Allergy Tests Effectiveness
Many people suffer from allergies. The problem that most allergy sufferers face is that it is difficult to pinpoint just what it is that they are allergic to. This is where allergy tests come in. But how effective are they in discovering exactly what it is you're allergic to? Are they accurate? Are there many ways to even perform the tests? We're going to try to answer some of these questions as well as explain how allergy tests work. Hopefully, by the time you're done reading this, you'll have a pretty good understanding of allergy tests are.
The basic premise behind giving allergy tests is very simple. Your allergist will inject you with small portions of each allergen to determine exactly what it is that you are allergic to. However, in reality, it isn't quite that simple. There are several methods to giving these tests and unfortunately all allergists give them differently.
The one method, which takes the longest, is to start with the smallest dose of allergen for each allergy. Since there are about 8 or 9 outdoor and 8 or 9 indoor allergies, this comes out to about 16 to 18 shots for each allergen at each dosage level. There are approximately 6 or 7 dosage levels for giving these tests. So by the time you are done testing, you could effectively have gotten as many 126 shots. While this may sound on the verge of insanity, it actually goes by very fast. Each dosage level is administered simultaneously in these standard kits. So you're getting about 8 shots at a time.
The way the test works is simple. After each dose is given, a period of about 10 minutes is allowed to pass. The allergist then checks to see if there are any signs of a reaction. If not, then they move up to the next dosage. Now, each allergen can react at a different dosage. So each reaction point has to be noted. Obviously, very detailed record keeping is involved here.
Other allergists simply go the direct route and administer the highest test dosage to start with and work their way down. This is not as accurate because an allergen that reacts at dose 6 may not react at dose 3 but will react at dose 4. Why does this matter? Because the ultimate serum created will actually be a little stronger than it needs to be. Granted, the difference is slight but many allergists feel that difference is significant enough.
But how accurate are these tests, even if you go the long route? Truthfully, they aren't as accurate as people want to think. The reason, as explained to me by my allergist, is because the skin, which is where the tests are given, reacts differently to allergens than the actual sinus passages. To get a more accurate result, you would have to inject each sinus passage, one shot at a time, and then what for a reaction. The amount of time it would take to administer these tests under those conditions would make testing virtually impossible. So skin testing is the best we can hope for.
So because the tests themselves are not that accurate, the actual allergy shot created for them is only going to be so accurate. This is why many people who take allergy shots get very little relief from them, if any.
Therefor, the alternative to allergy testing and allergy shots is simply to treat your allergies with natural foods and herbs. You can find such treatments by visiting our website.
To YOUR Health,
Steve Wagner
Steve Wagner used to suffer from allergies terribly, but with proper diet he is now allergy free. Come visit our website at asthma where you can learn how to be allergy free. Also, pick up your FREE report on how the drug companies are killing us as well as get a FREE 52 week series featuring treatments for a different ailment each week.
Labels: adhd_food_allergy, air_filter_allergy, alcohol_allergy, allergy, allergy_air_purifier