is important that you do not confuse a food allergy with food intolerance such as with lactose intolerance which can cause severe stomach pain and diarrhea. But that doesn?t make it an allergy.

For some food allergies it?s as simple as not eating the food anymore. Other food allergies are harder to diagnose and harder to avoid. You should see a doctor that specializes in allergies. The doctor will ask you a lot of questions to help determine if you have a food allergy.

A liquid extract of the food or foods that are suspect is used to determine the food allergy. A tiny scratch is made on the skin and then a drop of the extract placed on the scratch. The doctor will watch for the development of a red spot which will indicate you have a food allergy to that particular food.

Once a food allergy is determined the doctor will decide on the best course of action and whether treatment is needed. Once you know what your allergy is it becomes much easier to deal with.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at

Be sure to check out our food allergy pages.

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