Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Alternative Therapies for Allergies: Allergy Allersodes

?Can I get another bottle of this? I?m out, it works great, and allergy season is here.? My clients ask, as they hold up the tell-tale little brown bottle with its yellow label.

I thought at first that I was manifesting a placebo affect because these products worked so well on my own allergies, but over the years clients have come in every other year or so just to pick up a bottle of Tree Mix I or II when they run out. I never see them any other time. And I figure if they work on animals that the animals will rule-out most of the placebo effect. A bottle lasts anywhere from one month to two years depending on what you are trying to manage, how much you need and how short the exposure is.

My favorite allergy remedies come from Professional Complementary Health Formulas. The remedies are called allersodes. Allersodes are homeopathic drops that minutely stimulate the immune system to recognize, glom onto, and expel the allergy-causing organism from the body, usually through the kidneys or bowels. These particular allersodes contain homeopathics to support the adrenal gland and liver as well. I think that is one reason why they work so well.

It has always been difficult for me to comprehend that the more you dilute a homeopathic substance, the stronger it gets and the faster it works. But, you may need only a few treatments (like when using the insect bite allersode.)

I use low-dose homeopathic remedies in my practice because I can?t monitor my clients on a daily basis and most of my clients have only recently been introduced to homeopathics and natural medicine. It?s extremely rare that anyone has side-effects with using them. They are safer and you can use them for several months at a time if necessary. Each bottle costs about $15, but often during an exam I will combine several remedies and make a custom formula for $20 (which saves a person quite a bit of money if they are shifting and changing and don?t need a whole bottle of several different remedies.) Local practitioners may vary in price and/or require an exam before dispensing the products. It's good to know your clients so you can be of better service for their individual needs. And it's good to build a rapport with people you think you would like to have on your healing team.

The dosage is normally 17 drops three times daily for acute situations and 15 drops daily for chronic allergies. Here are a few of the remedies my clients and I have utilized over the years for various allergies causing skin problems, rhinitis, itchy eyes, irritability, asthma, depression, feelings of spaciness, and a slough of other symptoms:

Animal Mix?for allergies to Camel, Cat, Chicken, Cow, Dog, Duck, Fish, Goat, Guinea Pig, Horse, Llama, Mouse, Pheasant, Pig, Quail, Rabbit, Rat, Sheep and Turkey.

Biting Insect Mix?for allergies to Bedbugs, Bees (5 Types), Chiggers, Cockroach, Deerfly, Flea, House Fly, Lice (Head And Body), Mosquito, Moth, Spider (5 Types), Ticks, and Wasps. Excellent product for your first aid kit because it doesn?t need to be refrigerated like epinephrine. I love this one. It works especially well.

Flower Mix?for allergies to Aster, Camellia, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Daffodil, Daisy, Daphne, Gardenia, Gentian, Gladiola, Honeysuckle, Iris, Lilac, Lily, Larkspur, Lupine, Marigold, Oleander, Pansy, Petunia, Peony, Poppy, Rose, Snapdragon, and Tulips.

Household Dust & Molds?for allergies to Black Mold, Grain Dust, House Mold, House Dust, Lint, Mattress Dust, Mildew Dust, Paper Dust, Rug Dust, Upholstery Dust, Yeast (Baker?s/Brewer?s) and Dust Mites. This one also works quite well, but you still have to keep your house clean!

Grain & Seed Mix?for allergies to Barley, Corn, Cotton Seed, Flax Seed, Gliadin (whatever that is), Gluten, Millet, Milo, Oat, Poppy Seed, Rice (Brown/White), Rye, Safflower, Sesame, Sorghum, Soybean, Sunflower and Wheat.

Grass & Weed Mix?for allergies to Alfalfa, Amaranth, Bamboo, Chenopodium, Cocklebur, Dandelion, Fox Tail, Grease Wood, June Grass, Johnson Grass, Kapok, Lambs Quarters, Marsh Elder, Mugwort, Pampas Grass, Pigweed, Ragweed, Sage, Scale (All Scale/ Wingscale/ Lenscale), Scotch Broom, Sheep Sorrel, Yellow Dock, Red Top, Meadow Fescue, Sweet Vernal, Kentucky Blue, Orchard, Perineal Rye, Timothy, Red Clover, White Clover, Goldenrod, Velvet Grass, and Thistle. This one is really popular and a favorite for lots of clients (including myself).

Tree Mix I?for allergies to Alder, Ash, Birches, Cedars, Cottonwoods, Cypresses, Elms, Firs, Hemlock, Hickories, Junipers, Maples, Mulberries, Western Oaks, Eastern Oaks, Pines, Redwood, and Spruces. I use this one in the fall. For me, allergies exacerbate urinary incontinence. I?ve often wondered how many incontinent people have an underlying cause of allergy.

Tree Mix II?for allergies to Acacia, Aspen, Bay, Elder, Eucalyptus, Fig, Flowering Apple, Flowering Cherry, Lilac, Magnolia, Mesquite, Oleander, Olive, Pepper, Privet, Sycamore, Tulip, and Willow. Lots of people all over the United States appear to be allergic to Russian Olive, Willow and Walnut pollens and leaf molds, so this one works well.

Nightshade Mix?for allergies to Chilies, Eggplant, Ground Cherries, Mustard Greens, Peppers (Red/Green), Tobacco, Tomato, Potatoes (Red/White) and Mushroom.

These are just a few of my favorite combination remedies. There are lots more combinations out there, many of which are customized for local regions and areas. I know there are also different companies which make remedies such as this. I just know this particular company has high standards and I like that in a product line. Allergy allersodes are a good, safe alternative for allergy season. They are cheap, effective and worth a try.

Dr. Denice Moffat is a practicing naturopath, medical intuitive, and veterinarian working on the family unit (which includes humans and animals) through her phone consultation practice established in 1995. She has a content-rich website at and free internationally distributed monthly newsletter.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Allergy Treatment Begins At Home - Living A Healthy Lifestyle

It is spring time, which is good news to many, but not to all. Yes, the sun is out, it is warming up, and the birds are all around us, singing happily to pass the day away, but all is not well for those who suffer from allergic reactions.

If you are an allergy sufferer, spring can be a miserable time of wheezing, sneezing, coughing, and constant discomfort, unless you have the proper allergy treatment. The type of allergy treatment that is right for you depends on a number of factors that your doctor should discuss with you, but many of them take several weeks, to months to work, so you shouldn't delay. You've got to start treating your allergic reactions today.

The most common allergy treatment is the antihistamine. Recently, claritin which is one of the most common antihistamines and used to be available only by prescription, has become available over the counter to treat allergies.

For many people, this proves to be such an effective allergy treatment that it proves to be all that they need to treat their conditions, but for many more, this is not the case. There are a variety of nasal allergy treatments which can relieve swelling and discomfort in the nose and sinuses, but many of these have side effects. If you suffer from bad allergic reactions, you should consider a more complete allergy treatment.

What I recommend is to take several steps, instead of looking for the cure-all allergy treatment. The first thing to do is to make sure that your house is clean. Clean out the refrigerator and check it for mold. Same goes for the bathroom, and any other room which may harbor dirt, dust, or fungus. Remember that the most effective allergy treatment is to prevent the inhalation of allergens in the first place, and that means dusting, washing, vacuuming and sweeping every single day of the week.

Of course, this isn't the whole allergy treatment. In addition to cleaning up, you should get a nice HEPA air filter to clean up the air in your rooms, particularly the one you sleep in. This will remove all of the dirt and allergens from the air. Your allergy treatment will probably also include the use of an antihistamine, as well as a decongestant. Finally, you might have to get more severe medication as an allergy treatment. Shots can do wonders to minimize allergic reactions.
John Wellington provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles, and reviews for health, skin care as well as other related information.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

The Itchy Dog: is it an Allergy?

Scratching is a very common symptom in dogs, and you as an owner should aim to nip it in the bud early before self trauma causes secondary injuries to your dog. However, before wondering whether your dog could have an allergy, you must rule out the common parasitic (fleas and mites), bacterial (hot spots) and fungal (ringworm and yeast) infections. See my article Is your Dog Scratching to explore these in greater detail.

Just as allergies have become more common in children these days compared to several generations ago, veterinarians are seeing far more allergies in pets too. It is difficult to explain this phenomenon, theories range from alterations in the content of pet foods to the use of modern day household cleaning products or simply genetic evolution. One thing is certain, whatever the cause, allergic dogs benefit hugely from avoiding the offending allergen or, if that is impossible, appropriate treatment to minimize the itchiness.

Lets start with the presenting signs of an allergy in dogs. Itchiness can manifest itself not only as obvious scratching at the neck and flanks, but also as face rubbing, foot licking or chewing and over grooming. Foot licking, for example, is often perceived by owners as normal, when in fact the dog is responding to itchy feet in the only way it can, by licking them. The skin between the toes may turn red and sore due to the compulsive licking, and in white dogs such as West Highland White Terriers and Bichon Frises, the fur is stained brown by saliva.

Ear infections are another common sign of an underlying allergy. Though general waxiness, hair in the ear canals, lack of ventilation, bacteria and yeast may trigger the infection, an underlying allergy is often the root cause of the itchiness. If your dog gets recurrent ear infections, by eliminating an underlying allergy you may prevent your dog from going over the itchiness threshold and developing full blown ear infections.

So, what are the common allergies in dogs?

For convenience they are best separated into 4 categories.

1) Flea bite hypersensitivity
2) Adverse food reaction
3) Atopic dermatitis
4) Contact dermatitis

Flea bite hypersensitivity is relatively straight forward to cure. It is a simple case of eliminating every single flea on the dog and, crucially, in his/her environment. The itchiness is caused by an allergic reaction to the flea saliva, and so even a solitary flea can trigger a scratching frenzy. To rule out flea bite hypersensitivity, all animals in the house (dogs and cats) should be treated with a reputable veterinary spot on medication monthly without fail, and the house should be thoroughly sprayed with an insecticidal spray.

Adverse food reactions are more difficult to treat as it can be difficult to isolate the precise ingredient responsible for causing itchiness in your dog. Not only that, treating adverse food reactions requires owners to be exceptionally disciplined and motivated in preventing their pet having even a single treat unless the exact ingredients are known to be safe.

There are two ways of diagnosing an adverse food reaction (also known as a food allergy). For those readers for whom cost is not an issue, a blood test can be done to measure for ingredient specific antibodies in the bloodstream. The blood test is quite costly, and if combined with a blood test for environmental allergens is usually upwards of $400 (?200). The company performing the blood test then provides a list of ingredients (chicken, beef, pork, rice, wheat etc) and a score next to them, suggesting which ingredients are best avoided. The owner then picks a commercial diet which does not include any of these ingredients, or indeed a special home cooked diet. The second way to diagnose an adverse food reaction is to conduct a dietary trial. This involves picking a very bland hypoallergenic diet and feeding your dog exclusively that for at least a month, preferably 6 weeks. The author usually suggests turkey and rice, as less dogs are allergic to turkey than chicken. Of course if your dog happened to be allergic to rice or turkey, which is rare but nevertheless possible, you would be none the wiser as the itchiness would continue and you would assume you had ruled out a food allergy having done the turkey and rice dietary trial. Remember if you are doing one of these trials, then your dog must not be given any treats, especially not pigs ears, chews, boneos, dental sticks or any rawhide products. Literally nothing must be swallowed other than turkey and rice (and water!) for the entire trial period.

If you have ruled out flea bite hypersensitivity and ruled out an adverse food reaction, the next step is to consider an environmental allergy, also known as atopic dermatitis. Symptoms of atopic dermatitis usually begin between 1 and 3 years of age, though any age is possible. The itchiness is often seasonal, which is consistent with a pollen allergy, though some dogs are itchy all year round. There are certain breeds which are predisposed to this condition: Boxers, Bull Terriers, Dalmations, English Bulldogs, German Shepherd Dogs, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Shar Peis, Shih Tzus and West Highland White Terriers being the most commonly affected. Diagnosis is usually made based on the history and ruling out all the other causes of itchiness, and many vets will treat the condition on these presumptions. However, definitive diagnosis can be achieved via a panel of injections into a patch of skin, or blood tests. Neither of these are particularly effective and generally not performed unless the owner is prepared to attempt a desensitization programme. This involves a long term course of injections given by your vet on, say, a monthly basis to desensitize your dog to the offending allergen, and so make the allergic reaction much smaller when he/she does come into contact with it.

Contact dermatitis is a skin reaction caused by your dog coming into contact with a chemical that is an irritant. It therefore only tends to affect the stomach, groin and feet of the dog, and is characterized by reddening and drying of the skin in these areas. It can also be seen when owners shampoo their dogs with a product that is not intended for use in dogs. Contact dermatitis is rare, but easily ruled out by careful use of cleaning products around the household. Just think, did the itchiness coincide with the introduction of a new carpet cleaner, washing powder or fabric softener?

By far the best treatment for any allergy is avoidance of the cause. By careful investigation and following the steps above this is often possible, especially for flea bite hypersensitivity, adverse food reactions and contact dermatitis. If avoidance is impossible though, as is the case for many cases of atopic dermatitis, then seasonal or lifelong treatment may be indicated. Steroids are very effective at stopping itchiness caused by allergies, but long term use can lead to undesirable side effects, such as adrenal gland disease. Long term steroid use should only be used as a last resort, when other medications have been tried and failed. These other medications include antihistamines, essential fatty acids and medicated shampoos.

Dr David Brooks is part of the online veterinary team at Veterinarians, Vet Technicians, Nurses, Trainers, Behaviorists, Breeders and Pet Enthusiasts are here to answer your pet questions and concerns... Our dedicated community of caring experts are waiting to offer you advice, second opinions and support.

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Allegra A Common Anti Allergy Drug

 More than 50 million Americans have allergies. Allergic rhinitis (inflammation in the nasal area) is the most common allergic disease, affecting at least 20 to 25 percent of the population. Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S.

For allergy symptoms such as a runny nose, watery/itchy eyes, or sneezing that occur infrequently, most individuals can be treated successfully with an oral non-sedating antihistamine such as Loratadine (Claritin), Desloratadine (Clarinex), Fexofenadine (Allegra), or Cetirizine (Zyrtec) or an antihistamine nasal spray.

Allegra is a common anti allergy drug available by prescription. Fexofenadine or Allegra is an oral, "second generation" antihistamine that is used to treat the signs and symptoms of allergy that are due to histamine. It is similar to the other second generation antihistamines like the Loratadine (Claritin), Cetirizine (Zyrtec) and Azelastine (Astelin). Histamine is a chemical that is responsible for many symptoms of allergic reactions, for example, swelling of the lining of the nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes.

Fexofenadine blocks one type of receptor for histamine (the H1 receptor) and thus prevents activation of H1 receptor-containing cells by histamine. Unlike the first generation antihistamines, fexofenadine and other second-generation antihistamines do not readily enter the brain from the blood, and, therefore, they cause less drowsiness.

Sanofi-Aventis announced this month that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved Allegra(R), (fexofenadine hydrochloride), an oral suspension for the twice-daily treatment of symptoms associated with seasonal allergies in pediatric patients, 2 to 11 years of age, and for the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria in children 6 months to 11 years of age. This approval makes available a safe and effective seasonal allergy treatment option that is non-impairing to pediatric populations as young as 2 years old.

Allegra side effects in children 6 months to 5 years old were similar to placebo. Side effects varied by age. The most commonly reported Allegra side effects were: vomiting, pyrexia, cough, otitis media and diarrhea.
An advisory panel of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has voted overwhelmingly that three allergy remedies?Loratadine, Cetirizine, and Fexofenadine (Allegra) are safe enough to be bought at pharmacies and supermarkets without a doctor?s prescription. But the manufacturers of the drugs are resisting the idea.
Fexofenadine, marketed in the United Kingdom as Telfast and in the United States as Allegra, is available only on prescription in both countries. But you can check Allegra information available on various internet sites.

The three popular anti-allergy drugs marketed by Schering-Plough, Pfizer, and Aventis, are heavily advertised directly to consumers. The drug companies claim that they are better than the older drugs because they do not cause drowsiness.

Roger is an associated editor to the website . It is committed to provide visitors with complete information on allergy, Anti allergy Drug, Allegra Dosage & allegra effects. You can reach Roger at

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

A look at hypoallergenic mattress bedding : A solution for people suffering from allergy.

If you get up in the morning or after a refreshing brief afternoon siesta and have symptoms like sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, nasal stuffiness, runny nose or stuffy ears chances are you are suffering from dust mite allergy.

Dust mites belong to the same family as spiders and are often found in homes. However they are so small ,they cannot be seen by the naked eye. The bedroom is a perfect abode for these house dust mites and they make homes in your pillows, mattresses, blankets & bed springs. One study conducted by researchers found that the average bed has two million of these creatures living on it!

During the night we shed our dead skin cells and they often get attached to the mattresses we sleep on. Dust mites consume these dead skin cells and shed their waste droppings on the bed itself. Their waste containing allergens and debris and is the cause of most allergies. At least 10% of humans are allergic to dust mite droppings. During its short 80 day lifespan, the average dust mite produces around 1000 allergenic waste particles!

To cure this particular problem many bedding manufacturers have developed hypoallergenic bedding for standard mattresses. Due to their small size dust mites easily slip through the pores between the thread of normal bedding fabrics. Hypoallergenic mattress bedding is woven tightly so that the pores are too small for dust mites to penetrate and infest your bedding.

Even if you do not suffer from allergies it's a good idea to buy hypoallergenic bedding. It keeps your bedding clean and hygienic. Who wants to sleep on dust mites droppings anyway!

Mike Lombardy is a freelance writer & mattress salesman. He also edits a small site giving information on selecting mattress sizes


One Of The Biggest Obstacles To An Allergy Free Home Is Dust Mite Control

Dust mites are microscopic little creatures with eight legs that live in almost every home. These little critters do not bite but they do feed on dead skin from us and our pets. The biggest impact dust mites have on us is that they cause allergic reactions in many of us. To be more precise, it is not actually the dust mite that we are allergic but the dust that is produced from their droppings and from their bodies after they die. These particles are so small that they can become airborne when we clean, vacuum and move around our homes and that is when we are affected.

Some of the symptoms of dust mite allergies are sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy watery eyes and respiratory irritations.

Opening your windows to ventilate your house may help if you are only allergic to dust mites but generally if you suffer from allergies, opening your windows will only allow other allergens into your home such as pollen, bacteria and mold spores.

There is no way to rid your house entirely of dust mites but you can reduce their numbers by following these simple steps.

How To Control Dust Mites In Your House

Humidity Control
Air Purifiers
Efficient Furnace Filters

It is very important to vacuum your home often but you can?t use just any type of vacuum cleaner. Regular vacuum cleaners are not efficient enough to trap very small particles and they simply pass through the vacuum cleaner and back into the air. HEPA vacuums are best for dust mite control. These vacuum cleaners use HEPA filters which are 99.97% efficient and are very effective at removing the smallest particles from the air. You should vacuum carpets, furniture and draperies often.

Dusting can also be very helpful in controlling dust mite populations. When dusting try to avoid using dry dusters because they tend to stir up a lot of dust. Use furniture polish or a damp cloth. Dusting in this way is over 90% more efficient than dry dusting.

Keep the humidity level in your home at about 50%. This will help to control dust mite populations. Like all living things dust mites need moisture to survive and they do best in high humid conditions.

Air Purifiers can be helpful in bed rooms or offices if you don?t have central heating or cooling. Air purifiers simply remove dust from the air as it comes in contact with the collector plates located in the unit. Air purifiers with fans are more efficient than those without because they draw the air through the unit rather than relying on natural air currents in your home. Air purifiers are not the most efficient method of dust control.

Furnace filters and air conditioner filters are one of the best solutions to dust control in your home. Most throw away furnace filters are not very efficient at only about 10% but HEPA, Electrostatic and Electronic air filters do a good job of dust control when properly maintained.

Air air conditioner filters and furnace filters are a very important part of controlling allergies in your home. electorstatic furnace filters, hepa filters and electronic filters are three of your best options for dust control.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Surviving the Fall Allergy Season

Fall is the season of change. It is really beautiful to see the leaves go from a healthy green to a lively orange before the dead of winter claim them. I used to always look forward for fall when I used to live in upstate New York. However the changing weather, from summer to fall or from winter to spring find me at my most miserable time. You see, I suffer from various allergies and it is absolutely horrible with the running nose, the itchy and watery eyes and finally the marathon sneezing, as if my body is trying to break the world record for longest continuous sneezes. These are the worst of all symptoms because they leave me lifeless and exhausted.

To alleviate the symptoms, I left New York State, heck, I left the entire northeast section of the United States and moved to Florida to escape the changing whims of the weather to no avail. Don?t get me wrong, it was alleviated but I still suffered from time to time with allergies and the fall season seems to be the worst.

There are several ways to deal with allergies. You can move from one state to the other (like I did) or you can take one of the several classes of drugs available on the market: antihistamines, decongestants, mast cells stabilizers or leukotrienes modifiers or even steroids. Drugs such as diphenhydramine, loratadine(Claritin, Alavert), cetirizine (Zyrtec) or clemastine (Tavist), montelukast (Singulair), . These are highly effective at alleviating the symptoms of allergies, especially the runny nose and watery eyes symptoms. However, they come with the side effects of drowsiness and the feeling that you are having an out of body experience. If you have tried these to no avail or you want to try something different, there is still hope for allergy sufferers in the form of natural remedies:

Antihistamines: These drugs block histamine, a chemical released by our immune system during an allergic reaction.

Grape Seed Extract, unique flavanoids, with very powerful antioxidant properties. Laboratory studies have shown that grape seed can be up to 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than vitamin E in antioxidant capability.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), probably best known for its effects as an antioxidant and its role in maintaining proper immune function.

Leukotriene Modifiers: These drugs block the effects of leukotrienes, inflammatory chemicals released by your immune system during an allergic reaction. Such medications have proved most effective in treating allergic asthma, but they also relieve hay fever.

Butterbur, seems to significantly reduce the bothersome allergic symptoms (1). The doctors concluded that it is effective and well tolerated. In some cases doctors even recommended butterbur as first line therapy for seasonal allergies along such accepted conventional treatment as Zyrtec (cetirizine) (2). Petadolex is a patented form of butterbur extracted from the root and standardized to contain a minimum of 15% of petasin and isopetasin.

Mast Cell Stabilizers: Mast cell stabilizers prevent the release of histamine, the same inflammatory chemical that antihistamines stop. They may also reduce the inflammation associated with hay fever and allergic rhinitis.

Quercetin, may be useful in relieving hay fever and sinusitis as a result of its ability to reduce inflammation in the airways and the release of histamine. It appears to block allergic reactions to pollen as well.(3)

Stinging Nettles, preliminary evidence is showing that stinging nettle above ground parts might improve symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Starting stinging nettle at the first sign of symptoms seems to provide subjective improvement (4).

Natural D-Hist contains vitamin C, Quercetin, Stinging Nettles, Bromelain and N-Acetyl cysteine. So you get all the benefits of an antihistamine without taking too many pills.

In this allergy season, know your natural therapies options so that you don?t have to suffer through this bothersome disease and enjoy the fall foliage and the arrival of winter. I know I will.


1. Schapowal A; Petasites Study Group. Butterbur Ze339 for the treatment of intermittent allergic rhinitis: dose-dependent efficacy in a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2004 Dec;130(12):1381-6

2. Schapowal A; Petasites Study Group. Randomised controlled trial of butterbur and cetirizine for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis. BMJ. 2002 Jan 19;324(7330):144-6.

3. Anon. Quercetin. Alt Med Rev 1998;3:140-3

4. Mittman P. Randomized, double-blind study of freeze-dried Urtica dioica in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Planta Med 1990;56:44-7

Marie-Elsie Ade is a Pharmacist with a B.S from Long Island University in New York and a PharmD from Nova Southeastern University in Florida. She is a licensed pharmacist as well as a licensed consultant pharmacist (Florida license PS29264 and PU4703). She works for one of the premier health systems in South Florida. She has lectured on various topics at Senior Citizen Centers, Women?s groups and Community Fairs about generic drugs, herbal medications and drug interactions and the use of pharmaceuticals in general.

She believes that natural health and modern medicines can be complementary and has set out to inform patients about the effects of their prescriptions medications and their natural health or herbals products. Visit us at to ask questions about your natural and conventional remedies.

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Pain, Allergy and Burn Relief Remedy

Blue Tansy's high azulene content gives it a vivid, deep blue color. It can stain so take care!

Blue Tansy's delightful scent is warmly herbaceous with a complex sweetness that to me is reminiscent of apples with a hint of spice.

Everyone invariably loves the friendly and inviting scent of Blue Tansy!

Its rapid anti-inflammatory action immediately calms the nervous system and associated muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Blue Tansy's natural anti-inflammatory action makes it an exceptionally good relaxant.

Use Blue Tansy for relieving muscular aches and pains, sprains and strains, arthritis, rheumatism and sciatica.

Soothes nervous tension and relieves stress!

Blue Tansy is a natural antihistamine with anti-allergic properties.

Research shows Blue Tansy to be especially effective for allergy relief!

Useful in blends for asthma and emphysema due to its bronchio-dilating effect, blending with Lemongrass will enhance this effect.

Strong analgesic properties help reduce any swelling or itching associated with allergies.

Calms dermatitis!

Blue Tansy is excellent first aid remedy for radiation burns from cancer treatment, as well as for inflamed or sun damaged skin.

In Ayurvedic Medicine, an ancient system of healing practiced in India, the sweetly cooling and spicy aroma of Blue Tansy is ideal to regulate and pacify ALL the Doshas or bodymind types. Vata, Pitta and Kapha imbalances respond well to Blue Tansy's regulating influence.

Symptoms of Vata imbalance are premenstrual syndrome, constipation, insomnia, restlessness, nervousness, anxiety and worry.

Symptoms of Pitta imbalance are high blood pressure, anger, frustration and emotional upsets.

Symptoms of Kapha imbalance are high cholesterol, low metabolic forces, slow to lose weight, fluid retention, stagnation and blockage, lethargy and depression.

BLEND WITH: Lemongrass, Rosemary, Helichrysum, Cypress, Chamomile

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic essential oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.

KG Stiles is a certified aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR USA. PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic essential oils. Remedies with Blue Tansy KG recommends: Click to learn about & order ALLERGY RELIEF Click to learn about & order ESSENTIAL OILS COMPLETE GIFT SET - INCLUDES BLUE TANSY Click to order BLUE TANSY More Info? Contact: KG Stiles at Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315 Mahalo!

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What Is A Gluten Allergy

In wheat, barley, rye, and low level oats, there is a rubbery like protein called gluten. This substance is what helps the dough bind, which you would see with baked breads and other baked foods. Although these grains contain gluten, which can cause a gluten allergy in sensitive people, they also contain a number of other proteins that can also cause allergy symptoms.

The four primary proteins found in wheat, rye, and barley includes albumin, globulin, gliadin, and glutenin, better known as gluten. While the symptoms and severity of the symptoms of gluten allergy vary from one person to another, generally a person would experience hives, swelling, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting, or asthma. If the person is highly sensitive to gluten allergy, the symptoms could be life-threatening.

The good news about gluten allergy is that if the person has a reaction after eating wheat or wheat product, making an early diagnosis is easy. The challenge is that so many of the foods we eat are made with wheat, making it difficult to tell where the real problem lies. Most often, a trained doctor or allergist would conduct a skin prick test or take blood to confirm that gluten allergy is the problem.

If the reaction to gluten is severe, the solution might be to eliminate wheat and wheat by-products from the diet. However, if the gluten allergy is minor, then reducing the amount of wheat consumed and/or allergy medication or shots might do the trick. If the person with gluten allergy is a young child, chances are he or she will outgrow the allergy.

Gluten Intolerance, also known as Coeliac Disease, is a hereditary disorder that affects the immune system. In this case, when gluten is consumed, the mucosa, which is the lining of the small intestine, is damaged. When this happens, important vitamins and nutrients are not absorbed properly. When a person has this type of gluten allergy, the symptoms would be different in children than they would be in adults.

For children, the gluten allergy would be seen as abdominal distension, impaired growth, abnormal stools, irritability, poor muscle tone, malabsorption, poor appetite, and wasting of muscle. If an adult has this type of gluten allergy, then diarrhea, significant weight loss, abdominal cramping and bloating, constipation, and offensive stools are common.

In both cases of gluten allergy, a doctor would need to perform blood tests to make a confirmed diagnosis. Once done, the only treatment is to have gluten completely eliminated from the diet. Because of this, it is essential that nutrient and vitamin deficiencies be addressed with things such as niacin, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, chromium, magnesium, selenium, folacin, molybdenum, and phosphorus. With proper care and diet, a person with gluten allergy can enjoy a hearty choice of foods without the irritating symptoms.

Grant Segall RPh is a pharmacist and webmaster for the allergy related website

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Aspirin Allergy

Aspirin is the useful medication which is used in the patients for treatment by reducing the inflammations and pain. Originally it is derived from the plants extracts. Nowadays, aspirin is prepared up synthetically. numerous of alike artificial, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medicine with alike properties are as well available.

Well Aspirin allergy might occur due to various reasons from mild to the severe allergic reaction to aspirin could occur. The common Symptoms that may occur are flushing, blocked, itchy rashes, soft noses and sometimes severe difficulty while breathing or could cause asthma, generally in an hour of intake of the tablet. The treatment is possible but the Testing for the aspirin allergy is very difficult as why the allergic reaction to the aspirin and identical correlated pain-killers take place is very uncertain. Whereas there are no such dependable blood test and skin allergy test that has been confirmed to be so useful for excluding or confirming allergy to these medicine. The common and only method to do is to do the graded open confront under the strict checkup supervision. The Challenge checkup is not forever necessary but might sometimes be recommend to confirm that the sensitivity exist, or to show the security of the unrelated drug.

Most of the patients experience from the nasal polyps, aspirin allergy and asthma, a situation commonly known as aspirin triad. Most of the Aspirin allergy develops in the later years of life, even if previously it has been well tolerated. Frequently asthma is the later beginning as well and every sufferer might not be that allergic to the inhale allergen like the dust mite, moulds, animals and the pollens. Most of the Patients with this state produce the increased amount of leucotrienes. The Leucotrienes are the inflammatory chemical that is produced by the white cells which could increase the inflammation of the nose, lungs, and sinuses and may trigger up on the gooey noses and wheezing, As a result it worsens up to asthma and in the form of accelerated polyp growth.

If the aspirin has problematic results in the patients there are other medicines that might also be supportive we also come over the asthma medication known as the anti-leucotrienes as for example accolade, Singular that could also be used up in this circumstances. Unluckily, they are at present very expensive. The Side-effects of the aspirin desensitization could result in Stomach Irritation, bleeding at elevated doses, ulceration and Tinnitus ?ringing of the ears are rare?, easy bruising are the common form.

Asperine allergy is a common allergy in most people all over the world. It leads to mostly itching reactions and other forms of disorder in the patients suffering from it. To know more about asperine allergy click on

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Pollen Allergy and Food Sensitivity: The Oral Allergy Syndrome and Food Intolerance

Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) is a well-recognized but little known condition. It is characterized by a burning sensation or mouth pain and swelling when you eat specific foods that cross react to pollens to which you are allergic. Interestingly, the specific foods causing this reaction are well established to cross react with certain trees, grass, or weed pollens, house dust mite or latex. There are common groups of foods that cluster with certain nasal allergies. For example, ragweed allergy commonly causes an oral or gut reaction after eating melons or bananas but usually not other foods. Birch tree pollen is commonly associated with reactions to numerous foods as is latex allergy. The explanation for these reactions include similarities in protein structures as well as some chemicals in the foods.

Though this reaction is well documented in the allergy literature it is not commonly recognized or diagnosed by most doctors including some allergy specialists and many stomach specialists. Various allergy web sites include lists of the common foods associated with certain pollens, dust mite or latex. However, a comprehensive list that is easy to read or interpret can be difficult to find. Also, the names of some pollens or the common links between a group of pollens and a group of foods can be confusing.

In its classic form OAS should be easy to recognize. After eating a food associated with a pollen to which you are allergic you experience near immediate burning sensation in your mouth or throat with or without swelling. However, it is commonly recognized that frequently in medicine, symptoms do not occur in the ?classic? or typical manner in a specific person. Worded another way doctors are taught "patients don't read the textbooks". Therefore, you may experience variations of the reaction such as throat swelling or tightening, burning when swallowing, a lump in the throat or a sense of swallowing difficulty but not make the connection to what you ate or what is happening to you.

You or your doctor may misinterpret your symptoms. Frequently people just assume it happened because they were having a choking spell on food that was poorly chewed, swallowed too fast, or eaten or drank while too hot or cold. Commonly, it is assumed that an esophageal (swallowing tube) disorder, especially acid reflux with a hiatal hernia is the cause. Acid reflux can cause an esophageal constriction called a stricture or ring that can result in a food sticking sensation, but this is usually associated with heartburn symptoms or food getting stuck which then prompts an upper endoscopy or scope exam. Other times, especially if occurring in an elderly person, a neurological condition like stroke or Parkinson?s disease is blamed. Sometimes doctors decide that your symptoms are due to a nervous reaction or neurosis that historically was called as globus hystericus. The hystericus portion of the term is usually dropped these days to the shorter term globus or globus sensation especially since it is not proven it is due to a psychiatric problem. However, globus may be the diagnosis arrived at if your complaint is that you feel a lump in your throat and an ?evaluation? appears to turn up nothing even if OAS was not considered or excluded.

An unusual condition that has been more recently recognized in the field of gastroenterology (diseases of the stomach and intestines) that may be related to or a variant of OAS is called eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) or allergic esophagitis. It was first described in the pediatric population but is now known to occur in adults. Classically described in teenage boys and young men who presented with food sticking episodes without heartburn or acid reflux symptoms, it is associated with a strange appearance of the esophagus on endoscopy (lighted scope exam of the upper gastrointestinal tract). What the doctor doing the scope sees is that the esophagus resembles a cat?s esophagus. That is it looks like it has rings (cats have cartilage rings in their esophagus, we do not) and this is referred to as "ringed esophagus" or felinization of the esophagus. On biopsy of such a ringed or felinized appearing esophagus (that is also often narrowed resulting in food sticking) microscopic signs of allergy are noted. The lining shows numerous eosinophils, a reddish pink appearing white blood cell, characteristic of allergic conditions. These eosinophils release chemicals like histamine that trigger swelling, pain, and damage to tissue.

Food allergies are commonly found to present in EE though sometimes the search for a food allergy by traditional skin tests or IgE blood tests is negative. Treatment is avoidance of known food allergens and swallowed nasal steroids sprays that are designed for use in the nose for nasal allergies. Though not specifically proven yet, eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) may be a variant of OAS.

Eosinophilic gastroenteritis and eosinophilic or allergic colitis also exist and can be diagnosed by biopsies of the stomach, small intestine and colon respectively. Allergic colitis is typically seen in infants who have a cow?s milk protein allergy. It presents as colic type abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss and bloody diarrhea in an infant on cow?s milk formula or sometimes in breast-fed infants whose mom is drinking a lot of cow?s milk.

Allergic gastroenteritis occurs in any age group presenting typically as abdominal pain, with or without intestinal blockage or perforation; diarrhea; anemia; weight loss; and microscopic bleeding in the intestinal tract also known as occult blood in the stool. Such bleeding is detectable only by special stool chemical tests known as fecal occult blood tests (FOBT) or stool guaiac testing.

At least some people with food intolerance that does not make sense on limited diet diary information, blood tests, biopsies, or allergy testing, may have a form of OAS. In other words, the presence of known pollen or latex allergies may be predisposing to reactions to foods known to cross react with allergies noted in OAS. However, instead of classic oral allergy syndrome symptoms other stomach and intestinal symptoms or even non-gastrointestinal symptoms may result.

Support of this concept can be found in detailed screening of individuals for food intolerance. Those with known pollen or latex allergies, any known food allergies or intolerance including gluten intolerance (celiac disease) and casein intolerance, are asked to complete a series of symptom assessments and severity rating scales followed by a strict elimination diet. This is followed up by re-assessment of response of symptoms while re-introducing foods one at a time while monitoring for recurrence.

This type of analysis is the basis for the Neopaleo Specific Diet. In the near future online symptom assessments and screening for food intolerance along with dietary recommendations specific to individuals will be available at An online diet symptom diary will also be available. A simplified table illustrating the common foods that may cross-react with the broad categories of pollen allergens and latex allergy is available. Food intolerances are more commonly being recognized as a common cause of illness and symptoms. Individualized specific diet recommendations and elimination diet trials may be more helpful in discovering any possible links to what you are eating and how you feel.

Dr. Scot Lewey is a physician who is trained and board certified in the specialty of gastroenterology (diseases of the digestive tract) and has a growing practice focused in the area of food intolerances, especially gluten and cow's milk protein. He is a published researcher and author and founder of an educational website helping people with food intolerances.

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

When Goose Allergy Gives You Goose Bumps

Goose bumps are prevalent when you are scared. Goose bumps also occur when you are greatly mad, sad, happy or aroused.

Whatever the cause of goose bumps, it can always be noted that they are not always good.

Such is the case when you develop goose allergy. Goose allergy is not a very common form of allergy. Medical journals and resources do not even recognize it as a modern or frequently occurring allergy.

Hence, the real definition of goose allergy varies and is often treated with utmost confusion. Goose feathers can cause allergy just like feathers, fur and danders of cats, dogs and birds cause allergy to the skin.

However, the more prevalent occurrence of goose allergy is attributed or identified to eating the meat of a duck or goose. This article will focus on that.

Cause of goose allergy

One way of surely getting or acquiring goose allergy is through eating duck meat. Duck meat can be turned into several delectable delicacies and there are a rising number of countries around the world that are somehow turning into consuming such meat.

You may or may not agree with people eating goose or duck meat. Whatever argument you are taking regarding duck meat, you still can not change the fact that ducks meats are becoming popular, be it on exotic or regular menus.

Because duck belongs to the family of chicken and turkey, there a number of people who have duck or goose allergy.

People may have goose allergy, but they will never find out about it until they happen to experience the onset or manifestation goose allergy. Of course these symptoms will surface after they have eaten duck or goose meat. Symptoms of goose allergy then start to appear.

Symptoms of goose allergy

Symptoms of goose allergy are somehow similar to symptoms of chicken allergy. It is because goose, chicken and ducks are of the same family of bird or poultry species that are raise for their meat and for their eggs.

Goose allergy attacks are characterized by asthma attacks, eczema, unusual fatigue, insomnia, depression and chronic disturbance of the gastrointestinal system.

Unusual symptoms of goose allergy may also appear like bed-wetting and infections particularly in the bladder and in the ears. Migraine coming along with other symptoms may also be expected.

Sinusitis can also observed in people with goose allergy especially during duck allergy attacks.

Be aware that the manifestations of goose allergy attacks may occur and show up hours or even about one to two days after taking in or eating duck meat.

Treatment and prevention of goose allergy

Just like other forms of allergies, antihistamines are prescribed to people exhibiting apparent indications or manifestations of goose allergy. It is important to note, however, that antihistamines should not be taken without proper prescription as it may lead to over dosage and other serious medical conditions.

Antihistamines contain substances and anti-allergic enzymes that can pose adverse and irreversible side effects to people who take inappropriate dosages.

People with goose allergy, above all things, should also eliminate duck meat in their daily diet. Goose and duck allergic people should do so immediately if the symptoms of goose allergy are already exhibiting or showing up. Doing so would certainly stop the prevalence or occurrence of such manifestations.

Charlene J. Nuble 2006.

For answers to All your frequently asked questions about goose allergy, please go to: or go to:

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Allergies-Relief from Allergy - Its Symptoms and Medication

What is Allergy

An Allergy is a hypersensitive response of the body to certain substances, called allergens. These allergens can be of plant origin such as pollens, animal origin such as dander (scales shed from the skin, hair, or fur of animals), and insect origin such as the stings of bees and wasps, or the dust mites themselves. House dust, smog, smoke, and some strong odors may trigger allergies. Drugs like penicillins and cephalosporins evoke allergic reactions in sensitive patients. Food allergies are also extremely common and vary individualistically from animal sources like eggs, milk, and sea food to plant sources such as eggplant, drumstick, and wheat. Allergens can be inhaled, eaten, injected, or contacted by the skin.

Signs and symptoms of Allergies

The body's defense mechanism is considering simple and otherwise harmless substances to be potentially dangerous and is preparing for battle by producing a particular type of antibody called IgE in large amounts but in a way that on exposure to an allergen for the first time, only its memory remains. However, on subsequent exposure, an allergic response is manifested in the form of signs and symptoms depending on the tissue, organ, or system involved. All these are due to the release of a chemical substance called Histamine by some body cells under the influence of IgE, thus inducing congestion, excessive secretion, and muscle spasms. The most common examples are those of Asthma (a respiratory allergy with wheezing and breathlessness) and Eczema(a skin allergy with eruptions, itching, oozing, etc.)

Causes of Allergies

Although modern medicine claims that allergies and most of the other chronic diseases have a hereditary predisposition to blame, homeopaths and naturopaths all over the world believe that every disease is multi-factorial in origin. Health according to them is a dynamic state of physical, mental, and spiritual equilibrium where a homeostasis is maintained in spite of a continuous influx and interaction of the opposing or negative energies with the life perpetuating ones through harmoniously orchestrated processes that are so subtle that they can hardly be perceived. In simple words, other than one's genes, the lifestyle, diet and regimen, psychological state of a person, and degree of exposure to toxins or irritants, together contribute to giving rise to an allergic personality. Thus logically speaking, it is the immunity at fault and not the allergen. In fact, observations show that in most cases, once an allergic disposition is acquired, the body gradually begins to react hypersensitivity to more and more substances so as to only add to the medical list of allergens. Hence, it can be easily surmised that the remedial measures must be capable of bringing the deranged immunity back to normal rather than expecting and advising the allergic patients to give up or stay away from all the probable allergens.

Auxiliary treatment of Allergies
It has been known for long that natural foods and natural living always pays off good dividends probably because Mother Nature completely shoulders our responsibility, but if it's the artificial that you cherish, then Mother Nature will see that you perish. One doesn't really need to browse through research documents to fathom the truth in this statement. All that one needs to do is to go into retrospect and compare his or her life with that of his or her grand parents. It's not that there were no illnesses then; however, those illnesses were genuinely caused by miasma such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. These days, the number of allergic and auto-immune disorders has gone up to such an extent that they beat all the natural causes.

Following is a list of probable underlying causes that set the background for the development of an allergy.

* Regular exposure to pollutants in air, food, water, etc.
* Sedentary lifestyle which leads to impaired blood circulation and poor oxygenation of the tissues.
* Lack of sleep.
* Injudicious administration of vaccines and allopathic medicines which are after all foreign proteins and chemicals which have the capacity to alter the immunity.
* Frequent negative or overpowering mental states such as depression, anxiety, grief, fear, anger, irritability, despair, jealousy, etc.
* Improper external as well as internal hygiene inclusive of proper bowel/bladder/sexual habits and avoidance of substance abuse in the form of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.

This artical is a part of a health portal.

I stood first in the Mumbai University Homeopathic degree examinations. The oldest Homeopathic pharmacies in India chose me as one of their main consultants at a young age. I had done plenty to further the cause of homeopathy and vibrational medicines. I am familiar with iridology, classical homeopathy, magneto therapy, naturopathy, yoga, meditation, urine therapy, bio chemical salts, Bach flower remedies, and mana force spiritual healing. I am Medical Director of

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Hypnotherapy for Allergy: Hypnosis to Heal Allergies & Immune System Disorders

Americans today are suffering from a serious pandemic of diseases associated with dysfunction of the immune system. The most publicized of these diseases and the most lethal is AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. While this illness shows many unusual features for an infectious disease, it can nevertheless be understood as a viral sexually transmitted infection. Far more common, though not as lethal, are a host of other immune system related conditions which are not communicable and appear to lack any specific microbial cause. These include asthma, food and pollen allergies, mold, dust and chemical allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, and atopic dermatitis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, type one diabetes, and a host of other conditions including chronic arterial inflammation, which is considered a more important causative factor in heart attacks and strokes than cholesterol.

While the symptoms of these conditions vary enormously, all of these conditions have one thing in common: all are the results of the immune system targeting the wrong enemy. Instead of confining their vicious attack (inflammation) to the dangerous microorganisms that truly endanger our lives, the white blood cells and cellular battle chemicals of the immune system exhaust us in a futile assault either upon harmless pollens or food proteins, or on the very cells of our own bodies. Read the list again of these conditions.

Notice that all of them are growing rapidly in western civilization. All may be regarded as pandemic. Is there anyone among my readers who has not suffered from one or more of these conditions? And in the next three articles, I will explain the surprising, little known, yet scientifically proven sources common to modern society that are the cause of these pandemic diseases. Furthermore I will demonstrate how the technology of hypnotherapy can help defeat this growing pandemic and restore our immune system to its proper function. Given the emerging dangers of real pathogens, such as bird flu, TB, and other drug resistant organisms that could readily overwhelm billions in this crowded, fast moving world, our immune system must be prepared for the real battles that lie ahead!

These articles do not attempt to spell out the complete etiology (symptoms and signs) of this wide variety of diseases, or to summarize the wide variety of treatments available through medical science. While the hypnotic approaches defined in these articles have good success with many clients, there are none that can be guaranteed successful for all clients. They are no substitute for proper medical treatment, when called for. These methods are at best a powerful adjunct to medical treatment, dietary changes, and a proper program of exercise, rest, and healthy relationships and lifestyle.

This first article in our series will focus on answering the big question about these disease processes. Why is it happening to US? We live in a society in which most people are well fed and live in a comfortable and prosperous world, in which most of the great diseases of the past have been defeated. So why are so many of us being assaulted by our own immune system? Some researchers blame this very condition of safety for the new pandemic, suggesting that in the absence of real microbial enemies, a "bored" immune system decides to mount any old campaign to justify its existence. While this model may have some merit I know the answer is a bit more complex.

For starters, my research indicates that our increasing alienation from the natural world, trapped inside four walls that would have driven our tribal ancestors crazy, breathing a host of strange chemicals, and eating foods transformed in subtle ways by agribusiness and its combination of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, and genetic engineering, are a primary reason that our bodies don?t feel safe at a cellular level.

Only concerted action against these destructive lifestyles and business interests can change these ugly circumstances, action which may be essential for the survival of our species. While such action is critical, it is not the subject of these articles. Rather, I will show in this article how we can use hypnotic techniques to stop the body from overreacting to these environmental toxins in an allergic reaction. For example, while all agree that the poisons in a bee sting are dangerous, a person who is stung usually finds it a brief nuisance, while the allergic individual may die within minutes as a result of the body's largely unconscious reaction to this poison. I will show in the second article how hypnotic techniques can teach the client's immune system to react much less aggressively to any of these toxins in our environment, or our diet.

A second factor that affects the immune system in this way is the pressures of stress in our mainly sedentary lives. In the old days - during most of the last million years of the evolution of our species, stress was as common as it is today. But most stressors demanded physical action from us. Starving? Chase down some animals. Chased by a saber-tooth? Fight or run. Now these same stress-created hormones which prepare us so well to move our bodies for fight or flight arrive in circumstances in which NO physical response is available. It seems only natural that under these circumstances, the cells of the body would eventually start a battle against any enemy they can find. In our third article, we will learn how hypnosis can relieve these reactions, and help us create a life that is more capable of dealing with stress.

A third factor that affects these reactions is a lack of infant bonding to mother's biochemical immune system programming. This chemical programming is contained in the colostrom that is the essential formula for informing the new born infant?s rapidly developing immune system with the innate wisdom of mother's own immune system. Mother's colostrum conveys her body's knowledge to her newborn infant of what environmental chemical signatures are harmless and which ones require the immune system to be alerted to a microbial invader. It was this essential communication through mother's breast that prepared British immigrant's children to survive the smallpox epidemics that ravaged Indian tribes in the early years of the settlement of America, sometimes killing nearly everyone in many tribes. These Indian mothers had no exposure to the virus prior to the epidemic's arrival, thus no way to resist the disease themselves or to communicate resistance to their infants.

Alas, with the widespread use of infant formula as an "acceptable" and convenient substitute for the breast (due to propaganda funded by the pharmaceutical industry, according to no less an authority on infant care than Dr. Spock) we have all become guinea pigs in a vast pharmaceutical experiment that has deprived us of this essential programming, and left us all at risk for immune deficiency diseases. The long term solution to this problem is also largely political and educational. But that is too late for adults living today with this terrible loss. Yet here too hypnotherapy has answers. Our fourth article will spell out how hypnotic techniques can be used to inform the immune system of this important distinction between biochemical friend and foe by accessing the mother archetype within the client's subconscious mind, and using that archetype in very specific ways to restore the body's sense of biochemical safety.

Between them, these articles outline a new and potentially powerful collection of resources which show promise to stop this growing pandemic in its tracks, with treatments that have none of the expense or side effects characteristic of so many modern drug oriented approaches, and increasing the effectiveness exponentially of the drugs we may need to take on our doctor's advice. This is the revolution in treatment that could relieve the suffering of millions. Keep reading.

The techniques I describe included in four articles for working with allergies and immune disorders are complex and, in my opinion, not particularly useful for amateurs. Many health professionals choose to refer clients only to medical doctors or licensed psychologists who practice hypnosis. This is a mistake, since most licensed practitioners do not have the advanced skills in hypnosis needed for the kind of work I am describing.

Allergy 4 part series available in full online at: About Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis: America's oldest spiritually oriented hypnotherapy training program has trained over 2000 hypnotherapists since 1983. The Alchemy Institute is approved by the state of California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPVE) and American Council of Hypnotists Examiners. Our website offers an extensive library on hypnotherapy. Alchemy Institute Founder David Quigley now offers home hypnotherapy in special hypnosis by phone sessions call the Alchemy office at 1-800-950-4984 to inquire.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Allergies - Allergy Shots

In this article we're going to discuss a common form of battling allergies with the use of allergy shots and how allergy shots work to build up a person's immunity to outside allergens.

A growing number of people who suffer from allergies and not finding the relief that they want from antihistamines are turning towards allergy shots to hopefully put and end to their dreaded sneezing, wheezing, itching and misery.

So exactly what are allergy shots? Allergy shots actually contain a very small amount of whatever it is that you're allergic to. If you have multiple allergies, such as a combination of indoor and outdoor allergies, then two shots are actually given. One for the outdoor allergies and one for the indoor allergies.

How do allergy shots work? Well, in theory it's actually very simple. Allergy shots help your body fight the allergen that is bothering you. When you get shots of the allergen itself your body makes antibodies to the allergen. These antibodies help block the effects of the allergen itself. Your symptoms become less severe because the antibodies block the way your body reacts to the allergens. After taking enough of these shots over a long period of time you might start to get relief from your symptoms. This relief should last for a very long time.

Many kinds of allergies can be battled with allergy shots. They work very well with allergies to pollen, or what is commonly called hay fever. They also work for eye allergies, bee sting allergies, and even some drug allergies. In many people, allergy shots can greatly improve asthma symptoms. Most people will get allergy shots after they have exhausted every other option.

Unfortunately, not everyone can get allergy shots. If you have severe asthma or a heart problem you should not get allergy shots. Also, if you take a beta blocker for a heart condition you shouldn't take allergy shots. Children under five years of age should also not get allergy shots. Also, you shouldn't start allergy shots if you are pregnant.

If you decide, along with your doctor, to get allergy shots, he will first have to give you an allergy test to determine what allergies you have. This test in effect is actual treatment as some of each allergen has to be injected into you in order to do the test. After the results are in, a vaccine can be made which can then be given on a weekly or biweekly basis or for whatever interval the doctor thinks is necessary.

Once you start taking your shots you will at first have to take them every week or every other week. After about 6 months most people can go on what is called maintenance and get shots once each month. This usually continues for about 3 to 5 years until eventually most people no longer need to take shots because their immunity has been built up enough to the allergens.

Allergy shots are normally not harmful but some people do have reactions to them. If you should have a severe reaction the doctor will usually keep you in his office for about 20 minutes each time you get your shot so that if you have a reaction he can give you something to counteract it.
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Allergies

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Learn How To Control Pollen Allergy Symptoms

There are many different types of allergies. Approximately 1 in 7 people are allergic to pollen. Pollens are small, egg-shaped male cells of flowering plants. The flowering plants produce these pollens as part of their reproductive process. All kinds of trees, weeds and grasses use wind pollination. These plants have dangling structures or anthers. This is where the wind captures the pollen. A large amount of pollen is released and transmitted through the air to a surface. It may land in your eyes or you could breathe it in. A few will land on a receptive stigma or female organ.

Some symptoms of pollen allergies are stuffy nose, itchy eyes, headaches, sore throat and trouble breathing. How much pollen that is in the air depends on the time of day and if the weather is windy and warm. The total amount of pollen in the air for a day is called the pollen count.

Pollen grains carry on their exterior coat 30-40 dissimilar proteins. The female parts of the flower need these proteins to distinguish the correct match for pollination. If you inhale in pollen grains or they get into your eyes, the proteins are discharged just as if they landed on a receptive female stigma.

Normally the immune system would take care of the foreign proteins by discarding them. Some people have an immune system that will not get rid of the pollen proteins. Instead, a process takes place that releases a chemical called histamine. The histamine causes the symptoms of the allergy.

Mid October to the end of March are usually the months when pollen is in the air. It depends on the region because of the plant's response to the climate. Trees flower when the weather starts to get warmer in the spring. The flowering time for each kind of tree lasts around two weeks but the peak pollinating period only last a couple of days. There are many varieties of grass and they each have their own flowering period anywhere between mid-December and mid-March.

There are a few ways you can lower your exposure to pollen. Pollen clings to clothes, skin and hair. Take a bath or shower and change your clothes after you have been outside. It is best to stay indoors during the morning hours between 5 and 10 a.m. Also try to avoid being outdoors on dry days or when the wind is strong. Wear a protective mask if you must work outside. Vacuum regularly with a vacuum cleaner that catches all the airborne particles. You can also use a good air purifier to keep your indoor air clean. Taking herbs such as enchinacea and dandelion has been suggested to help allergy symptoms.

Learn as much as you can about the plants that cause your allergic reaction. This will teach to recognize the plants so you can stay away from them when they are pollinating. Keep all the windows closed during the day and run an air conditioner. Before the pollination period starts and after it is over you have nothing to worry about. You can even take a walk in a wooded area.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Allergies

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Decrease Your Cat Allergy Symptoms

If you start to sneeze, develop teary eyes, a runny nose and a headache every time you get near your cat you might be having an allergic reaction. Cat allergens from the saliva and dander have to be airborne in order for you to breathe them in and then have an allergic reaction. Since they are airborne, they can circulate everywhere in your house and on you. Have yourself tested so you can be sure your symptoms are coming from your cat. Allergists can perform a scratch test on your skin that can reveal 70-80 possible allergens. Allergies to a pet can begin at any age. Many people that have pet allergies may have allergies to other things like molds or pollen. Allergies also tend to run in families.

Most people do not want to give up their cat unless they absolutely have to. If the symptoms are mild, you probably will be able to keep your cat. There are ways to decrease the unpleasant symptoms of the allergy.

Start by not letting your cats sleep with you anymore. In fact, keep them out of your bedroom completely. Wash your bedclothes in a hot water temperature of 140-degrees. This will eliminate any allergens while you are trying to get your symptoms under control.

Try to keep your cat confined to one area of the house until you have been treated and feel better. This might be difficult but it may be the only solution if you have severe allergies. A room you don't use could be a good area to keep your cat in temporarily. Make sure you put toys, food and water in the room. A room with windows with wide panes may be a good idea so they can sit and look outside. Have someone without allergies take your cat outside for a while every day.

Cats should be bathed regularly to control the quantity of allergens that are released. A good micro fiber cloth will also work. You can rub down their coat to eliminate any obvious dander. There are shampoos for pets that work to reduce the airborne allergens. Always wash your hands after touching your cat. There are medications that can be taken such as antihistamines, eye drops and nasal sprays. Allergy desensitization shots are another treatment option. The shots make the person immune to the allergies. Small amounts of allergens are injected at first and than slowly increased. Make an appointment with a holistic healthcare practitioner if you want a more natural way to control your symptoms. Nutritional supplements and herbs may decrease an allergic response. Your cat should also eat a healthy diet with omega-3 fatty acids. Cats produce less dander if they are healthy.

If for some reason you don't respond to any of the treatments then you might have to give up your pet. Of course, you want them to have a good home. Ask family members or friends if they would take your cat. Rescue groups are also good to call to help you find a place where your pet will receive excellent care.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Allergies

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

What is Milk Allergy?

Milk allergy is the immune system's response to cow's milk. Cow's milk is one of the most frequent food allergens because of one or more of the proteins that it contains.

There are lots of proteins in cow's milk that cause allergic reactions. Whey and Casein are it's two components. The curd that forms when milk is left to sour is called Casein. The watery part that is left when the curd is removed is called whey.

Eighty percent of cow's milk is made up of Casein. It is also the most important allergen found in cheese. The harder the cheese the more casein it has.

The other 20% is made up of whey. It is composed of two main allergenic proteins, namely alpha lactalbumin and beta lactaglobulin.

Milk allergy usually starts in infancy. There are studies that show that two to three percent of infants have milk allergy but most outgrow it within the first few years. By the age of four, sixty percent of milk allergic infants out grow their milk allergy another eight percent outgrow it by the age of six, but there are those who never outgrow it.

Though a lot become milk allegry sufferes as infants, cow's milk allergy can be acquired later in life.


Milk allergy symptoms can be seen on the skin or felt in the digestive system or respiratory system.

Milk allergy causes skin reactions that can be an itchy red rash, hives, eczema, allergic "shiners" (black eyes), and swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue, face or throat.

Digestive system reactions of milk allergy sufferers might be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas, bloating, or abdominal cramps.

Respiratory system reactions of those with milk allergy are runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, itchy eyes, nasal congestion, wheezing, shortness of breath, or coughing, or even anaphylactic shock.

Some people can have a reddish ear love or a hazy look in their eyes. Another symptom that can be had from milk allergy is bedwetting, inattentiveness, and lethargy.

Avoidance is the key with allergies. That means not drinking milk. Someone that has milk allergy has to be very careful in what products to buy. They have to read the product labels and see what milk proteins that are contained within. Milk maybe the hidden allergen in a lot of processed meats like hotdogs, pepperoni, salami, sausage and bologna. There are also some non-dairy products that contain casein.

There are some other milk products that can be substituted for cow's milk. milk allergy sufferes find this useful when baking and cooking food. The type of milk substitute depends on the food that it will be used for.

Rice milk is good for drinking and cereal. It can be used for baking or as a thickening agent and is perfect for those with milk allergy.

Some recipes you can have broth, juice or water as a substitute for cow?s milk.

In some cases a person with milk allegry can use goat's milk or soy milk. However, these types of milk are also allergenic and the person allergic to cow's milk will often be allergic to goat's milk as well.

Having milk allergy does not mean that you can bypass the calcium requirement in your nutrition. The recommended daily allowance of a person depends on the age. Good sources of calcium aside from milk are green vegetables, fish with soft edible bones, and seafood.

Calcium cannot be absorbed without vitamin D, which comes from eggs, liver and sunlight. That means to maintain a healthy lifestyle even with a milk allergy, one has to take vitamin supplements to complete their dietary balance.

For answers to All your frequently asked questions about milk allergy, please go to: Milk Allergy or go to: Allergy Answers or to: All About Allergies

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Vastly Increasing Patients of Latex Allergy

Finding a white collar job is not easy. Since everyone needs money to survive with everyday necessities, any occupation will do. People who usually work in construction sites are more prone to suffer latex allergy.

Latex allergy was first discovered in the late 1970?s. Then, it became a major health concern for all the medical specialists. The patients who are sent to the hospital are also increasing annually. This event alarmed them so they conducted researches to stumble on the needed prevention.

During the early 90?s, the Food and Drug Administration declared that there are about 1000 people who have been victims of latex allergy. The devastating fact is that, 15 deaths were reported out of the thousand patients.

Cause of Latex Allergy

Basically, the root of the problem is the component called latex. Once an allergic individual was able to inhale this, he will probably suffer from the allergy. Likewise, most of the synthetic materials contain latex that is responsible for the allergy symptoms.

Latex Allergy Treatment

Treating the latex allergy can be easy if the patient responds to the advices of the doctors positively. Medications are used in order to reduce the allergy symptoms. Complete latex avoidance is the most effective approach that you can possibly do to alleviate or totally eliminate the allergy in your system.

Establishments must also provide facilities that maintain latex-safe areas to avoid possible clients and customers? from being affected. Since latex is a common problem, tests for latex immunity can be undertaken by a person from professional medical people.

Charlene J. Nuble 2006.

For answers to All your frequently asked questions about latex allergy, please go to: Latex Allergy or go to: Allergy Answers or go to: All About Allergies

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Food Allergy Awareness: Be Prepared With These Tips and a Medical Alert Wallet

It's rare that you hear of someone dying from food allergies, but when it happens, it usually reaches national news. Why? Because food is something we eat every day - several times a day - and everyone should be aware of the dangers of food allergies. Some foods such as peanuts contain very strong allergens that are in the food and released into the air as well. That's why someone with severe food allergies must be extremely careful where and how they dine out.

Food Allergy Deaths

There are approximately 150 deaths related to food allergies in the United States each year. Food allergies are responsible for more deaths than insect bites as well as reactions to medicines.

Some food allergy deaths could have been prevented if proper medical attention was given when the allergic reaction occurred. Unfortunately, someone who is dining out or eating at home alone can have an allergic reaction without anyone around who knows the cause. With severe reactions, the person may not be able to speak or move at all. When the paramedics arrive, they do not know how to treat the patient.

Non-deadly allergies can still cause unpleasant symptoms such as cramps, light-headedness, itching and rash, hives, headaches, swelling lips, tingling mouth, shortness of breath and wheezing. Even these symptoms can seem urgent when they're really not, so emergency personnel might attend to someone with these symptoms as well.

Keeping in Touch with Your Food Allergies

Prevention is always best with food allergies, especially dangerous ones. When dining out, ask the waiter if the food you're about to order contains the ingredients that might cause an allergic reaction. Also, check food labels and labels on drinks and condiments while grocery shopping to be sure it's safe before eating. Keep a list of the foods you're allergic to with you in your wallet or purse as a reminder when dining out.

If you've already experienced a severe food allergy attack, ask your physician about a self-injecting epinephrine to keep with you for emergencies. This could save your life!

Help Medical Emergency Workers do their Jobs

Another way to be prepared is to have all your medical emergency information with you in one place along with your identification. Keep this information in your purse or wallet so emergency workers will know how to diagnose and treat you when they arrive.

Special wallets are now available called Medical Alert Wallets that have all your medical information and allergy details inside. Emergency workers easily recognize these because each Medical Alert Wallet has a "Medic Alert" symbol and a free Medical Information Card with each wallet. They come in nylon, vinyl, and leather. Several styles are available such as bi-fold, tri-fold and neck wallets. Families can use these for every member of the family so everyone will be protected if a food allergy reaction or any other medical emergency occurs.

With a little preparation and a Medic Alert Wallet, you'll have peace of mind when dining out or eating at a friend's house. Food allergies do not have to control your life!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Medical Alert Wallets: Be Prepared! or Majon's Health and Beauty directory.

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Mold Allergy And What To Do

25 million Americans suffer from allergic reactions to molds, most of them don't even realize they have a mold allergy; that when they are sneezing and sniffling the cause is molds.

Mold spore allergy is common as mold can be found almost everywhere, and all molds reproduce by spores, and send the spore airborne, which causes allergic reactions in many individuals.

Airborne mold spores can cause you to be ill and eventually destroy your health. Many people are unaware that they are breathing mold spores until they are very sick.

As stated, molds produce airborne toxins - these can cause serious breathing difficulties, memory and hearing loss, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, and bleeding in the lungs. Yes, it can be that bad.

So it is important to find out where you might have mold in your home and at work by doing a mold test. Molds can be found wherever there is moisture, oxygen, warmth and something to feed on. Warmth and high humidity stimulate mold growth, so mold allergy tends to be most prevalent during the hot, humid summer months.

One of the easiest ways to find out if you have mold in your home is to order a mold test kit online. Look around a little for tests that will test for many molds, or ones that will test for black mold specifically.

A mold test kit is also a great way to test for mold at work. If you find a high count, then go to your supervisor or boss with the information and ask them to do something about it as you have a mold allergy, and others are probably being affected as well.

Get to the bottom of your mold allergy. Now you want to look around for mold in your home. Start with a visual inspection for both mold and moisture around windows, sinks, and water lines.

If you kit shows that you have mold in your home, you may need to get to the bottom of your mold allergy by having a mold inspector come to your home. An inspector will give you a much more thorough inspection that you would not be able to do for yourself.

The inspector will look at such things as:

Humidity of the indoor air, using a properly calibrated meter
Heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems
Moisture barriers for proper installation and condensation
All water-damaged areas, and locate the point of water intrusion

Mold allergy can make you seriously ill, so take steps soon to locate mold in your home and clear it.

Article By Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac. Learn more tips about Allergy and Allergy Relief by visiting her site and getting the Health Tips Newsletter and other Health and Nutrition tips.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Natural Allergy Treatment; Just Wishful Thinking

More and more attention is being focused on a natural allergy treatment for a lot of us because of how prescriptions can cause other health problems. It seems that allergies are affecting a growing number of people each year similar to the growth rate of serious diseases like those plaguing our nation now. Luckily there is an remarkable allergy treatment found in a natural botanical.

This botanical reaches into numerous areas of your body and targets whatever needs the most attention, while correcting allergy problems too. There are centuries of folk lore and years of scientific proof behind it, and more universities are planning more studies. Some studies are focusing on the xanthone, which is proving to be a powerful nutrient. There are about 200 xanthones we are aware of, of which a majority are found in wood, and over 40 found in the mangosteen fruit. (not related to Mango)

Get An Allergy Test Done

If you go for an allergy test you'll be conscious of what to avoid in your diet or what to stay away from. This is obvious but neccesary, and doing that will mark the start of your allergy treatment. There are also a lot of allergens beyond your control so the next step is to improve your natural allergy defense.

A well prescribed allergy treatment will cast off discomfort, suppress the severity and maybe even go as far as eliminate your symptoms. Unfortunately, most medications are a temporary solution and in some cases don't do a proper job. If your allergies are a threat to your life, then you might want to carry an Epi-Pen with you and renew it each year.

In north america our health system is the best in the world in many respects, but ignorant in other areas. Many Doctors will never concede they don't understand your problem and resort to prescriptions because of their training. If they knew of an efficient natural allergy treatment, there's no doubt they would tell you about it.

Something To Think About

With the lengthy list of allergens that could cause your reaction, how effective is an allergy pill when it's just an antihistamine? It makes more sense when a natural allergy treatment is working with your bodies natural defences. Especially when it has anti-inflammitory properties to help with breathing, reduce swelling, hives and itching. It's even better when it's from a good tasting fruit that has a number of vitamins and minerals helping it out.

The natural allergy treatment I'm writing about is found in the Mangosteen fruit. Highly revered for its medicinal qualities, it contains a powerful nutrient called the xanthone. It's a super star on nutrients being closely watched by the scientific community for its healing potential. It's a double bonded molucule with side chains, and each side chain is usefull for specific health problems.

Xanthones; Natures Hero

It's important to know why a double bonded molucule is powerful, especially as an allergy treatment. Xanthones have a skeletal structure (the double bond) and side chains. Each side chain can address a different health issue and once set free to do its work will search for pathogens like viruses and parasites to destroy them. It will also strenghten vital organs by boosting your immune system.

A double bonded molucule is more powerful than an average molucule, not like antioxidants that expire on first contact with a free radical for instance. Because of the skeletal organization, the side chains are anywhere from 20 to 30 times more powerful than antioxidants found in raw vegetables and fruits. The astonshing thing is is how it out performs concentrated extracts like co-enzyme Q10 for instance.

The Easy To Swallow Allergy Treatment

As mangosteen becomes more widely known to local doctors, they are starting to use mangosteen before resorting to medications if a condition persists. The number of Doctors even aware of mangosteen is minimal, but you can tell your own doctor about mangosteen and maybe he will start prescribing it too.

Remember when aloe vera first came out in the late 70's? It quickly became a commonly known name and most homes had an aloe vera plant somewhere for scrapes and cuts. Today you can stroll into most health food stores and see numerous brands of aloe vera sitting on the shelf. Aloe Vera has one xanthone, Mangosteen has 43 and counting!

Mangosteen Facts You'll Want To Know

Along with many nutrients Mangosteen includes, Catechins, Polysaccharides, Stilbenes, Quinones, Vitamins and Minerals, and of course Xanthones. The COX 2 inhibitor properties found in mangosteen work a lot like the drugs Vioxx and Celebrex, but without the dangerous side effects. Xanthones are in every part of the fruit, but the highest concentration is found in the pericarp, which is the rind of the fruit. Remarkably, xanthones were tested against HIV at the University of Singapore. Two xanthones proved able to to interfere with HIV protease, causing the virus to remain immature and incapable of infection.

*** Use Mangosteen To Eliminate Allergies ***

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Allergy Treatment Guide - Know Your Options

People face some type of allergy to all sorts of things, this may include environmental allergens, odors, fumes, food, and cigarette smoke just to name a few. Allergy treatment and testing is required when symptoms become uncomfortable and occur on a daily basis. With food allergies and small children, the process of elimination is the best way to determine which food is causing the allergic reaction. Allergy testing methods such as skin testing and blood testing are helpful, but some people may respond better to one than the other. Blood testing is particularly helpful in detecting food allergies, but if you know you?re allergic to a certain food, wouldn?t you just not eat it?

Environmental allergies are a little trickier amongst the different types of allergies. There are a number of possible triggers like weeds, trees, pollens, grasses, dust, dust mites, molds, pet dander, chemical fumes, and cigarette smoke that are all popular offenders. Skin allergy testing is a popular method that is used to diagnose different types of allergies that are severe enough to warrant this approach. Allergy treatment can then be prescribed based on the level of reaction to certain irritants. Seeking assistance from a specialist is not required for everyone with allergies. You can find quite a number of over-the-counter medications that are effective in treating symptoms, but for cases where medications don?t work one would need to consult a professional. There are a number of times where allergies are present with other conditions such as eczema and asthma, and should be assessed in conjunction to allergy treatment as they all go simultaneously. As a result of treating allergies, related conditions will either resolve themselves or lessen considerably as allergy treatment progresses.

Prescribed allergy treatment usually consists of immunotherapy which is also known as allergy shots, that expose allergy sufferers to little amounts of the offending allergens in gradually increased doses that over time reduces symptoms. Make sure that substance that triggers severe allergic reactions, for example certain foods like (shellfish, eggs and peanuts) and bee stings is avoided completely. One must remember that avoidance is the only allergy treatment in this case, aside from using an Epi-Pen and/or Benadryl in cases wherein an accidental exposure may take place. People who are afflicted with allergies should try different allergy treatments and combinations in order to experience any significant relief.

Over a period of time allergies decreases and may in due course disappear thus requiring a lesser amount of allergy treatment. There are a number of resources online you can look into about allergy treatments like,, or where you will find a world of information about allergy treatments right at your fingertips.

John Wellington provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles, and reviews for health, fitness, and other related information.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Eczema Caused by Dust Mites Is Not Just an Allergy

Dust mites have long been known to cause and exacerbate eczema. Until recently, this was assumed to be the result of an allergy. However, a new study suggests that the skin conditions associated with dust mites are more than allergic reactions - exposure to these microscopic insects actually causes a breakdown of the protective function of the outer layer of the skin. Solving this problem can be difficult - you can reduce dust mites, but you can't eliminate them.

Your best solution is two-pronged approach - reduce the mites as best you can, and use a shielding lotion that has been proven as an effective eczema treatment.

Dust mites are microscopic or sometimes barely visible creatures that live in house dust. They are in the obvious places where dust builds up, like behind the couch or refrigerator, but also hide in just about anything that is stuffed or made of thick fabric - carpets, furniture, pillows, mattresses, stuffed animals and blankets.

Lancet published a study years ago that made doctors aware that dust mites were associated with eczema. However, the new study, published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, narrowed things down further.

According to the new study, mice exposed to the mite enzyme experienced transepidermal water loss, indicating that the protective layer of the skin had been disrupted. According to Toshiro Takai, one of the authors of the study, this finding explains why dust mites cause dry skin and eczema. The study also noted an increased level of riboflavin, which indicates that the skin is more accessible to allergens and irritants in general. So, skin that has been damaged by exposure to dust mites is also more susceptible to other irritants and allergens such as mold, pet dander and chemicals.

How do you solve the problem? Keeping your home as dust-free as possible and encasing mattresses, box springs and pillows in hypo-allergenic covers will help, but a shielding lotion is also vital.

A good shielding lotion bonds with the outer layer of the skin to form a protective layer that locks in the skin's natural moisture and keeps out irritants and allergens. Thousands of doctors now recommend a shielding lotion for dry skin and eczema treatment and, as it's impossible to live in a completely irritant-free environment, it must be included in any eczema treatment program.

Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit

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