Friday, October 31, 2008

How To Control Your Asthma Allergy Symptoms

If you suffer from asthma, or know someone who does, then learning effective strategies to control asthma symptoms is very important and could even save your life.

Asthma symptoms can range from just annoying to life threatening, and anywhere in-between, and it is on the rise.

More and more people yearly are being diagnosed with asthma, and it continues to be one of the most common respiratory conditions in America and Europe.

However, the good news is there are both medical and natural ways to relieve the symptoms of asthma, and scientific studies are discovering new ways of preventing or relieving the symptoms.

There are a number of studies that have been taking place looking at the role diet has in the development and treatment of asthma.

In a recent study, focused on the diet of young children with asthma, it was found that those children who regularly ate dairy products like full fat milk were less likely to develop asthma.

They also experienced less wheezing when compared to other children who did not eat such foods. The results of the research indicate that dairy products are one food that can reduce the symptoms of asthma in children.

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Another food group that has been used to reduce the symptoms of asthma are foods that contain whole grains, like whole wheat bread.

The same study found that fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and fruit juice also seemed to have a beneficial role in reducing the levels of asthma in the children.

Aside from these interesting and very promising results, it is still unclear what triggers asthma. Food allergies have been cited in a number of studies, and so children should be checked for allergies if there are signs of asthma when they are younger.

If an allergy is found, then it is much easier to tailor the diet to avoid the foods that trigger an allergic reaction, and switch to foods that have been shown to have a beneficial effect on reducing asthma.

In this way, not only is the cause of the asthma being removed from the diet, but also the body is being given every chance to fight the onset of the condition.

There are some other triggers that are easier to control. Asthma symptoms can sometimes come about when food that is either too hot or too cold is consumed, and also if someone overeats.

Worth noting is that some food preservatives and additives can trigger some peoples asthma symptoms also, and this includes sulphites that are added to many of the processed foods available today, and in meat products.

Changing your diet to help alleviate or reduce asthma symptoms is a strategy that can be easily incorporated into your own or your child?s life. However, always seek the advice of a medical professional before considering any changes to medication that has been prescribed.

Working with your medical advisor to introduce natural ways to control asthma allergy symptoms to work alongside conventional medication can often be a very effective approach in relieving symptoms.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Allergy - Proof You House To Dust Mites

An allergic reaction occurs whenever the body enters into an altered state, or has a response, because of a substance. Many people have allergic reactions to dust mites. This allergic reaction includes watery eyes, a runny nose, and a rash that may even turn into full-blown hives. Dust mites are also the most common trigger for asthma. While it is usually best to avoid allergens, sometimes this is difficult to do.

So, what exactly is a dust mite? A dust mite is actually a mite that lives inside of the dust that is found within your home. The actual allergy is to their feces. This feces is produced approximately 20 times per day and is actually light enough that it can float in the air. For this reason, the humans that inhabit these homes can easily inhale the dust mites? feces. It is interesting to note that there are approximately 40,000 dust mites per speck of dust. With this in mind, you can easily imagine just how many dust mite stools enter into your respiratory tract. These mites especially like to live in humid areas and conditions where their food (mold and fungi) is most plentiful.

These mites need to be eliminated from the areas in which they most commonly breed. This usually includes warm, humid places such as beds, carpets, and upholstered furniture. These mites also live on the skin cells that people and their pets shed, and deposit their waste in all of the areas in which they gather. This wreaks havoc on a person who has allergies to dust mites.

There are some ways in which you can ?allergy-proof? your house. This is actually the first step that you should take towards effectively treating a dust allergy. While you may be thinking that you are going to have to tear the house apart for this to work, you do not have to do so. Here are some simple ways in which you can begin ?allergy-proofing? your home today.

? Dust and sweep your house on a weekly basis. You should also use a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner to keep your furniture and carpet clean.

? Keep your house moderately cool and maintain low levels of humidity by using a dehumidifier. Dust mites do not like living in this type of an environment and thus keeping your home air cool and not humid, you will be able to hamper their growth. Dehumidifiers are also helpful here.

? Ensure that your house is properly ventilated. HEPA air filters are useful here.

? Take time to wash your bedclothes on a weekly basis and dry them on high heat. There are also anti-allergen casings available for mattresses and bedclothes.

If you take the aforementioned measures and still find yourself suffering with dust mite allergies, then you should seek medical attention. Doctors can offer antihistamines and allergy injections, both of which can be very helpful for persons who are allergic to dust mites. There are also holistic measures that can be taken, but you would need to seek the advice of a homeopathic practitioner in order to see what would work best for you.

Nikola Babic works at, online magazine and resource for allergy sufferers offering latest news and information on different types of allergies and treatments.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Learn How To Breathe Again With An Allergy Air Purifier

Don't you just love the springtime when the flowers are beginning to bloom and people are beginning to take an interest in their landscaping once again. They begin mowing their lawns and trimming bushes and hedges. Unfortunately, this time of the year can be the worst time for someone who suffers from allergies. An allergy air purifier can help someone who suffers with allergies to cope with all the pollen and such that is taking place at this time of the year, or in many cases throughout the year. I love the smell of freshly mowed grass, but many others can't enjoy this luxury as their allergies can get the best of them and breathing can be a difficult thing. This article will give some tips on using an allergy air purifier.

An allergy air purifier can be a life saver to someone who suffers with allergies. Did you know that allergies are the leading cause for asthma. Asthma is a life threatening problem for many, as it makes breathing difficult. The airways become closed off because of irritations usually caused from allergies and breathing becomes a huge problem. Although there are medications you can take for asthma, many people die each year as a result of complications from it, so keeping the air we breathe in pure and contaminant free, is very important. That is where an allergy air purifier is very important to use.

An allergy air purifier is designed to draw room air into its filtering system and then filter out all the contaminants. It leaves those contaminants on its filter or filtering plate and blows back into the room, good clean uncontaminated air to breathe in. This will help promote not just good breathing, but overall good health as well. What we breathe into our bodies effects our overall health. It's a known fact that most colds are caught in our own homes than any other place. Why is that you may ask. Well the answer is simple. Our homes are an enclosed setting. It's like living in a box and breathing in the same air all the time. An allergy air purifier will take out the bad stuff that is in the air we are breathing, and give us back good clean oxygen to breathe in.

There are many things an allergy air purifier can eliminate that can cause allergies to flare up such as dust and dust mites which are all found in the home. Things like pollen and animal dander can also be contributing causes for allergies and are often found in the home as well. There are many other allergy contributors such as perfumes and things with perfume smells in them such as household cleaners, and the number one culprit tobacco smoke that can bring on an allergy attack, but all of these things can be contained inside an allergy air purifier too.

For more information on Air Cleaners and Purifiers for your home or business try visiting, a website that specializes in providing helpful tips, advice and Air Cleaners and Purifiers resources to include Allergy Air Purifier and more.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Alternative Treatments For Allergy Sufferers

Doctors often prescribe medicine to treat allergies. But taking medicine has caused some allergy suffers to endure unnatural effects such as drowsiness and headaches. With growing concern of chemicals and pills, alternative approaches to treating pollen and springtime allergies are becoming more popular.

Interestingly, alternative medicine is being considered even by the mainstream. Approximately 40% of all Americans have tried some form of alternative medicine including some of the ones listed below.

Acupuncture is an age-old procedure that places or inserts needles to certain points in the body. To people who have never heard of this procedure, it might sound hard to believe that needles help someone with allergy prevention. However, a rising number of patients claim that acupuncture has helped them with their allergy problems.

In an acupuncture session, the therapist places needles on the face and corresponding areas of the body. To treat allergies, sometimes the Chinese herb moxa is placed on the tip of the needles. By doing so, the process is intended to clear the sinuses and restore normal breathing.

There?s a philosophic basis for acupuncture. The Chinese believe in an energy force called the Qi, which flows through the body near the skin. Based on this belief, the Qi must be balanced through the entire body. If the flow is broken, deficient, or disrupted, the individual feels pain. By pressuring the points throughout one?s body, the energy can become balanced and ultimately restore the health of the patient.

Similar to acupuncture, massage can help the allergy suffers; particularly individuals suffering from sinus problems. Tightened muscles could contribute to congestion. By relaxing the muscles in the neck and face, the therapist can help get rid of the congestion and allow easier breathing.

Sometimes the best way to combat allergies is to fight fire with fire. Some have argued that eating local honey can help you treat allergies to pollen. The thinking is that the local honey has the native pollen and eating it would allow you to become more accustomed to the effects. With this alternative treatment, one can build natural immunities without the use of chemicals. Although there?s no conclusive study that supports this claim, many have claimed some benefits of applying this practice.

Others have claimed a well-balanced diet is a great way to fend off allergies naturally. There is no specific food or drink that prevents these reactions, but the overall goal is to live healthy. A healthy diet means a healthy body and system. And we all know that combating allergies centers on a good immune system. Foods with good sources of vitamins can contribute to this well-being. Vitamin such as B6 and B12 help the creation of antibodies and reduce the effects of airborne allergies. Other vitamin such as C and E are antioxidants that charge the immune system by improving white blood cell production and cell membranes.

Alternative therapies shouldn?t always be considered as a replacement for conventional treatment for allergy suffers. Consult with a doctor before applying any of the approaches discussed here. There are no specific studies that claim that any alternative treatments to allergies are very effective. As such, these alternative treatments to allergy suffers should supplement medically prescribed treatments.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Allergies

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