Thursday, June 26, 2008

Allergy Medicine - Not All Medicines are Created

When someone has an allergic reaction, it is not a lot of fun. Some of the allergy symptoms that you can experience are:

Puffing up
Tearing up
Migraine headache

Shock, if extremely severeThe thing is, every allergy is different and not all allergy medication is the same and works on all allergies.

You have to find the right medication for the specific allergy that you are experiencing. You can do this by talking to your doctor or to an allergy specialist. This way you can find the best allergy medicine for you.What is the test for allergies?When you are getting tested for allergies, they have to test many different substances in order to pinpoint what you are allergic to. What they do is inject you, usually down the length of your spine, with several different substances. This can be anything from daily products like grass to dander to even dust.What they're looking for is a reaction. If you are allergic to a substance your skin will become red and raised at the injection site. This is a sure sign that you are allergic. This way once they know what you are allergic to they can prescribe the correct medicine.

Prescription compared to over the counterWhen you have an allergy you must find a medication that works for you. Say for example, you only have mild allergies, then probably an over the counter allergy medicine will be fine. But then there are severe allergies. For example, say you are allergic to shellfish, and when you leave it you blow up and have to be rushed to the hospital. An over the counter allergy medicine will not work for this. This technology will require a prescription from your doctor.If you are allergic to something and want to get rid of it are at least help the symptoms, get tested and ask your allergist's for some kind of allergy medicine that will help you feel better.

If you want to enjoy life and if there is an allergy medicine out there that will work for you then you better go out and find that medicine.For more information on this topic as well as other asthma / allergy related topics visit: Allergy Medicine

Have had many articles published on a variety of subjects. Co author of the best selling golf ebook called "Putt Lights Out". You can find this ebook at For more information on allergy relief visit:

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Milk Allergy Symptoms

Milk allergies are a reality for millions of people. One major problem is that milk products and derivatives of milk are in so many of the food products we consume. It is very difficult to completely avoid milk products and byproducts as we go about or day to day life as food consumers. It is a very real problem for parents of children. Once they are out their sight treats like a caramel apple or milk chocolate can bring on an allergic reaction.

Symptoms can manifest themselves in a variety of maladies. Vomiting, diarrhea, hives are three of the most common. Bloating, gas, watery eyes, skin rashes that can also include acne are among others. An asthmatic who also suffers from milk allergy can have complications with their asthma condition as a result or his or her allergy to milk. Another reaction is ear infections and hyperactivity, particularly in children. Minor milk allergy symptoms can go undiagnosed for years.

As a result of ongoing research more information is being made available for those who suffer from milk allergies. Also more and better alternatives to milk are being made available. Milk allergy sufferers are denied this valuable source of calcium in their diet and more palatable alternatives are important in replacing milk and milk productes for the allergy sufferers.

Soy products that were once ghastly are now quite delicious and soy milk itself is now do to improvements quite delicious and resemble milk quite well. Tofu is a great alternative to cheese. With products like these, milk allergy symptoms can easily be avoided. Take a short trip to your supermarket and you'll find plenty of alternative dairy products. No longer will you have to avoid the common foods that you like the most, easy alternatives can be used.

One ingredient in milk is lactose, or milk sugar. Lactose intolerance is a type of milk allergy where the person experiencing the allergy is intolerant to the lactose in the milk itself An enzyme called lactase is responsible for breaking down lactose in the digestive process. It is estimated that up to seventy percent of the worlds population is lacking in this enzyme and some have none at all. This has caused problems in the past when international care packages of food relief were taken to countries on the African continent to fend off starvation and the milk products in the food was consumed by lactose intolerant people there.

Avoidance is the most common treatment for milk allergies. But as I stated previously that can be difficult. Anything containing the word casein should be avoided. Careful screening of preprocessed food labels is a must. Beyond that there has been some buzz about energy based allergy treatments. Many people have claimed to have been completely cured of all symptoms of milk allergy after undergoing an energy based allergy treatment. Energy based allergy treatments are quick and are not long and ongoing. They are an entire topic in themselves so I can only brief you on the topic here.

Article by Sven Ullmann, who runs Deserved Health - information on health for you and your family. Read more about milk allergy symptoms. Get our health newsletter.

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Top 5 Natural Allergy Cures

Medicine Saved My Life, But Herbs and Environmental Changes Cured Me Of Allergies

I love modern medicine. It saved my life many times when I had asthma. So I?m not here to knock medicine. I just believe (from my own experience) that despite incredible breakthroughs and heroics in medicine sometimes they simply fail to look for the cause. Such was my experience on my path of curing allergies and asthma from my body.

I was amazed that my doctors had no interest in finding out, or even hearing about what I had done to get rid of asthma. And I don't believe their disinterest was because it would threaten their occupation. I just think their training and conditioning was not about looking for a cure, but only in treatment.


At age 18 I gave up on the drugs and shots. I still took the drugs as needed, and used an inhaler when needed, but I quit seeing my allergist. I decided to see what Chirporactors and Nutritionists could possibly offer. This led to reading books on nutrition, and I tried all the following:

Herbs, cell salts, vitamins, minerals, apple cider vinegar, raw goats milk, protomorphogens (from animal parts), and a host of other things I took. That was in the day when Health Food stores were for wierdos.

After many failed herb, vitamin, and natural experiments While I felt healthier the allergies and asthma were still a part of my life. I decided to accelerate my search.

The following approach worked for me:

5 Steps To Getting Rid of Allergies

The way I rid myself of asthma and allergies involved 5 things:

#1 A clean Liver - The liver, when toxic, can overproduce histamines, causing a hyper-sensitive and over-reactive immune response. There are Liver herbs, and some juices, which can detox the liver of the toxins and additional histamines

#2 A clean diet - Keeping inflammation down by reducing sugars, starches and refined foods keeps the body from over-reacting to allergens and immune system threats.

#3 Avoidance - Avoiding Cats, Dogs, and Allergens while I took the oethr 4 steps also allowed my immunity to rebuild itself.

#4 A clean bedroom - allergy resistant sheets, pillowcases, and keeping my room free of dust mites, mold, and bacteria. This way my immune system would rest at night instead of working all night against the environment. By the way it's the dust mites excrement, not the dust mites themselves, that cause the allergic reactions when inhaled. Change your pillow to a synthetic (mites don't like it) and buy a new one every 9-12 months.

#5 A clean environment -By far the easiest step this meant finding an air purifier, one that kills viruses and bacteria (with UV), absorbs pollen (HEPA), picks up pollution (ion) and can kill mold and mildew (timed ozone is best) to allow the immune system to recover each night, reducing allergic responses.

Not really that tough when you take the steps above. Once your body and immunity is rebalanced you might find as I did that I was able to eat as I wish, withouitb any allergic response.

Mark Richardson is an author, and former Health Practitioner who researches cutting edge health products. His Video Website features FREE Video demonstrations on the newest in air purifier technology.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Understanding the Candida Albacans Allergy Connection

What is the correlation between someone?s allergies and the change of getting a candida infection? Or in other words, is there a candida albacans allergy connection? And if so, what can be done about it.

Candida is a common form of yeast that populates the gut, and the most common form of candida is candida albacans. Candida albacans has two different forms, the relatively benign yeast form, and the more insidious fungal form.

The friendly bacteria in the gut normally keeps candida albacans in check and reduce the risk of it multiplying and sticking to the walls of the intestines. This also keeps them from evolving into their fungal form, which is the form that causes the candida symptoms in the body.

The fungal form of candia albicans has tentacles that it uses to pierce the wall of the gut, which can cause what is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome or infections. In this form is also releases spores, which can get into the blood stream and spread to other organs of the body.

If a person is allergic to a certain food, then they often suffer from bloating, swelling, gas, stomach pains, diarrhea or constipation and one or multiple skin complaints and rashes. In fact the symptoms can sometimes be quite similar to those of a candida overgrowth initially.

An allergic reaction can allow a number of opportunities for the candida albacans to overgrow. Normally, the good bacteria in the gut will keep the candida in check, but if there is an allergic reaction the friendly bacteria may not work as effectively. Allergies can also cause an imbalance in the gut flora, which may give the candida the chance its been waiting for to multiply.

Also, when you have an allergic reaction, the immune system works harder to remove the toxins from the body. This may therefore allow the candida infection to spread as the immune system is spread too thin and can?t tackle everything.

If the foods that you have a reaction to are eaten infrequently it is unlikely to effect the levels of candida in the body, except if you have an acute reaction to the food.

However, if the foods that you are allergic to form a common part of your diet, then you may be adding additional unnecessary stress to your digestive and immune system, giving the candida an opportunity to grow.

Interestingly, sometimes a person does not know if they are allergic to a specific food or food group. And this is where a few strategies may help.

Most commonly, the food groups that people are allergic to are Yeast and diary products, so these would be a good place to start.

Grab yourself a diary and keep track of the foods you eat over the coming days and next time you eat something that contains either of these food groups be aware how you body feels. Is there any bloating or gas or stomach pain or any other symptom out of the ordinary?

Then do the same with meals that do not contain any of these food groups and make the same observation.

This exercise can be carried out with all food groups, and you will over time recognize which foods are the ones that cause adverse reaction and you can eliminate these from your diet.

Another way to find out if your are allergic to a particular food or food group is to visit a nutritionist. They can conduct an allergy test, which will very quickly identify any foods that you are allergic too.

Another tactic that has been used successfully is to start on an anti-candida diet. This diet will eliminate, or restrict a number of food groups that are generally the ones that cause an allergic reaction.

The beauty of this approach is that you are combating the allergy as well as the candida infection.

Continue reading to find out how to join my free newsletter and discover natural methods to relieve candida and diet tips for getting started on an anti-candida diet.

Unfortunately, if you continue to eat foods that cause an allergic you may end up suffering reoccurring yeast infections. So, understanding the Candida Albacans allergy link and changing your diet accordingly is a step that can allow you to take back control of your health.

Grab your free copy of Jane Symms' brand new Candida & Yeast Infection Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about the candida albacans allergy link and natural treatment options for chronic yeast infection.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Asthma, Allergy And Vacuum Cleaning

Now, at the beginning of 21st century every 4th person in Europe is allergic and every 6th suffers from some form of asthma.

Allergies (allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, eczema, conjuctivitis) usually have one common trigger which is the contact of the person with the allergens (dust mite excrements, pollen, mildew).

Who (what) is to blame?

Sure, the general pollution of the environment is the first and major reason (allergies are considered the civilization deseases and the pollution comes hand in hand with the civilization development) but we can also blame our life-style.

Nowadys, people spend 80% and more of their time inside (their flat, office, restaurant, tube). For our body the (in terms of allergies) most dangerous are the smallest particles (viruses, scigarettes smoke, mite droppings) which circulate in the air and are inhaled (and in such closed spaces like flat/office/tube you exhale them and other people inhale them and vice versa). And also the average temperature in our buildings increased over the last 30 years by 4-5 Celsius degrees offering great living conditions for mites or bacteria.

Wet or dry vacuum cleaning?

In the 1990s, the wet vacuum cleaner producers came with the idea to win the battle with the dry vacuum cleaner producers persuading people that the dry vacuums are unable to catch as much microscopic particles causing allergies as the wet vac cleaners. It seemed logical for people. The wet vacuum cleaner sucks in the dust and the water catches and separates it. But the experimets have shown that the ?truth is out there? and what works for larger particles doesn?t work for the smallest ones. Simply, the allergens were circulating in the air in the same amounts no matter if it was before or after the wet vacuuming.

So tell me ? wet or dry?!

I ? really ? am not depreciating the abilities of the wet vacuum cleaner, I only state that water filter is not sufficient if it is the only filter your vacuum cleaner has. If you have a wet vacuum with the additional filters like HEPA, they probably do a great job and you do not have to change them for anything else.

I am allergic, so what vacuum cleaner should I buy?

In my opinion, the one that has Gore-Tex or multi-layer HEPA filter ? no matter if dry or wet. They both (Gore-Tex and multiple HEPAs) are able to catch 99,99% of the loose dust particles and allergens.

To keep your flat clean it is necessary to vaccum it 3-4 times weekly (or 30-40 times if you have small children, let?s say 2-5 years old ? I am joking, of course), not only the carpets and floors but also the beds, linen and furniture. It is also recommended to get rid of heavy, old curtains, drapery as well as grand-ma?s teddy bears or other plush toys. The buildings should not be over-heated and over-humidified

Standard flat inner temperature should not exceed 21 Celsius degrees during the days and 19 Celsiuses is enough for nights.

The average humidity should not exceed 50% and it is recommended to ventilate the room at least 2 times daily, in the morning and in the evening (take another sweater or glass of whisky ? or both ? and open all windows fully for at least 15 minutes).

If you have an allergic person in your household you should seriously consider the chance of buying an air purifier (not the humidifier, it only humidifies the air without cleaning it). With their performance and low noisiness they are much more effective than the wet vacuum cleaners.

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7 refrigerators, this roofing shingles related site or 7 vacuum cleaners

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