Friday, November 30, 2007

How to Ease Your Allergies: Quick Relief for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers!

You may be one of the masses who don't even realize that you have allergies! According to studies, there are about 17 out of every 100 Americans that are allergic, or hypersensitive, to some substances which are known to cause unusual reactions.

What are allergies? According to Wikipedia, "an allergy is a condition of hypersensitivity to a substance (an allergen) considered harmless to most people." Hmmm, most people? In fact, 50 million Americans are estimated to have allergies.

There is no clear apparent medical reason why people contract allergies, but one thing remains clear: the condition is indiscriminate in its coverage and may affect us regardless of age, gender, or race. Commonly, however, the allergy manifests in our infancy or childhood, although some symptoms may appear at any age or may reappear after any period of apparent inactivity.

Most allergies are largely insignificant and may be dealt with by simple lifestyle choices; however, there is a possibility of them either adversely affecting our daily life, or perhaps life-threatening conditions.

As of this writing, if you run a Google search on the word "allergy" you will receive over 32 million results. Sure, some of those are duplicates but that's a pretty substantial number. And that doesn't include other simple search terms.

The bottom line here is that those 50 million Americans already know they have an allergy. That doesn't include all the people who are under the misconception that their suffering is not just a simple cold!

How would you know if you have an allergy?

Below are the most common types of allergies.

- Food Allergies - ignited by certain food types

- Anaphylaxis - triggered by drugs, food, or insect stings

- Respiratory Allergies - triggered by allergens which are airborn

- Contact Allergies - triggered by skin-affecting allergens

- Insect Sting Allergies - triggered by insect venom

Mild Symptoms:

- Tingling, itching, or swelling of your mouth, tongue, lips, or throat

- Tightness feeling in your throat

- Difficulty speaking or swallowing

- Nausea

- Indigestion and abdominal cramps

- Vomiting and diarrhea

- Skin rashes

- Coughing, congestion, wheezing, or sneezing

- Runny, stuffy, or itchy nose

Severe Symptoms:

- Breathing difficulties

- Sweating, dizziness, and faintness

- Rapid or sudden heart rate increase

- Sudden inability or hoarseness to speak

- Extreme and sudden facial itching and swelling

- Anaphylaxis

As children are more susceptible to allergic reactions, the parent must exert extra effort to keep any allergic reaction at bay. Schools are often considered breeding ground for allergens so the parent and school administrators must work hand in hand. The home must also be allergen-proof so the children can go about freely.

Allergic reactions are dangerous and fatal, if left untreated or if the person is more susceptible than usual. It is mandatory that preventive measures must be carried out to avoid the severe symptoms. For more information on allergic reactions, one must ask the family doctor.

Properly diagnosed and treated, allergies need not affect your life in any significant manner.

Adam Asar is the founder of ,, and web sites and writes articles for these sites. He writes articles and content for several magazines and websites.

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Latex Allergy

 An increasing number of Americans are becoming allergic to latex, a natural substance derived from the milky sap of the rubber tree. Found in Africa, latex is used to make a variety of products, including rubber gloves, balloons, tires, condoms and diaphragms, and elastic bands. They may also be found in healthcare products, such as catheters, intravenous tubing, dressings, stethoscopes, syringes, and bandages. Many of these products cannot be avoided by both the consumer and the healthcare worker, so how can you control latex allergy reaction?

First, you need to know that there are actually two sources of latex allergy, producing two distinct allergic reactions. The first type of latex allergy affects the immune system, resulting in minor skin rash. This type is often blamed on the chemical additives used in making the gloves.

The second latex allergy is a full-fledged allergic reaction to the latex itself. It results in more serious reactions, causing the person to develop itchy, red hives, rhinitis/hay fever, a runny nose, and asthma. In extreme cases, latex allergy may also cause anaphylaxis, a restriction of the air due to airway swelling, which, if not treated promptly, can cause sudden death.

The increase in prevalence of latex allergy is largely due to the increase of latex use. In the medical industry, doctors have been using latex to protect themselves from infectious diseases when touching a patient?s blood, urine, feces, or other organism that may pass on an infection. In addition, more and more medical professionals these days are using latex gloves for simple procedures that never required gloves in the past, such as checking the pus in a patient?s hand.

As a result of this increased exposure to latex, the occurrence of latex allergy also increased. Also, airborne latex particles have also been inhaled, triggering allergic reactions to people predisposed to develop latex allergy. A study confirmed that cornstarch used to coat the latex for easier use in putting gloves on and off absorbs the proteins and shed them into the air. This results in more people inhaling the particles, prompting latex allergy response.

Another way for you to avoid latex allergy reaction is to get yourself skin or blood-tested to determine if you have a positive response to latex. Knowing whether you have the allergy or not is always the first step in preventing the condition from occurring in the first place. So once you know, you can now take proper steps to avoid what causes your latex allergy.

For skin tests, a small solution of latex components is injected into the skin. The one conducting the test will know if you are allergic if swelling in the area occurs. Another method is blood testing. To test for latex allergy, a sample of your blood is taken and checked for certain types of allergy-producing antibodies, called IgE (immunoglobulin E).

For a person with latex allergy, exposure to latex could result in a number of symptoms, some of them even life-threatening. The signs may include nasal congestion, a runny nose, and asthma-like symptoms, including shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and wheezing. Other symptoms include skin rashes, pus, and itchy skin.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How to cure your incurable nasal allergy?

 Immunoglobulin E is an antibody, which is secreted from the white blood cell as a defense agent in our body. It helps us defending bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, which attack our body. Once the immunoglobulin E attaches to the mast cell, histamine chemical will be secreted from this cell. Histamine is the main cause of nasal allergy. It causes the blood vessel in the mucous membranes swelling and leaking of fluid. Swelling causes congestion inside the nasal passages and the leaking of fluid causes runny nose. When the nasal allergy becomes critical, mucous membranes will become inflammatory and itching.

Because the main cause of the nasal allergy is histamine, therefore, scientist has synthesized a few types of antihistamine medications to block the reaction of histamine with its receptors on cells and reduce the severity of the allergic symptoms. These medications are like diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, fexofenadine, loratadine, cetirizine, terfenadine, clemastine and astemizole. Diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, cetirizine and clemastine will cause drowsiness. While, fexofenadine and loratadine will cause less drowsiness. Terfenadine and astemizole won?t cause any side effect but they have interact effect with some of the antifungal and antibiotics medication

Besides, corticosteroids hormone is used to reduce the inflammation and itching in the nasal passages. Usually, inflammation is coming together with the nasal allergy. Actually, our body could secrete this hormone by itself from the adrenal gland. It controls the sensitivity of our body immune system. If the level of this hormone in our body is too high, it may cause our immune system inert to the attack from viruses or bacteria. If its level is too low, it will cause us become hypersensitive. Nasal allergy is due to the low level of this hormone. Therefore, applying this hormone onto the mucous membranes (topically) as a nasal spray or taken by mouth (orally) could reduce or prevent inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes by altering the actions of various cells of the immune system. Nowadays, this hormone is the most common medication that the medical doctor will prescribe to the patient who suffers critical nasal allergy. However, utilizing this hormone too frequent could cause some side effects such as burning sensation in the nose, unpleasant aftertaste and nosebleeds.

Nasal allergy could be cured by practicing yoga. Yoga is a stretching exercise combining with deep breathing. Many people are turning to yoga to cure various types of illness such as insomnia, anxiety disorders, back pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia , infertility, menopause, shingles, stress and varicose veins. Practicing yoga is more natural than taking medicine and it does not have any side effect as long as you learn it from a qualify instructor. Once you have mastered the technique, you can practice it anytime when you are free.

Nasal allergy also could be cured using natural crystal. The main compound in the crystal is silicon dioxide. The variety of the crystal color is due to the existence of trace amount of transition elements. Different color crystal has different energy. We can see this energy using aura spectrophotometer. Nasal allergy is due to the insufficiency of certain energy in the patient body. By using crystal, nasal allergy patients can increase this energy in their body by absorbing from the crystal. Crystal is a tool that is used to transfer energy from the earth to our body. Our earth is a living planet and there are a lot of creatures living on its surface. Once the crystal energy has been completely consumed, we usually bury this crystal under the soil and let it absorbs the earth energy. Using crystal to cure nasal allergy is the most economic way and easiest method because it can be wore in our body as a wristlet or necklace whenever we want.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Some Natural Allergy Remedies

Approximately one out of every ten Americans suffers from allergies of some type. Allergies are the body's natural reaction to any foreign substance. When the body encounters one of these substances, it produces many different substances, including histamines. Once released into the body, these cause tissue swellings called allergies. Allergies can affect many different parts of the body including the lungs, skins, nasal passages, sinuses, and stomach. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include intestinal pain, bloating, mood swings, exhaustion, throat swelling, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, swelling or bloating of the skin, watery eyes, itchy nose, and sneezing. There are many things that cause allergies including pollen, mold, flowers, dust mites, grass, and spores. Additionally, food and chemicals can be an allergy trigger. The medical community has come up with all sorts of ways to treat allergies, but many people shy away from modern day medicine because of the extensive side effects associated with some of the treatments. It is often the case that the treatment is worse than the cure.

One natural allergy remedy is butterbur. Butterbur is a plant that grows in marshy areas and has three foot leaves. They can be found across Europe, in Asia, and in North America. It is a gentle, natural remedy that is free of antihistamines for those who wish to treat hay fever. It has been used for centuries to treat all sorts of ailments, but it has been found most effective at treating allergy style symptoms. It can also help reduce the muscle spasms associated with allergies. Butterbur is typically taken in tablet form, as the plants themselves can be toxic if not properly processed. The roots are dried, beaten to powder, and combined with other natural ingredients to create the tablet. It is best to take one tablet three times a day, but consult the packaging for more specific instructions.

Another natural allergy remedy is locally grown honey. This product can assist with hay fever and other pollen allergic reactions. It is important to start with small amounts. Approximately a teaspoon per day should help. You must first ensure the honey agrees with your body. If it doesn't, discontinue use immediately. If you notice discomfort in the gastrointestinal area, it is important not to use it again. The goal is to work up to several teaspoons per day to ward off hay fever. If you decide to use honey, be sure to do several things first. Talk to your doctor before you try any natural remedies. Remember that you might have a bad reaction to the honey. Not every treatment works for every person. You should only purchase non-pasteurized honey. The honey should be purchased from a local beekeeper or at a local farmer's market to ensure the freshest quality available is consumed. Try to make sure the honey was collected at the same time of year that you suffer from allergies. This will increase the effectiveness of this cure. To make sure you get the best results possible, use the honey one month before your typical allergy season. Using it in the midst of your difficult season won't be enough. Also, do not heat the honey. It decreases its natural healing properties. One last note, begin with a small amount and increase gradually.

Another natural allergy remedy is green tea. People who regularly consume green tea have noticed that they suffer less from sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes. Green tea is best consumed in purer forms. Don't pollute it with additives like honey, and don't use chemically processed tea either. It is important that you consume at least one cup per day. You should try to work your way up to three cups per day. It does not matter if the tea is consumed hot or cold.

An additional natural allergy remedy is Echinacea. This herb has been known to treat all sorts of problems, including hay fever. It aids in the production of interferon, which assists with decreasing the swelling in tissues, which, in turn, helps stop the runny nose and watery eyes associated with allergies.

One final natural allergy remedy is vitamin C. You become extremely susceptible to allergens if your diet does not contain enough of this essential vitamin. Vitamin C detoxifies foreign substances entering the body and strengthens your cells. Dosages can be up to one thousand milligrams per day.

Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16 year old son. Get your health products at

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How Food Allergy Can Kill Or Save You

Allergies may seem quite a nuisance but few know that it is actually an attempt by our body to save our life! Allergies are our immune systems response to food allergens that can harm the body. People can be allergic to a whole lot of things, a wide range of things in fact, from pollens to cheese, to dust. Reactions are also wide range. Some only exhibit skin reactions such as rashes and itchiness while others report on physiological reactions such as nausea and breathing difficulties.

Allergic reactions are actually caused by our bodies attempt to neutralize the foreign substance through antibodies. This process releases a substance called histamine, which in turn causes the allergic reactions.

One of the most common types of allergy is food allergy. There are, in fact, millions of people who suffer from this ailment. In addition to being largely inconvenient, food allergy can be life-threatening. Unfortunately, finding out what food you are allergic to can only be done through the process of hits and misses. There is no clear cut procedure or diagnostic test that can tell you outright to what food you are allergic to. And like the diagnostic process, there is also no clear-cut procedure on how to treat food allergens. Although there are medicines that will help ease the symptoms and physiological reactions brought on by the allergens, there are no drugs that can completely get rid of the allergy.

Often, food allergens only cause mild symptoms such as itchiness, appearance of rashes that spread all over the body, itchy eyes and runny nose, bouts of sneezing and coughing, vomiting, diarrhea and earaches. While these symptoms can cause you a day?s work at the office, they are not exactly dangerous to your health. There are allergic reactions though that are so severe that it will impede your breathing. This occurs when the mouth, throat and the bronchial tubes swell so much that your breathing area gets blocked. This condition can be accompanied by rashes in the body and a really swollen face.

What is really difficult about dealing with food allergy is that you do not know just how much can you take and how your body will react when it ingests a certain amount. In addition to taking care not to ingest the type of food that you are allergic with, it is also good to determine early on if too much of the food allergen can cause your death.

Here are some of the common food allergens. Take a look and see if the food you are allergic on threatens your life?

Peanuts is perhaps the most dangerous of the lot, not because of the bodily reactions that it can cause but because peanuts are often used as hidden ingredients in a lot of food mixtures. Because of this, people who are allergic to it are often caught unaware.

Another food used as hidden ingredients in so many food mixtures is soy. People should be really careful in eating foods that they are not familiar with especially if they know that their reactions to these foods are severe.

Fish and shellfish can cause severe reactions in some people including difficulty in breathing and nausea.

Milk allergies are also quite common. It involves an allergic reaction to casein, lactalbumin and lactoglobulins, which are all proteins found in milk. Allergic reactions to milk can range from something as mild as rashes to severe cases such as wheezing, asthma, rhinitis, pneumonia and anaphylaxis.

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides allergy resources on

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Friday, November 23, 2007

A Look At Allergy Products

Do allergy products really make a difference? Plenty of specialty products exist, and if you are looking, you can you find products for every room in the home and practically every part of your body. HEPA air filters and filters for your vacuum cleaner; 100% pure cotton bedding and pillows; masks that you can wear at work, at play and at home; cleaning supplies; cases to stuff your mattresses in; throat moisturizers; cosmetics; dehumidifiers; toys that can be washed; the list goes on and on.

Take a peek on the Internet and you?ll find pages of websites offering allergy products of all sorts and all price ranges. Allergy products are big business and to allergy sufferers, these products look to be the answer to all of their suffering.

If you suffer from allergies, you too might be tempted to jump on the allergy products bandwagon. Before you do, it?s important to realize that the answer to whether any of these products work or not is a bit more complicated than it seems on the surface.

Several allergy-related issues need to be addressed before you whip out your credit card. Otherwise the allergy products you select might not be the great deal you had expected. First of all, be certain you know what it is you are allergic to. Are you allergic to pet dander, dust mites, food, grass, or what? If you know, that?s great. If you don?t, you might want to first go through a round of allergy tests to determine your nemesis.

Once you know what it is you are allergic to you then need to spend some time reading the descriptions of the allergy products before you purchase any. Why? Because the allergy products you may be interested in might not be designed to alleviate the allergens that cause your problems. For example, the purpose of an air filter is to remove airborne allergens, the ones that spend the majority of their time suspended in air, like pet dander.

Dust mite droppings are only in the air a short time, when they?re first released or when a vacuum cleaner stirs them up from their resting place on the ground. An expensive air filter won?t benefit you if you are sensitive to dust mites. However, a casing to enclose your mattress or your pillows will, as these are designed to keep the allergens from coming into contact with you.

Getting back to air filters, most are not effective for dealing with plant-based allergens, even though these are considered airborne allergens. In the case of ragweed, grass clippings and other such irritants, it is better to keep these from entering the home in the first place by closing doors and windows and running an air conditioner.

Are you beginning to understand what is involved with selecting the right allergy products? When in doubt, the best advice is to discuss the subject of allergy products with your allergist. You?re more likely to get an accurate, unbiased answer to your questions about allergy products.

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for To learn more about treating allergies and allergy products, visit our site.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Asthma Allergy - Current Medical Treatment

Among all allergic and respiratory-related diseases, asthma allergy makes up the majority. Asthma allergy is perhaps one of the leading causes of respiratory illness among children and young adults although this condition may progress a lifetime.

While it is considered an allergy, asthma is so prevalent (especially among children) that it deserves to be addressed in its own chapter.

Proper care and health maintenance is essential to warding off the debilitating repercussions of exposure to irritants which could trigger all the symptoms underlying such disease.

What exactly is Asthma allergy?

Asthma allergy is a chronic lung disease characterized by difficulty of breathing, wheezing, coughing, and increased mucus production during recurrent attacks. These same symptoms can cause death in some cases depending on the severity of the amount of allergens involved and antihistamine molecules produced by the body enough to block the airways for the transportation of air to the lungs.

Around 7 to 10% of children experience the condition and current statistics shows an increasing number of sufferers. Asthma allergy does not seem to be an inherited disease since a family member, who apparently do not have relatives exhibiting the symptoms of the disease, can be infected anytime should he or she is exposed to environmental factors triggering the onset of the disease.

People with this medical condition have a very sensitive bronchial pathway. Presence of molecules or particles recognized by the body as foreign can set a huge allergic attack characteristic of the condition described above.

From a medical point of view, asthma is a type of allergy. Allergy is defined as a change in the body's biological activity due to the presence of one or more types of allergens (substance promoting the symptoms of allergy.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, more than 50 million Americans are suffering from allergy and currently 20 million individuals, comprising the wide-range of America's population experiences the symptoms of asthma.

Causes of Asthma allergies

The causes of asthma allergies are the same as for other allergies we have discussed. Causes can be in the form of dust, certain chemicals, scents, and various odors. Other trigger factors may be in the form of temperature. Cold or hot air can provoke allergic reactions to patients sensitive to them. In any case, allergic reactions are specific to individuals and not all individuals suffering from allergy responds universally to all types allergens.

Particularly interesting clients are the ones allergic to some forms of physical activity like exercise. In the same manner, emotional state is one factor for some individuals in order for the characteristic asthma symptoms to set in.

Among all these influential agents, smoke has been found to occupy the universally recognized trigger attacks for patients with asthma allergy especially for children. At least 8 out of 10 children are more prone to developing asthmatic conditions once exposed to these agents.

Perhaps, as society becomes industrialized and increased fume emissions accelerates, more and more people will develop symptoms characteristic of this disease.

Who Are at Risk?

Statistical data shows that asthma allergy is not a discriminating disease. It affects people of all ages, race, culture, color and gender.

Especially predisposed to developing such illness are people who are exposed to heavy car or industrial emissions and filthy surroundings. 10 to 12% of children averaging 18 years of age are the common target.

Additionally, individuals whose relatives have a history of such illness are more at risk in manifesting such condition in the future.

Latest Diagnostic Device and Treatments

Gone are the days when people die of symptoms and complications involved in asthmatic attacks. Due to the development of studies and research in asthma allergies and other forms of allergies, treatment and varying levels of diagnosis were introduced to properly treat the symptoms typical of asthma allergy.

But basically, one first hand "cure" or initial activity to be done in the management of asthma allergy is to avoid the source of the allergens to which the individual is allergic to.

For example, if the individual is allergic to dust, staying indoors may help reduce the probability of allergic occurrence. In any case, consulting a family doctor or an immunologist will provide you the most practical and wise information regarding dealing with individuals experiencing such condition and recommendations which will keep you from attacks you would rather stay away from.

Mihail Fortomas is a teacher of Biology and his site introduces you to what you need to know to get allergy relief! Visit:

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Anti Allergy Products by Nutricology

Nutricology Research Group

Nutricology/Allergy Research Group products have set the standard for hypoallergenic nutritional supplements since our inception in 1979. These products are the purest and highest quality obtainable and are generally made without yeast, corn, wheat, soy, dairy products, flavorings, colors, salt, sugar, starch, common preservatives, binders and excipients. The only ingredients are those listed on the label, except where refined micro-crystalline cellulose is used as filler and silicon dioxide is used as a flow agent. To ensure optimal stability, our products are stored in humidity and temperature controlled environment. Although Nutricology/Allergy Research Group supplements were designed with the allergic individual in mind, they may be used by anyone since they are generally the cleanest and purest available.

Nutricology/Allergy Research Group endeavor to explore, develop and access new and innovative health products to improve the quality of life for all of us. Nutricology rely on scientific research and collaboration with other experts in the biomedical field to insure state of the art, hypoallergenic, when possible, formulations containing the purest, highest quality ingredients.

For user Information Artemisinin description by Nutricology Resarch Group

Artemisinin or Qinghaosu, the active constituent of the herb Artemisia annua (sweet wormwood). Good quality Artemisia annua contains 0.3-0.5% artemisinin, so pure artemisinin provides hundreds of times more of the active constituent artemisinin than the whole herb itself. Research has shown artemisinin to be particularly beneficial in balancing the microbiology of the GI tract.

Nutricology Research Group introduced artemisinin to the U.S. market more than a decade ago. ARG does independent potency assays on every batch (using HPLC), and independent tests verify its effectiveness. ARG artemisinin is minimum 98.5% pure, and does not contain thujone.

For more detailed description & Products:

Herbs & Nutrition Analys

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Maintaining An Allergy Free Environment Using Air Filters

If you have allergies caused by substances and microorganisms in the air, air filters are the solution to your needs. Allergy sufferers will want to grab the product which will improve their suffering. If you are allergic to airborne substances and microorganisms like dust mites or pollen, using an air purifier or an air filter can help you.

But, the degree of relief depends upon many other factors that are under your control. One type of air filter is the ionic air purifier. There are other kinds of air purifiers that may better suit your needs. There are filters that use electric attraction, and carbon filters to further cleanse and remove the impurities in the air. There are also filters which are placed in your home?s A/C unit. Through this, the filter cleans the air that is ventilated throughout your house. This would definitely increase the air quality in your house. If you are allergic to dust, then you should know the most effective ways to remove dust in your home. Using air purifiers is one solution. These aim to reduce the allergenic substances in your environment that is surrounding your home.

So what is an air purifier? An air purifier is equipment which is normally located in one room or area, and its primary job is to cleanse and filter the air. An air purifier may work differently depending upon its model and what it is made of. There are those units that you are obliged to clean and check on every once in a while and need replacement periodically. Some purifiers use a method of ionization to capture and remove allergen particles in the air and force airborne particulates to stick to exterior surfaces and the air cleaner sucks them up later on.

Using air purifiers is very beneficial to many families. Some families have air purifiers in each of their rooms and bedrooms. These filters, however, require regular cleaning. Some doctors recommend not using carpets and using vinyl flooring instead. Dust mite encasements are advised for use on all beddings in the house to prevent dust mites. Some families even have a portable air filter they take with them while they are on their vacation to ensure that they stay in a hotel room that is as safe as their house.

If you are using an air filter that needs some replacement or cleansing on a regular basis, you should examine it periodically to lengthen the life of your equipment. However, be careful in examining and checking the equipment. Follow the instructions or hire heating or cooling personnel to check it and replace parts. To ensure that you completely remove the dust, be sure to steam clean the carpets or remove carpeting altogether.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Health related topics. To access more articles on air filters or for additional information about breathing clean air, visit this air filters related website.

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The Sweet Smell of a Perfume Allergy

Ah....the sweet, smell of perfume! Today's market is flooded with hundreds and hundreds of different fragrances ranging from floral to woodsy. Most women love the smell of perfume, wearing it even when going to the grocery store. The problem is that perfume allergy for some women, is anything but nice.

Keep in mind that a perfume allergy is not limited to the woman who wears it. For some people, men and women, just being around someone wearing perfume can have a devastating effect. Even regular household cleansers, air fresheners, fabric softener, scented candles, potpourri, hair spray, and shampoo can produce the same reaction. Although the smell of perfume might trigger a headache or rash, the more severe problem is a full-blown asthma attack.

Having a perfume allergy is not something new. Unfortunately, many people are affected by the smell of perfume, especially when in a confined space. For instance, individuals working in an office environment might not have a choice but to be around someone wearing perfume. In this case, the only real solution is to request those individuals to stop wearing perfume to work (some may) or to ask if your desk can be seated in a different area. The problem is that not all companies are accommodating, meaning a new job must be found.

The good news is that because a perfume allergy can produce such a serious reaction as asthma or an anaphylactic shock, you will find a number of products now on the market that are fragrance free. Many of these items are found in organic stores although traditional grocery stores are now trying to cater to all customers. Because you cannot control who does and does not wear perfume, you have to take steps to protect yourself if you have a perfume allergy. This might include letting a job interview know, wearing a mask, or perhaps taking medication.

If you notice that you have symptoms of itchy eyes, runny nose, wheezing, or coughing when wearing perfume or being around other people that do then chances are you are having a reaction. Interestingly, many people have a perfume allergy but blame it on other things, never even considering that fragrance could be the problem. Sometimes, even doctors miss a perfume allergy simply because they are more accustomed to treating seasonal allergies, pet allergies, and other forms of allergy.

In addition, remember that while you might be allergic to some perfumes, it is possible that not all fragrances will create a reaction. The reason is that performs are made up of varying chemicals so while one chemical may trigger a reaction, other chemicals might not. Therefore, it is important that you pay attention to your surroundings, taking note if you can pinpoint these symptoms specific to fragrance.

By Grant Segall - You can find this article here -

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

How to Arrange Food Allergy Testing

If you have a food allergy it is essential that you identify it as soon as possible so that you can avoid problem foods.

Food allergy testing is the only way to identify a food allergy. Once you are aware of your food allergies, you can ensure that you do not eat the foods which are harmful to your body.

If you are allergic to certain foods your immune system releases large doses of chemicals when they are eaten to protect your body from them. The problem is that these chemicals produce a variety of symptoms that can be severe and sometimes, life threatening.

Food allergies can be identified by carrying out food allergy testing. However, there are only 90 NHS allergy clinics in the UK. This means that if you want food allergy testing on the NHS , you might have to wait a long time. Therefore, you might want to arrange food allergy testing privately. If so, you have two main options:

Food Allergy Skin Prick Test

A food allergy skin prick test uses a small needle to gently prick the skin through fluid containing a known allergen to see how it reacts to it. If you have a food allergy, your skin will go red and itchy and a small white swelling will develop. This will fade within a matter of hours.

The food allergy skin prick test provides a clear "yes or no" result as to whether or not you have a food allergy. It is not painful and the results are generally available very quickly.

Food Allergy Blood Test

The food allergy blood test allows you to analysis your reaction to over 400 different allergens.

It involves a sample of your blood being taken and sent to a laboratory where it is tested for levels of IgE. IgE triggers the release of histamines into the bloodstream when the body is exposed to a food or substance which it is allergic to.

You can find places where you can have food allergy testing by searching on the internet or alternatively by asking your doctor for a recommendation.

Elizabeth Harfleet is a Manchester nutritionist specialising in food allergy testing

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Natural Allergy cures , How to cure your allergies ?

Tips for natural allergy cures

Allergies are the immune system's exaggerated response to a foreign substance.

Exposure to what is normally a harmless substance, such as pollen, causes the immune system to react as if the substance is harmful. Substances that cause allergies are called allergens.

Obtaining natural allergy relief and allergy cures by taking herbs and vitamins are the best route to take without incurring side effects.

Environmental elements such as dust, pollen, and mold seep into your sinuses.

Your body perceives these substances as harmful and reacts by producing histamines.

These histamines come in the form of itching eyes and an itching, runny nose.

One of the most common sinus allergy afflictions is due to hay fever and ragweed. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to your environment.

Hay fever is a chronic condition characterized by sneezing, nasal congestion, runny and itching nose, ears and eyes.

Doctors call it allergic rhinitis.

Most people know it as hay fever and if you've got it - - as 22 million Americans do - - you're likely to be plagued during the spring and fall seasons by such annoying symptoms as sneezing, congestion, runny nose, itchy throat and red, watery eyes.

Hay fever is basically an allergic reaction to pollens from trees, weed and grasses.

Unlike garden flower pollen, which is carried by insects, the dry lightweight pollens which cause allergic rhinitis are generally spread by wind currents which make them difficult to avoid.

Signs and Symptoms of Hay Fever :

* Itchy, red eyes

* Clear discharge from the nose and eyes

* Sneezing

* Fatigue

* Nervousness, irritability

* Sleep loss

Nutritional Supplementation for allergy cures:

* Quercetin stabilizes the membranes of the cells that release histamine. * Echinacea is a natural health remedy to boost the immune system.

* Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory. Take daily, or as needed for symptoms.

*Placing sliced cucumbers on the eyes will help relieve red, itchy eyes.

*Nettle leaf reduces tissue swelling.

* A steam inhalation treatment of basil, peppermint, eucalyptus, or pine can help ease congestion.

* Tiger Balm (available in most stores) contains a blend of beneficial herbs in a wax base. Apply liberally to the chest and neck to help alleviate nasal congestion.

General Recommendations:

* Stay indoors as much as possible during the "allergy season." Keep windows shut and use the air-conditioner when possible. Especially avoid going outdoors in the afternoon, as this is when allergens are at their worst.

* Avoid tobacco smoke.

*Shower and change when you come indoors after spending time outside. Pollen can stick to your hair and clothing.

* Keep pets either inside or outside.

* Try using an air purifier and filter in your home. Make sure and keep the filters to your heater/air conditioner clean (or replace them regularly).

* A study at the University of California-Davis found that eating yogurt every day significantly reduced the incidence of hay fever attacks.

The above remedies take a little time to work, if you want much faster relief, Please visit here

May these health insights and allergy cures help you to live a longer, healthy and happy life.

Raymond Entwistle is author of " How to blast your allergies away forever !". He has been researching herbal remedies for many years. He has discovered his original allergies relief remedy.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Living With A Food Allergy


Living with a food allergy can be a daunting experience. Many people have a food allergy which ranges from mild to severe. There are people who experience a light red rash after eating something they are allergic to while others can face death if they even touch the food that causes their allergy.

A very common type of food allergy is to eggs. Many children develop this food allergy when they are infants. The parents have to be conscious of each and everything the child consumes. This means reading all the labels of the foods that you serve the child and informing the child care provider and school of the allergy. Egg substitute can be used when baking cakes or breads so the child doesn?t feel left out.

A food allergy to eggs is usually outgrown. The child may experience the symptoms for several years and once they have matured the parent in consultation with a physician can reintroduce egg products into the child?s diet.

Another food allergy that is common in infants is an allergy to wheat. This again, is an allergy that children tend to outgrow but until that time every product they consume has to be checked to see if it contains wheat. The obvious offenders are things like bread and muffin but there can be wheat in other products including breakfast cereals and even some types of candy.

A food allergy that can be very severe is an allergy to peanuts. When a child or an adult has a peanut allergy there is a chance that they can go into food anaphylaxis and die. Although peanut allergies are one of the most common types of food allergy there are still people dying each year from unintended exposure to peanuts.

It?s vitally important for parents to warn their child about the dangers of peanuts if they do have this particular type of food allergy. The child might not be old enough to fully grasp the consequences but as they mature it?s very important to constantly remind them that they can become very ill if they eat anything that has peanuts in it.

Many schools now have a no peanut policy. They have enforced this because of the children that suffer from a peanut food allergy. Children are not permitted to bring certain food items to school including peanut butter sandwiches or chocolate bars that contain peanuts. Although some parents complain about this restriction it should be viewed as more of a life saving measure.

When a person grows up with a food allergy they quickly become aware of what foods they can and cannot eat. Part of this stems from the repeated reminders of the parents but it also comes from the child and later adult?s desire to remain healthy.

If someone in your home does suffer from a food allergy it?s wise to keep that food out of the home completely. One of the reasons is obvious and that?s the person with the allergy will be safer without the offending item in their presence. Another good reason to refrain from purchasing the product is that the person with the allergy won?t feel left out if no one in their family is consuming the thing they cannot have. Think of it as a wonderful way to support them.Allergy Resources and Information around it

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Allergy Management


These days of increasing pollution levels mean that more and more people are becoming victims of a variety of allergens, which are the various substances that cause an allergic reaction. These can be anything from a certain type of food coloring to pet dander or even a certain chemical that is present in seafood. There are also more and more children being born with allergies, so there is an all-over rise in the incidence of allergies. Given the impact that allergies can have on a person?s life, there are a variety of devices available that can help to decrease the advent of certain allergens in a specific environment. This has helped make the lives of many people who have severe allergies a lot easier and raised their quality of life.

There are, however, no methods of curing allergies and therefore the best measure that can be taken is to create an environment where the occurrence of the allergens is greatly reduced. The severity of the allergy also has a bearing on what measures must be taken to ensure that there are no allergens present in a given environment. For example, if the allergen is contained in food then especially stringent measures must be taken to ensure that none is mixed with other food, since the worst type of allergy reactions tend to be when somebody swallows something that contains the allergen.

The worst allergic reaction is when a person goes into anaphylactic shock, which can lead to death if not treated in time. Even if the allergy is not as severe as that, there is still the everyday discomfort that will lower the quality of life for anyone who has to live with this. The type and severity of the allergy will be the determining steps when deciding what steps need to be taken to ensure that person suffering from the allergy is kept out of harms way. The simplest step is to avoid the source of the allergens, but in some cases this may well be impossible.

One of the most common allergies is stated as being allergic to ?dust?, this is however a misconception. There are very few people who are actually allergic to dust, but there are a very large portion of people who are allergic to dust mites and their excretions. These dust mites are commonly found in household dust, pet dander and feathers. There are very few people that can create an environment that is completely free of these allergens without going to massive expense. There are however products available that can decrease the amount of these allergens in the immediate environment, particularly in the bed room.

There are products available that can decrease the occurrence of allergens that commonly occur in the home. These can help to return the standard of living for those with mild allergies to that of those who do not suffer from allergies. These products can also help those who suffer from severe allergies, but are unlikely to completely eliminate the source of the allergy, depending on what exactly the source is. The biggest aid to those with severe allergies is a constant supply of anti-histamines. The products will help to stop the further aggravation of the allergic reactions.

All allergies information has been researched and written by Juliette Pickup

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Monday, November 12, 2007

10 Simple Steps Help To You Bag Allergy-Causing Dust Mites


10 Simple Steps Help You Defeat Dust Mites

Beds are the most popular stomping grounds and breeding grounds -- for dust mites, those ugly, microscopic creatures that can cause allergies and make asthma worse.

Recently, researchers in coastal Australia -- which has a humid climate where house dust mite levels are high -- found that using special coverings on mattresses and pillows and specially washing other bedding reduced dust mite levels 30% after four weeks, and their levels remained about the same for the rest of the six-month trial.

It's not dust that causes people to wheeze and sneeze; it's the eight-legged arthropods, smaller than the period at the end of this sentence that are natural inhabitants of indoor environments. The droppings of these mites are the most common trigger of continual, nonseasonal allergies and asthma symptoms, especially in humid regions, where dust mites tend to thrive throughout the home.

The most important finding, according to lead researcher Carl Vanlaar, PhD, is that even in an environment where house dust mites thrive, it is possible for people to substantially reduce the mites and the substances they produce that cause allergies, called allergens.

Using simple procedures, such as putting special coverings on mattresses and pillows and rigorously washing the rest of the bedding, can help you score points in the war against these Star Wars alien-like creatures, says Vanlaar, who is an allergen research scientist at the Institute of Respiratory Medicine at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney. The study appeared in a recent issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, with funding from the Asthma Foundation of New South Wales.

In the trial, researchers tested 14 beds in seven households. In half the beds -- occupied by children with allergy symptoms -- they washed all bed coverings with Acaril, a mite killer containing 30% benzyl benzoate as the active ingredient. They also vacuumed the bedding and floors, and covered mattresses and pillows with special coverings. The benzyl benzoate wash was repeated every two months during the trial and again four months later.

In the other seven beds -- which were occupied by the allergic children's siblings -- the researchers did nothing special. They found that there was a substantial reduction in the amount of allergen caused by dust mites in the study children's beds compared to the other children's beds.

There have been several other studies looking at ways of controlling mites and their allergens in the home. Some methods, such as the use of benzyl benzoate powders, have been very limited in their effectiveness.

"Studies targeting allergens in beds -- such as our own study -- have had variable levels of success depending on the [method] used, or the studies took place in climates unfavorable for dust mite survival, such as in northern Europe," says Vanlaar. He adds that in this test, they opted for washing the upper bed coverings rather than encasing them because when the upper covering is encased, the bed can become somewhat hot and uncomfortable.

Michael Ruff, MD, spokesman for the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, agrees with the Australian findings. "This study proves that even allergy and asthma sufferers living in areas with high humidity can benefit from these steps." Ruff says washing bedding in extremely hot water once a week and encasing pillows and mattresses in allergen-resistant covers are the easiest and most effective ways to reduce allergen levels in the home.

Vanlaar says the next step is to test whether this method of allergen control in bedding is enough to reduce allergy symptoms in individuals with current symptoms of asthma, and to help prevent allergies and subsequent asthma in high-risk infants.

"We are already investigating the second item by conducting a large ... trial -- the Childhood Asthma Prevention Study -- in which we are treating the cots of approximately 300 babies who are in a high-risk group for asthma, based on a family history of asthma," by washing and encasing the bedding like they did in the current study. To start your own grassroots campaign against the little critters, the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends that you follow these 10 steps for defeating dust mites in the home:

Start in the bedroom:

* Since most dust mites live in mattresses, put an airtight plastic or polyurethane cover on every mattress.

* Wash sheets and blankets in very hot water every week.

* Wash bed pillows every week or put a plastic cover on them. (The pillowcase goes over the plastic cover.)

* If possible, bedrooms should have a hardwood, tile, or linoleum floor. These surfaces are easier to keep clean than carpet.

* If you have to have carpet, try not to place the carpet on concrete. The warm space between a rug and concrete is a good place for mites to live.

* For carpeting, spray the rug with a solution of 3% tannic acid every two months to kill the dust mites. Ask your doctor how to use this solution, and whether it is right for your family.

In the rest of the house:

* Vacuum all carpets and upholstery every week. Vacuums with high-efficiency filters pick up more dust mites, but even standard vacuums work well.

* Furniture that has a polyurethane cover over its padding helps. Plastic or wooden furniture that doesn't have much padding can also help keep down the number of dust mites in the home.

* Because dust mites love warm, humid places, running your air conditioner and keeping the humidity low make a difference.

* Don't bother with special air filters -- they won't help children with asthma or allergies.

Check out this website to see more Carpet Cleaning Options

Samantha is a writer, a market strategist and an online business entrepreneur, that writes articles to help people be aware of important information and facts that they might not know.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

What is Allergy Induced Asthma?

One of the more common forms of asthma is allergy induced asthma. When someone is exposed to an allergen - a substance to which their body is sensitive - they may produce 'histamines', which cause inflammation and irritation as they work to rid the body of the allergen. In the case of allergy induced asthma, the histamines go to work on the bronchial passages and lungs, making it difficult for the allergic person to breathe.

The incidence of allergy induced asthma has grown almost geometrically in recent years, and scientists aren't quite sure why. They suspect that part of the reason may be the increased exposure of children to some common allergens. This seems to be borne out by population based studies - African-American and Hispanic children living in the inner city are far more likely to develop allergy induced asthma than Caucasian children in the same cities, and even those children are more likely to develop allergy induced asthma than suburban and rural children of the same socioeconomic level.

A number of reasons have been advanced for the disparity, but the most likely is simply that Black and Hispanic children are far more likely to live in the most crowded old neighborhoods of the city. Crowding is the biggest risk factor for the presence of common household pests like cockroaches and rodents, and cockroach parts and rodent droppings are two of the most common allergens in children with allergy induced asthma.

Diagnosing Allergy Induced Asthma

Doctors will diagnose asthma differently depending on the age of the patient. Children under five, for instance, may find it difficult to follow instructions for breathing capacity tests. Doctors will often use history, both the child's and the family medical history, to help determine the possibility of asthma. Often, if asthma is suspected, the doctor will prescribe a bronchodilator. If it helps, the diagnosis is confirmed.

In older children and adults, doctors may perform a series of breathing capacity tests with a peak flow meter and a spirometer to help determine the extent of an asthma problem.

Generally, doctors don't use allergy tests to diagnose asthma, but if there's a reason to believe that a specific allergen is a problem, allergic dermatitis tests may be used to confirm or rule out possible allergens. Knowing that a specific substance or food is a problem can help you avoid it and reduce your risk of asthma attacks.

Treating Allergy Induced Asthma

The good news is that interventions to reduce exposure to allergens seems to be as effective a treatment for allergy induced asthma as corticosteroid inhalers. If your child has been diagnosed with allergy induced asthma, there are ways that you can help control your child's symptoms. Besides using inhalers and nebulizers as directed by your doctor, you can also keep your home - and especially your child's bedroom - as close to allergen free as possible. Mattress covers, pillow cases, air filters and pest control measures can reduce your child's exposure to allergens that cause allergy induced asthma to worsen into acute stages.

Visit for more information on living with asthma and treatments for asthma

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Artemisinin by Nutricology/Allergy Research Group


Description of Artemisinin : Pure artemisinin or Qinghaosu, the active constituent of the herb Artemesia annua (sweet wormwood). Good quality Artemesia annua contains 0.3-0.5% artemisinin, so pure Artemisinin provides hundreds of times more of the active constituent artemisinin than the whole herb itself. Research has shown artemisinin to be particularly beneficial in balancing the microbiology of the GI tract.

Suggested Use for Artemisinin : As a dietary supplement, 1-2 capsules one or two times daily before meals, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Sensitive individuals may want to take with food.

Warning for Artemisinin : Contraindicated for pregnant or nursing women. Artemisinin produces an oxidizing effect in the stomach and intestines. Long term administration greater than 2 or 3 months should be monitored by a healthcare practitioner. Combining with antioxidants or iron may theoretically decrease effectiveness. Detoxification reactions may be experienced by some individuals.

Ingredients of Artemisinin : Supplement Facts

Serving Size : 1 Capsule

Artemisinin 100 mg Other Ingredients: Cellulose, magnesium stearate.

HerbMark.Com - Alternative Health products, Vitamins, Supplements, Herbs and Beauty products on discount prices. We also offers free Shipping.

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19 Is Life-Threatening Allergy Day

19 Is Life-Threatening Allergy Day

 by: News Canada

(NC)-If you have a child, or if you yourself have a life-threatening allergy, mark the calendar on Thursday, Sept. 19.Shoppers Drug Mart/Pharmaprix is holding a HealthWatch for Children Day focussing on this subject at more than 800 locations across Canada. Pharmacists will conduct a one-on-one educational session with allergic individuals, parents, or caregivers of children with food and other life-threatening allergies. This will include a demonstration of how to properly administer medication with a spring-loaded injector; how to recognize early symptoms; and what to do should an anaphylactic reaction occur.

"If a qualified allergist has determined that someone has a potentially life-threatening allergy, then that person needs to know how to avoid their particular trigger and how to proceed in the event of an unexpected reaction. It is important to be prepared and to act swiftly," says Jane Salter, President of Anaphylaxis Canada. "Unlike milder allergic reactions (hay fever, eczema), anaphylaxis reflects extreme activity of the immune system and can lead to compromise of all body systems. The most worrying signs and symptoms relate to the heart and lungs. Foods account for approximately 50% of fatal anaphylaxis reactions and peanut is the food most commonly associated with death.

"While most reactions occur shortly after contact, a few may be delayed one or two hours. Early injection of adrenaline (epinephrine) is the cornerstone of therapy. While the first symptoms can be very mild, it is important to stop the reaction at this point before it gets out of hand. As a dose of epinephrine lasts for only 10 or 20 minutes, patients should carry one dose for every 15 minutes travel time to a medical facility (to a maximum of three doses). Many reactions recur within four to six hours. Hence, if someone has had a reaction, it is important that they remain in a hospital setting for several hours."

On the HealthWatch for Children Day, a special pharmacist-directed clinic will guide parents through the most important aspects of these concerns during private 20-minute appointments. As part of the session, parents will be provided with:

  • a HealthWatch brochure, Food Allergies and Intolerance.

  • a fanny pack for children, large enough to hold two doses of epinephrine.

  • laminated instructions on how to administer the medication with an auto-injector, which can be carried around in the fanny pack.

Anaphylaxis Canada, and Association Quebecois des Allergies Alimentaires have endorsed the Shoppers Drug Mart/Pharmaprix initiative on this important health focus, and suggest that the Sept. 19 information day will go a long way to provide information and clarification. Contact your local Shoppers Drug Mart/Pharmaprix for an appointment.

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News Canada is a niche service in public relations, offering access to print, radio, television, and now the Internet media, with ready-to-use, editorial "fill" items. Monitoring and analysis are two more of our primary services. The service supplies access to the national media for marketers in the private, the public, and the not-for-profit sectors. Your corporate and product news, consumer tips and information are packaged in a variety of ready-to-use formats and are made available to every Canadian media organization including weekly and daily newspapers, cable and commercial television stations, radio stations, as well as the Web sites Canadians visit most often. Visit News Canada and learn more about the NC services.

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Driving Tips For Allergy Sufferers


Driving Tips For Allergy Sufferers

 by: News Canada

(NC)-Did you know that some medications can cause drowsiness which could affect your ability to drive your vehicle safely?

In particular, sedating antihistamines commonly used in the treatment of allergy symptoms can cause drowsiness at the wheel. If a medication does not say non-drowsy on the box then it usually means it is sedating. An allergy medication that is sedating could do any of the following:

  • Decrease your ability to learn

  • Decrease your attention span

  • Provoke memory loss

  • Interfere with your coordination and the precision of your movements

  • And cause inexplicable mood swings

All of these symptoms not only affect your productivity, they also affect your safety and that of others. Just think

about how a sedating medication could impair your driving skills. Safe driving simultaneously requires attentiveness, excellent coordination, quick reflexes and good memory. A medication that is sedating could affect any of these requirements and could therefore affect your driving.

Not all allergy medications are created equal. There are non-sedating alternatives available like Claritin that will relieve the sneezing and itching of the nose, eyes and throat while letting you perform to the maximum of your abilities.

Here are some helpful safety tips from the allergy experts at Claritin that you can consider before you take the wheel:

  • Look for the words non-drowsy, or non-sedating on the package of your allergy medication. In other words, any other expression or word combination may be misleading. If you're not sure about what you're buying, ask your pharmacist to explain the different wording.

  • Avoid the misconception that certain stimulants like coffee will keep you alert over an extended time period. Coffee or other sources of caffeine are short-term stimulants only.

  • Avoid alcohol: even small amounts can affect your driving, especially if combined with certain medications.

For more information on how to control allergies this season call 1-800-665-1507 or visit

News Canada provides a wide selection of current, ready-to-use copyright free news stories and ideas for Television, Print, Radio, and the Web.

News Canada is a niche service in public relations, offering access to print, radio, television, and now the Internet media, with ready-to-use, editorial "fill" items. Monitoring and analysis are two more of our primary services. The service supplies access to the national media for marketers in the private, the public, and the not-for-profit sectors. Your corporate and product news, consumer tips and information are packaged in a variety of ready-to-use formats and are made available to every Canadian media organization including weekly and daily newspapers, cable and commercial television stations, radio stations, as well as the Web sites Canadians visit most often. Visit News Canada and learn more about the NC services.

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Monday, November 5, 2007

To Weed Out Allergy Attacks While Gardening

 To Weed Out Allergy Attacks While Gardening

 by: News Canada

(NC)-Did you know that gardening is the second most popular physical activity for Canadians?

According to the experts, all that pulling and digging makes your heart, lungs and muscles strong. Stretching and bending increases your flexibility. It's good for the soul. There's no better feeling than watching a seedling burst from a tiny seed.

Gardening can give you constant rewards such as fresh vegetables or beautiful flowers and a well cared for lawn is a great source of pride.

For gardening enthusiasts, the spring does not come soon enough. For those who suffer seasonal allergies, it comes too soon. Pollen from trees, grasses and weeds, as well as mould spores in warmer months cause sneezing, runny nose, itchy watery eyes and nasal congestion. In severe cases, sore throats and coughs can develop.

Here's a quick list of important pollen sources to be aware of when gardening:

  • Trees (oak, elm, birch, hickory, cottonwood, maple, ash)

  • Grasses (meadow fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, orchard, timothy, redtop, Bermuda)

  • Weeds (ragweed, cocklebur, marsh elder, sagebrush, mugwort, pigweed and tumbleweed).

You may be able to limit the numbers of allergy attacks you have by staying indoors and installing air purifiers in your home. But for Canadians who can't wait to get their hands dirty in the outdoors effective non-drowsy antihistamine medications like Claritin can help control your allergy symptoms and make you more comfortable without the drowsiness that accompanies other antihistamine treatments.

The more you know about your allergy the better you can control it. For the most up to date forecast of seasonal allergy triggers in your area watch for the Claritin Pollen Report on the Weather Network. Using the latest meteorological data, the 60-second report provides pollen level estimates for the coming 24 hours - in addition to current tree, grass and ragweed pollen levels. You can catch the report 24 hours a day on the Weather Network at 28 minutes past the hour.

So if you love to watch the flowers bloom but hate allergies keep track of the pollen count and ask your pharmacist to help you dig up the treatment that's right for you.

News Canada provides a wide selection of current, ready-to-use copyright free news stories and ideas for Television, Print, Radio, and the Web.

News Canada is a niche service in public relations, offering access to print, radio, television, and now the Internet media, with ready-to-use, editorial "fill" items. Monitoring and analysis are two more of our primary services. The service supplies access to the national media for marketers in the private, the public, and the not-for-profit sectors. Your corporate and product news, consumer tips and information are packaged in a variety of ready-to-use formats and are made available to every Canadian media organization including weekly and daily newspapers, cable and commercial television stations, radio stations, as well as the Web sites Canadians visit most often. Visit News Canada and learn more about the NC services.

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

To Protect Allergy Sufferers In Your Home

 To Protect Allergy Sufferers In Your Home

 by: News Canada

(NC)-For those who suffer from allergies the spring season comes much too soon. It's a time when allergy symptoms can be at their worst. Pollen levels rise during the spring as trees and flowers begin to bloom causing sneezing, runny nose, itchy watery eyes and nasal congestion.

Thankfully, there's no place like home to escape from these airborne allergens. Or is there? Dust, mold and other allergens can also make a home seem unbearable for allergy sufferers.

The good news is that there are ways to reduce these irritants and make your home a haven from outdoor pollen and mould spore attacks.

There are a number of preventative steps that the estimated one in five Canadians who suffer from allergies can take to reduce the number of allergens in their living spaces. The most effective and simple steps involve sanitizing your environment with a thorough cleaning.

If you don't want outdoor pollen, dust, dust mites and mould to be "at home" with you, here are a few suggestions:

  • In the bedroom, discourage dust mites by encasing mattresses, pillows and box springs in airtight or allergen-proof casings and/or regularly vacuum them. Sheets should be washed weekly in hot water to kill dust mites. Use comforters and pillows made of synthetic fiber and replace synthetic pillows every two or three years.

  • In the bathroom, the biggest problem may be mold. Wash the tile behind the tub, shower doors and around the sink with an anti-fungal cleaner. Replace vinyl shower curtain liners regularly.

  • Wash curtains, drapes, bedding and children's stuffed animals in hot water to eliminate dust.

  • Keep pets and their animal danders out of bedrooms.

  • Keep furnishings, household decorations and collections of knickknacks to a minimum. The fewer surfaces on which dust can collect, the easier your home will be to clean.

  • Get rid of house plants. They are a major source of mould and dust.

  • Remove carpets and replace them with tiled or wooden floors.

  • Have furnaces serviced, ducts cleaned and appropriate filters put on the furnace and the vents. Keep humidifiers and air conditioners clean.

For more information on coping with allergies contact 1-800-665-1507 or visit

News Canada provides a wide selection of current, ready-to-use copyright free news stories and ideas for Television, Print, Radio, and the Web.

News Canada is a niche service in public relations, offering access to print, radio, television, and now the Internet media, with ready-to-use, editorial "fill" items. Monitoring and analysis are two more of our primary services. The service supplies access to the national media for marketers in the private, the public, and the not-for-profit sectors. Your corporate and product news, consumer tips and information are packaged in a variety of ready-to-use formats and are made available to every Canadian media organization including weekly and daily newspapers, cable and commercial television stations, radio stations, as well as the Web sites Canadians visit most often. Visit News Canada and learn more about the NC services.

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How To Cure Your Incurable Nasal Allergy

 How To Cure Your Incurable Nasal Allergy

 by: Alexander Chong

Immunoglobulin E is an antibody, which is secreted from the white blood cell as a defense agent in our body. It helps us defending bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, which attack our body. Once the immunoglobulin E attaches to the mast cell, histamine chemical will be secreted from this cell. Histamine is the main cause of nasal allergy. It causes the blood vessel in the mucous membranes swelling and leaking of fluid. Swelling causes congestion inside the nasal passages and the leaking of fluid causes runny nose. When the nasal allergy becomes critical, mucous membranes will become inflammatory and itching.

Because the main cause of the nasal allergy is histamine, therefore, scientist has synthesized a few types of antihistamine medications to block the reaction of histamine with its receptors on cells and reduce the severity of the allergic symptoms. These medications are like diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, fexofenadine, loratadine, cetirizine, terfenadine, clemastine and astemizole. Diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, cetirizine and clemastine will cause drowsiness. While, fexofenadine and loratadine will cause less drowsiness. Terfenadine and astemizole won’t cause any side effect but they have interact effect with some of the antifungal and antibiotics medication

Besides, corticosteroids hormone is used to reduce the inflammation and itching in the nasal passages. Usually, inflammation is coming together with the nasal allergy. Actually, our body could secrete this hormone by itself from the adrenal gland. It controls the sensitivity of our body immune system. If the level of this hormone in our body is too high, it may cause our immune system inert to the attack from viruses or bacteria. If its level is too low, it will cause us become hypersensitive. Nasal allergy is due to the low level of this hormone. Therefore, applying this hormone onto the mucous membranes (topically) as a nasal spray or taken by mouth (orally) could reduce or prevent inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes by altering the actions of various cells of the immune system. Nowadays, this hormone is the most common medication that the medical doctor will prescribe to the patient who suffers critical nasal allergy. However, utilizing this hormone too frequent could cause some side effects such as burning sensation in the nose, unpleasant aftertaste and nosebleeds.

Nasal allergy could be cured by practicing yoga. Yoga is a stretching exercise combing with deep breathing. Many people are turning to yoga to cure various types of illness such as insomnia, anxiety disorders, back pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia , infertility, menopause, shingles, stress and varicose veins. Practicing yoga is more natural than taking medicine and it does not have any side effect as long as you learn it from a qualify instructor. Once you have mastered the technique, you can practice it anytime when you are free.

Nasal allergy also could be cured using natural crystal. The main compound in the crystal is silicon dioxide. The variety of the crystal color is due to the existence of trace amount of transition elements. Different color crystal has different energy. We can see this energy using aura spectrophotometer. Nasal allergy is due to the insufficiency of certain energy in the patient body. By using crystal, nasal allergy patients can increase this energy in their body by absorbing from the crystal. Crystal is a tool that is used to transfer energy from the earth to our body. Our earth is a living planet and there are a lot of creatures living on its surface. Once the crystal energy has been completely consumed, we usually bury this crystal under the soil and let it absorbs the earth energy. Using crystal to cure nasal allergy is the most economic way and easiest method because it can be wore in our body as a wristlet or necklace whenever we want.

Alexander Chong

Author of “How to cure your incurable nasal allergy without using any synthetic drugs, herbs and expensive devices”.


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Friday, November 2, 2007

What is a food allergy? What can you do?

News Canada

(NC)-Food allergies are becoming more prevalent every day. Severe reactions can be life threatening if not treated immediately. In many cases, a dangerous breathing condition called anaphylaxis (an-a-fi-lak-sis) can result when a substance to which the casualty is very sensitive enters the body.

Anaphylaxis can happen within seconds, minutes or even hours of a substance entering the body. As a rule, the sooner the casualty's body reacts, the worse the reaction will be.

St. John Ambulance, Canada's leader in safety-oriented™ first aid training and products, advises that you can detect anaphylaxis and help the casualty, if you know what to do.

Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis

  1. Itchy, flushed skin, raised skin rash (hives).

  2. Sneezing, running nose and watery eyes.

  3. Swelling of the airway.

  4. A 'lump' or 'tickle' in the throat that won't go away.

  5. Coughing.

  6. Sense of impending doom.

  7. Nausea and vomiting.

As the condition worsens, a casualty may experience:

  1. Pale skin.

  2. Anxiety and/or a severe headache.

  3. Wheezing and breathing difficulties, coughing.

  4. Irregular and rapid pulse.

  5. Swelling of lips, tongue, throat, hands and feet.

  6. Shock.

  7. Unconsciousness followed by stopped breathing and heart.

First aid for a severe allergic reaction

When a casualty experiences a severe allergic reaction, they are in a life-threatening situation.

  1. Assess the individual and immediately call for medical help.

  2. Stop any activity and place the casualty in the most comfortable position for breathing - usually sitting upright.

  3. Some people with known allergies carry medication in the event of an attack. If the individual has prescribed medicine with them, help them take a correct dosage.

  4. Stay with the casualty until medical help takes over. Monitor vital signs and try to calm and reassure the casualty, as fear and anxiety will make the condition worse.

Knowing what to do can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency. St. John Ambulance offers a wide range of programs, customized for all walks of life and skill levels. Learn what you need to know from Canada's leader in first aid for more than 118 years. Contact the St. John Ambulance office nearest you or look us up on the Internet at

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News Canada is a niche service in public relations, offering access to print, radio, television, and now the Internet media, with ready-to-use, editorial "fill" items. Monitoring and analysis are two more of our primary services. The service supplies access to the national media for marketers in the private, the public, and the not-for-profit sectors. Your corporate and product news, consumer tips and information are packaged in a variety of ready-to-use formats and are made available to every Canadian media organization including weekly and daily newspapers, cable and commercial television stations, radio stations, as well as the Web sites Canadians visit most often. Visit News Canada and learn more about the NC services.

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Expert: Allergy Q & A with Dr. Harold Kim

The Expert: Allergy Q & A with Dr. Harold Kim

 by: News Canada

(NC)- What is an allergy?

An allergy is a super-sensitivity to a substance that is not harmful to most other people. These substances are called allergens. The common allergens include pollen, mould, dust mites, cockroaches and pet dander. Some people also have food allergies. Some people have symptoms with strong chemical fumes, odours (including perfumes, fragrances in household cleaners and detergents), smoke and air pollution. These compounds are chemical irritants and not true allergens. The common symptoms of allergy include hay fever, asthma, eczema or food reactions.

How do I know if I have allergies?

Hay fever is the most common allergy problem in Canada. The typical symptoms of hay fever are sneezing, a stuffy or runny nose, watery eyes, a dry cough and itching. Asthma is a lung condition which can lead to shortness of breath, wheezing or coughing. Eczema is a skin condition which often involves a dry itchy rash. True food allergy reactions can include hives, itchiness, shortness of breath, throat tightness, lightheadedness or stomach pain after eating the food allergen. Allergies can be a serious medical condition and you should consult your doctor if you suspect you have them. A doctor may recommend allergy scratch tests (a type of skin testing in which suspected allergens are applied to the skin, scratched and observed for a reaction in 15 minutes). Skin tests should always be done under the supervision of a qualified physician with an expertise in allergy.

How are allergies treated?

The first step in an effective allergy treatment plan is to make some simple lifestyle changes that will limit your exposure to allergens. I would suggest having allergy scratch tests done before any major lifestyle changes are made. After the allergy scratch tests you will know the likely causes of the allergy symptoms. One can avoid pollen by keeping windows closed and air conditioning on during the high-pollen seasons. Most of the mould that causes allergies is from the outdoors. Therefore, keeping the windows closed is helpful. If you notice mould in the house it should be cleaned with diluted bleach. The best ways of avoiding dust mites are to purchase proper dust mite proof pillows and mattress covers, remove carpet from the bedroom, wash the bedding in hot water and to keep the humidity around 40 percent. Vacuuming and duct cleaning are actually not very effective at removing dust mites. The only way to remove pet allergens completely from the home is to keep the pet outdoors or to give the pet away. By keeping pets out of the bedroom, washing pets weekly and removing carpets from the bedroom, you can decrease your total pet allergen exposure. If you have a true food allergy, that food should be completely avoided.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist about which medications would help you manage your allergy symptoms. Antihistamines are the most common medications used to treat hay fever. Antihistamines block the action of histamine released by the immune system and are effective at reducing sneezing, runny nose and itchy, watery eyes. They are particularly effective at relieving the symptoms of seasonal hay fever and should be taken as soon as an allergy attack develops. You may also need a decongestant to reduce nasal congestion. Some antihistamines can cause side effects such as drowsiness and they should be avoided if you have to drive, work or perform tasks that require you to be alert. There are several websites offering good information on allergies, for example, visit

Dr. Harold Kim is an allergy specialist based in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario.

News Canada provides a wide selection of current, ready-to-use copyright free news stories and ideas for Television, Print, Radio, and the Web.

News Canada is a niche service in public relations, offering access to print, radio, television, and now the Internet media, with ready-to-use, editorial "fill" items. Monitoring and analysis are two more of our primary services. The service supplies access to the national media for marketers in the private, the public, and the not-for-profit sectors. Your corporate and product news, consumer tips and information are packaged in a variety of ready-to-use formats and are made available to every Canadian media organization including weekly and daily newspapers, cable and commercial television stations, radio stations, as well as the Web sites Canadians visit most often. Visit News Canada and learn more about the NC services.

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