Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cat Allergy

If we were smart we would avoid things that we are allergic to but who said most of us were smart or sane when it comes to our pets. For most cat lovers there is no way they are going to part with their beloved pet because of a cat allergy.

That means you?ll need to learn to manage your cats and your cat allergy symptoms. Although you might not rid yourself of your cat allergy you should be able to make your symptoms manageable.

In case you have forgotten we?ll give you a little reminder about the allergens and the fact that they are airborne so when you breathe them in you can have a cat allergy reaction. There is a high rate of contamination and recontamination.

1. No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed

Okay no monkey?s here but there will be no more cats sleeping on your bed. This might be the hardest habit to break but it?s a small price to pay to wake up clear headed in the morning and without your cat allergy bothering you.

2. No Trespassing

The bedroom has to become a cat free zone and this will reduce the allergens to almost zero. Don?t give into your cats. They?ll find somewhere else they love to curl up and you?ll find yourself suffering a lot less with your cat allergy.

3. Give Me An H..E..P?A

HEPA air filters do a great job of cleaning the air in your home and because cat dander is so difficult to pick up this is a smart way to be effective and help your cat allergy.

4. HEPA Vacuum

Vacuuming just became that much more important. You need to invest in a HEPA vacuum cleaner and you need to vacuum walls, carpets, furniture, and just about anything else that lives in the house other than Grandma?s fine china. You need to do it at least twice a week to reduce your cat allergy.

5. Steam Clean

Using a vapor steam cleaner to clean your home will kill the proteins in the dander. This has been scientifically proven. What that means is for under a hundred dollars you can rid your home of everything and you?ll find your cat allergy is forgotten.

6. Wash Em Now!

Always wash your hands right after handling your cat and make sure you do not rub your eyes at any time even after you?ve washed your hands. Your cat allergies will be better.

7. Heat It Up!

Wash all your bedding in water that is 140 degrees and do this twice a month to eliminate dust mites and cat allergens.

8. Bath Your Cat

Yes we know that this task could easily be worse than your cat allergy but you simply have to do it at least once a month and more often if you can.

What?s most important to realize when you suffer from a cat allergy is that you do not have to get rid of your cat. Your cat is a family member and getting rid of your cat is like getting rid of one of your children. You can have your cat and your cat allergy too.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our Cat Allergy pages

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Allergy Diagnosis Help

Diagnosing your allergy can be challenging. Allergies affect many people worldwide. If you have never had an allergy you can't imaging the toll it can take on the quality of your life. It can affect your productivity at work and at home. It can affect a child's ability to concentrate and therefore learn. Many people don't want to admit they have an allergy particularly when they've tried over the counter treatments and they haven't worked. The good news is that an allergist can help you but only if you help them identify what is causing your allergy.

What is an allergic reaction?

Many times the reaction itself can point an allergist to the cause. Allergies occur when the immune system recognizes a non-harmful substance as harmful and causes your body to react. When the body comes in contact with the perceived harmful substance, the body will produce a large number of antibodies. These antibodies will cause the body to release chemicals. The most known chemical is histamine that results in itching, increased nasal secretions, swelling and tightening of the airways. The symptoms that you feel as a result include coughing, watery eyes, runny nose,and possibly hives. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that requires immediate treatment. It is caused when the swelling and the tightening of the airways cause severe difficulty breathing as well as dizziness.

There are many types of allergies. Allergic reactions can be caused by airborne substances like pollen that cause hay fever. Depending on the allergen (the substance that causes your allergic reaction), hay fever can be seasonal or year-round. Another allergen also associated with asthma are dust mites, which live in dust and other fibers in things like bedding and rugs. Pet dander is another frequent cause of allergy symptoms, as is mold, latex and some types of foods (food intolerance). In my mind a chocolate allergy can be the most tragic.

If you are lucky you will have an allergy to one or two allergens. Unfortunately some of us will be allergic to a wide range of sources. If your parents have allergies you will be predisposed to having them. Ironically though they may not be to the same things. Asthma and eczema sufferers also seem to be more likely to get allergies.

How can you treat these allergies?

Luckily there are many treatments available today. These can include antihistamines, decongestants or nasal sprays that can provide you with some relief of your symptoms. If these typically over the counter treatments don't work you can try immunotherapy (desensitization), allergy shots as well as the new allergy drops can help you manage and sometimes cure your symptoms. Your allergist can decide what your best course of action should be because it all depends on what you are allergic to.because it all depends on what you are allergic to.

Rebecca Knight is a writer for where you can find more information on all types of allergy symptoms

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Your Allergies and Your Allergy Treatment

Allergies ? it seems just about everyone is suffering with them these days and many are enduring these season allergies without complaining. Instead they simply fill their pockets with tissues and sniffle on. So where do you, your allergies, and your allergy treatment.

But you know there comes a point where you need to take yourself and your allergies to the doctor for medical treatment. For many allergies there are over the counter medications that can help. There are also some terrific natural medications that have helped many an allergy sufferer. But after all that if you continue to suffer it?s time to see a doctor to help you find the right allergy treatment.

If you are wondering why you need a doctor here?s a great example ? sinusitis is an allergy that many suffer from missing about 7 days a week in sick days because of it. There are more than 20 million annual office visits to the family doctor for a diagnosis of sinusitis because when left untreated it can lead to serious problems. That?s why the right allergy treatment is so important.

Great ? but is there the right kind of doctor for your allergy treatment. And then there?s the challenge of choosing the right medication and then there?s just knowing when you need to see a doctor. When choosing a doctor start with your family doctor. If they feel you need a specialist they will refer you. When choosing a medication do a little research to decide if it is a medicine you are okay with taking. And if you simply can?t get your allergies under control you need to see a doctor ? it?s really that simple.

There are all levels of allergies from mild to serve. A common mistake is to think only serious allergies need an allergy treatment. Even mild allergies that just don?t let up need treating. If your allergies affect your quality of life you need an allergy treatment.

When you suffer from allergies you are 20 times more likely to miss work or school. You will also spend your days feeling too tired to do anything and you are simply not functioning at your maximum ability. Your concentration is reduced and without an allergy treatment you have a greater risk of being involved in some type of accident or injury.

Allergies that are left without an allergy treatment can also lead to serious health problems. Sinusitis, ear & throat infections, tonsillitis, adenoids enlarged, polyps, and the problems go on and on.

Without an allergy treatment you can also suffer from sleep apnea which can be life-threatening if a person stops breathing. Untreated you can also suffer from other respiratory problems that result in chronic conditions like asthma. Allergies can also skin problems, food allergies, and even drug allergies. Some of these allergies can be life threatening anaphylactic shock.

If your allergies are minor you can likely find a natural allergy treatment or an over the counter treatment that can relieve your symptoms. However if you find your symptoms have become chronic and you are not getting relief it is important to see a doctor.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our allergy treatment pages.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Allergy Testing: Determining What You Are Allergic To

Do you find yourself getting a stuffy nose or runny nose in the spring time when the trees are in full bloom? Do you eyes start to water when you visit your aunt's house that has two cats? Do you suffer from painful headaches that are right behind your eyes? When a weather front is about to blow through do you get painful headaches and pressure in your head?

You might have an allergy, but you are not sure of the specific allergen that is triggering your allergic reaction. An allergy doctor will recommend an allergy test or two to diagnose your condition.

There are different types of allergy tests each used to determine different types of allergies. Each test works better for determining certain categories of allergies.

It is a good idea to be familiar with the different methods of allergy testing before you make an appointment with your doctor. Tests can fall into three categories: prick tests, elimination tests, and blood tests.

Prick Tests

The scratch tests are probably the most common type of allergy testing that is done. A grid drawn on either the arms or the back and a small amount of the suspected allergen is placed into the grid and the skin is pricked. This allows a small amount of the allergen to be absorbed by the skin. The site is then observed to watch for indication of an allergic reaction such as swelling, redness or itching. A result is often detected in as little as twenty minutes with this method of allergy testing.

With this method many different types of allergens can be tested at the same time. This makes this method very useful when the allergen is unknown, for airborne allergens and for allergies from foods and insect bites.

Elimination diets for food allergies

If a food allergy is suspected, another type of allergy testing that is often performed is the elimination diet. In this process, a variety of foods that are potential allergens are eliminated from the diet for a period of several weeks. Each food is then individually introduced back into the person?s diet, with careful observation to see which selection will cause the allergy symptoms to return.

This method of allergy testing works best on mild allergic reactions, but can be potentially dangerous for severe, anaphylactic allergies. If a severe allergy is suspected, there is a third method of allergy testing that is preferred to ensure that a potentially life-threatening substance is not introduced into the body in any way.

Blood Tests

The final type of allergy testing that is commonly performed is called a radioallergosorbent test, or RAST. This test is done in the laboratory, using blood that is drawn from the patient. The blood is examined for the presence of immunoglobulin (IgE) antibodies, since this will indicate whether the immune system is producing an allergic reaction in the body. Elevated levels of these IgE?s can tell your doctor whether you are allergic to certain types of allergens, although this type of allergy testing does not tend to be as accurate or precise as other methods.

Allergy testing is the best way to determine exactly what you are allergic to. There are several different methods each with their strengths and weakness. You will need to work with your allergy doctor to determine which allergy test method is the best for you to determine what is causing your painful allergic reactions. With this knowledge you will be able to avoid the allergens and increase your quality of life.

Want more information on allergy testing and where to find help with mold allergies? Try visiting, a popular website that offers tips & resources related to wheat allergies & mold allergies.

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Allergy Symptoms - Confusing No More

Nowadays allergy symptoms plague a majority of Americans. I for one have continually struggled with understanding the signs that indicate an allergic reaction. Every day we are exposed to foods that could cause us food intolerance like lactose intolerance to drugs that can give us side effects that are due to our body reacting negatively to it. Even the simple pleasure of spending time in the backyard expose you to other possible allergens like grass and flowers.

Understanding your allergy symptoms and treating the underlying causes are two very important parts of finding an effective solution to improving your health and wellness. There are many ways that people treat allergy symptoms. The band-aid approach of treating the allergic reaction quickly is pretty popular, yet often these treatments are short-lived. With patience and research, one can learn to manage these otherwise debilitating allergies.

Common allergy symptoms are seen throughout the world by both Allergists and Family Practitioners. Doctors tend to categorize the symptoms as mild, moderate or severe. The most common fall into the mild and moderate category and include:

* Chronic Sinusitis
* Watery Eyes that can become Red and Itchy
* Rash
* Congestion
* Itchiness
* Difficulty breathing

Chronic sinusitis is possibly the most frequent sign of an allergy. This usually causes sinus headaches as the nasal passages are continually clogged and sometimes draining as well. Watery eyes are another very common allergy symptom which can cause painful irritation. This causes scratching which can make matters worse particularly in children who usually show no restraint. In order to treat these symptoms, there are a variety of medications available to help stop this reaction and inflammation process. Both prescription and over-the counter medicines are available. Eye drops like Visine are often used as well to take out redness and irritation from the eyes. Natural approaches popular for treating so many things nowadays are also an option when it comes to treating allergy symptoms as well. An example of this is the herb milk thistle which cleanses the liver and helps it to function properly which helps those with food intolerance.

Severe reaction otherwise known as anaphylaxis is more rare but is life-threatening. It may begin with a common symptom like itching of the eyes or face but will suddenly progress to include:

* Swelling that effects breathing and swallowing
* Abdominal pain
* Cramps
* Vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Dizziness(possible mental confusion)

If you think you are experiencing anaphylaxis seek emergency help immediately.

Other allergy symptoms may cause more reactions that can occur even weeks after an exposure. This type of allergy is probably the most difficult to diagnose. Sufferers continue to experience problems for years. Some are continually misdiagnosed particularly for those with allergy symptoms that include gastro-intestinal issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation or diarrhea. Finding the food that causes these reactions and eliminating them is the only way to find relief. Depression and attention deficit have also surprisingly been linked as an allergy symptom to certain chemicals or food additives. Out of the box treatments such as acupuncture may help to find the root causes of these allergy symptoms.

Many times we like to brush off our allergy symptoms as minor nuisance. We would rather think we have a cold than address the process of trying to identify your allergies and treat them appropriately. We continue to eat some things that we know don't agree with us and just chalk it up to the latest stomach flu. Do yourself a favor and bring these symptoms up to your doctor. It doesn't hurt to ask and the answers could help drastically improve the quality of your life.

Marilyn Franklin is a writer for where you can find more information about allergy symptoms

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Using Car Air Purifiers To Prevent Allergy Symptoms

There are many reasons that you might want to use a car air purifier. These reasons can run the gamut of simply wanting your car to smell better, to needing to purify the air inside for those who ride in it and might suffer from allergies, asthma or other respiratory conditions. No matter what reason makes you decide to use a car air purifier, you will find many different styles of these units and many different ways to use them.

Plug In Models

There are different types of car air purifiers that you can use in your car. One of the most common is an electric car air purifier that you plug into the outlet in your car. This means that whenever you car is running, the car air purifier is going to be working. This is great for those who tend to smoke inside their cars or simply want the car to smell fresher whenever you are in it.

Stand Alone Varieties

There are also car air purifiers that work on batteries and work constantly, so that your car always smells fresh. You don?t have to worry about plugging them in every time you drive your car, but you do have to worry about changing the batteries periodically. These work best for those who spend plenty of time in their cars, since the units run constantly. Freshening the air in a car that sits unused for days on end uses up battery power without real benefit to the owner of the auto.

Reasons for Using Them

There are many reasons that you might decide to use a car air purifier. First, you might find that the odors in your car will spur you to select a car air purifier. With older cars, or cars that tend to sit outdoors much of the time, this could be the case. It could also be that you smoke in your car, or that someone else has smoked a great deal in your car. Also, if your car windows tend to leak when it rains or snows, water damage can cause odors as well. For these reasons, it is a good idea to get a car air purifier to improve the odors inside your car and make it more pleasant for driving.

These car air purifiers can also have tremendous benefits for those who suffer from allergies and asthma conditions. Keeping the air inside your automobile as clean as possible will help those with acute allergies or asthma have a much more comfortable ride.

Ann Marier has written many articles on health problems and useful house and garden Topics. More articles on Best Air Purifiers To Use

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Penicillin Allergy

Penicillin is a common antibiotic used to treat many illnesses. When it was discovered it was considered a breakthrough in the treatment of illness and infection. It is derived from the penicillin mold, the blue-green mold found on moldy oranges. Before penicillin, common infections and diseases that are only a nuisance to us today were quite often fatal. For years penicillin was the only effective antibiotic treatment available for doctors to use. It is relatively cheap and easy to manufacture, making it the most often used antibiotic world wide.

Allergic reactions to penicillin can often be a serious and life threatening matter. They can range from annoying rashes to life threatening breathing difficulties. You might recall answering the question " are you allergic to penicillin" on a medical question form at your doctors office or upon admittance to a hospital for treatment. This is because doctors must know if you are do to the potential for catastrophic results should you be given penicillin and you are allergic to it. Knowing if they are allergic to penicillin is something every person should know. Penicillin is the most common drug allergy.

It is unclear why some people have an allergic reaction to penicillin while others don't. It is also unknown what predisposes one person with an allergy to penicillin to minor symptoms while another person allergic to it will experience life threatening symptoms. For those who are allergic to penicillin, the only treatment is not to use it. Fortunately there are other powerful antibiotics available to replace penicillin. Prior to their discovery, penicillin allergy could sometimes have grave consequences. It could leave doctors with their hands tied in treating the infection or disease.

Common symptoms of penicillin allergy are as follows. A rash or hives that can range from a minor rash to a dark red rash that covers large portions of the body. Swollen lips tongue and face, ranging from minor swelling to extreme swelling. Itchy, irritated eyes that can be bloodshot and watery. The most serious reaction happens in people that are highly allergic to penicillin. An anaphylactic reaction is a reaction that manifests itself as a swelling of the bronchial airway, making it difficult to breath. This can also be accompanied by a sudden drop in blood pressure, resulting in lightheadedness. This reaction can be deadly, so it's important to be aware of this fact.

If you are given penicillin and experience any of these symptoms, tell your doctor immediately. It's much better to be safe than sorry. The most serious reaction, the anaphylactic reaction, appears almost immediately. The other less minor reactions can take hours to appear. Treatments for the symptoms are readily available but as of yet there is no cure for the allergy itself. If your child has never been given penicillin it is imperative that you let your doctor know this. He or she can make a determination as to whether or not your child is allergic to it prior to administering a large dose of penicillin.

Article by Sven Ullmann, who runs Deserved Health - information on health for you and your family. Read more about penicillin allergy

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Which Allergy Treatment Should You Use?

Allergies seem to be on the rise for many different reasons. In fact 1 in 3 people will suffer from some type of allergies. If your allergies are severe you may have to see an allergist or an ear, nose, throat specialist but many times you can get your allergies under control on your own.

If you are unsure of what you are allergic to the doctor can perform what is called a skin test which is done by placing a light scratch on you and then injecting a tiny amount of the suspect allergen. If a hive appears it would be assumed you are allergic to that particular allergen which makes it easier for you to form a workable plan to help keep your allergies under control.

Environmental factors have become a big problem causing all kinds of allergic reactions. Sometimes your allergy treatment can be as simple as avoiding the environmental factor you are allergic to which can significantly reduce the number of reactions.

There are many medications that can be used to help treat your allergies. A common allergy treatment might be a decongestant or antihistamine or a combination of the two which can reduce the symptoms. There are many over the counter formulas.

If you are looking for an allergy treatment that is much more natural you will be happy to know that there are some excellent homeopathic and natural medicine formulas worth trying. Many work on boosting the immune system so that it can better handle the allergies without assistance.

Sometimes anti-inflammatory medications and corticosteroids are also used. They can be a very useful allergy treatment for airways that are inflamed and corticosteroids are often found in nasal sprays.

Another allergy treatment is the allergy shot which is used for people suffering with allergies in the moderate to severe range. It is frequently used if the substance is almost impossible to avoid or that occurs all year round. They are usually given weekly and contain a small amount of the allergen designed to help build the patients immune system against the allergen.

Each week the amount of allergen is increased slightly and this allergy treatment is generally given over as many as 5 years. This is a very old type of treatment and there may be better ways to accomplish this by simply building ones immune system.

If you are a wine drinker you may be drinking more than just grapes. Your wine might include egg and fish proteins as well as traces of milk. They may also contain traces of nuts, wheat, soybeans, and fish all of which are common allergens and some such as nuts can be very dangerous. The only allergy treatment here may be to avoid your favorite wine. The government is looking to pass legislation so that wine products come with a standard warning ? this product may contain traces of?. Many people have food allergies but few would think to look in their wine.

Dust mites are one of the major causes of allergies and asthma. These little creatures are microscopic and found in carpets, upholstery, and bedding. They are even more common in humid and coastal climates. The allergy treatment for this type of allergy can include using HEPA filters, vacuuming frequently, using allergen covers on the mattresses and pillows, and reducing the moisture in the air since dust mites can?t live in dry air.

There are many causes of allergies and the best allergy treatment will depend on the allergy itself. However as a first line of defense why not try natural products which are far less invasive to the body and many work great!

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our Allergy Treatment pages

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Allergy Control Products

For allergy sufferers life can become miserable if they come into contact with whatever it is they are allergic to. Allergy control products in conjunction with allergy treatments or by themselves are effective in bringing relief to the allergy sufferer. allergy control products come in many forms and are more user friendly than ever before. If you are an allergy sufferer and have never before used allergy control products or have used them in the past and found them too expensive or unreliable then now is the time to see what progress has been made in the field of allergy control products.

Research and surveys have shown that the number of allergy sufferers world wide is on the increase. In a recent U.S. survey it was found that fifty-four percent of Americans are allergic to at least one pathogen. That's over half of all Americans surveyed! Consumer demand has demanded better products and the industry has responded. Air purifiers were once expensive to buy, cumbersome and difficult to operate and maintain. Now though, a wide variety of less expensive and easy to maintain air purifiers are available and most importantly, they actually perform quite well.

Dust mites, human hair and shedding skin can all contribute to allergies. Many people have suffered for years not even knowing that the bed they slept in was the source of their misery. Now though allergy resistant sheets covers and pillow cases can bring relief and peaceful sleep to those who suffer from those allergies. allergy resistant fabrics also bring relief inside the home. Drapes and bed covers and carpeting are all available made entirely of allergy resistant fabrics. For allergy sufferers the fabrics that are so necessary to every day living can also bring misery. allergy resistant fabrics end the suffering.

Allergy sufferers who are chemically sensitive life can be pure hell. We live in a world of chemicals. For them the adage (better living through chemistry) is truly a farce. For many chemically sensitive people their home has become a torture chamber. Allergy resistant paint and chemicals of all sorts are now available that can free them from their misery. These products actually work very well and the money spent on these products is money invested well. The price has come down as quality has gone up on allergy resistant products. Now chemically sensitive people have the option of living a free and normal life.

If you are an allergy sufferer. No matter what you are allergic to there now is help. There is a wide range of products available and chances are there is something there you can use. Some allergy resistant products operate by helping your body cope with whatever it is you are allergic to while others effectively limit or eliminate all together whatever it is you are alergic to from your immediate environment. Many people have found it difficult to completely eliminate allergens from their whole home but have been very successful in creating an allergy safe room in their house. An allergy free zone to retreat to find relief if it is needed.

On the medical front great strides have been made in allergy relief products. A broader understanding of allergies and how pathogens effect the allergy sufferers has paved the way for new and better products. There are natural products available that for many people who have tried them appear to work. The medical establishment for years collectively scoffed at herbal remedies and now the facts speak for themselves. Herbal remedies for some people do work. It is up to each individual allergy sufferer to seek out what is best for them as there is no cure all. What works for one may not work for another but their is help out there.

Article by Sven Ullmann, who runs Deserved Health - information on health for you and your family. Read more about popular allergy control products

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

What Is The Most Common Allergy Symptom?

An allergy occurs when your body overreacts to an allergen that it sees as a problem which causes all kinds of symptoms from mild to severe. Wondering what is the most common allergy symptom and what are the most common causes? Read on.

Runny nose is the most common allergy symptom often mistaken for a cold, followed by hay fever which is a combination of runny nose, itchy watery eyes, which by the way can occur on their own. Sneezing, stuffy nose, and an itchy nose and mouth are also very common. Some people will feel pressure in the nose and cheeks while others will deal with ears that pop. Dark circles under the eyes is very common and yet often missed as an allergy symptom. Then there are more serious allergies suck as anaphylactic shock but for now lets just concentrate on the most common mild to moderate symptoms.

We already know that the allergy symptom occurs when our body misfires and overreacts to an allergen but what are those allergens? There are some common allergens that can be found in just about every house or backyard.

Pollen from trees, weeds, and grasses are all common allergens. Tree allergens produce symptoms during late spring, grasses during the summer, and ragweed during the fall months each producing an allergy symptom such as runny nose or itchy watery eyes.

Mold is another common allergen that can cause a common allergy symptom such as hives or cough. It is found in areas where water collects such as on window sills, on bathroom walls, and in basements that are not damp. It can also be found in damp leaves, compost piles, mulch, and even rotting logs. It is generally worse during rainy seasons and is much more common in humid climates.

Cat and dog dander is found in the skin of your family pets as well as other animals but most commonly see in house pets. It can be picked up handling the animal or from dust in which it becomes trapped. Which common allergy symptom you develop will vary and you may even develop more than one.

Dust includes dust mites which are minute living creatures that can be found in your bed, carpet, and furniture. They survive off of your dead skin. Uk! But worse yet they cause allergies and if you are lucky you?ll get a single symptom like a rash or runny nose.

The allergy symptom will determine the treatment. There are several different treatments that you can try. Antihistamines are commonly used for sneezing, runny nose, and itchiness. Decongestants help relieve stuffy noses and cromolyn sodium helps if you use it before the exposure. Nasal steroid sprays reduce the inflammation in the nasal tissues. And eye drops can be used for itchy, watery eyes.

There are also natural remedies that can help detoxify the body and build the immune system. Allergies can occur as a result of the body being toxic and by detoxifying the body. Because the cause of allergies is a mixed up immune system by building and strengthening the immune system.

The most common allergy symptom is a runny nose but there are many other common symptoms.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our allergy symptom pages.

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The Peanut Allergy Problem

More than 3 million people in America have a peanut allergy which translates into 1 out of every 90 people or 1.10% of the population. The peanut allergy problem continues to grow.

Peanuts are a dietary protein that?s very cheap and generally in its purest form is peanut butter. Yet it has become one of the most common foods for allergies. Unfortunately peanuts are finding there way into many different foods and trace amounts are also entering the food chain from varying angles which is making the peanut allergy problem worse.

Because of the seriousness of these allergies foods are not warning that trace amount of peanuts may be in the product while other products are going for the market based on the peanut allergy problem and proudly announcing there are no peanuts in their products so relax and enjoy.

Anaphylactic shock is one allergic reaction. It can move rapidly becoming fatal in just a couple of minutes. It requires epinephrine as the earliest signs. Symptoms include apprehension, flushing, hives, swollen mouth, eyes, or tongue, itching, tightness in the throat and chest, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, sudden fatigue, chills, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and on the most serious end loss of consciousness and death. The personal allergy problem should not be ignored.

So with the peanut allergy problem being such a problem how come so many still get caught. Sometimes it is a result of incomplete labeling of the packaging, it can also be ignorance of food allergies at schools or restaurants. Some medications can actually cause a peanut reaction, and traces of peanuts aren?t always marked on packages.

Although things are improving the peanut allergy problem is enhanced because often food labels aren?t carefully read. As consumers we are also not trained to question the contents our food where it is prepared and does not have label packaging such as in restaurant take out. Sharing utensils can even be dangerous to someone with a peanut allergy. And taste testing just a tiny bit can be deadly.

The peanut allergy problem also has an identity issue. Many are not aware that just trace elements can kill. We also have a tendency to minimize or deny the allergy even if we have recognized previous symptoms. Failure to tell someone when an allergic reaction is occurring is also a big problem and the biggest problem is not wearing a medical bracelet that warns of a peanut allergy.

The peanut allergy problem has sees a great deal of failure in the treatment end. Many peanut allergy sufferers do not carry epinephrine sold as Epi-Pen?, Ana-Kit ?. They should have it on them at all times and they do not. And of those that carry it on them many do not use it faster enough. They also do not carry two epinephrine doses on them and they should because the second one is often required. Lastly failure for the individual to be taken to hospital can cause death.

Lifestyle changes, better awareness, better packaging, better training in dealing with a reaction, and faster medical intervention are all ways that will help reduce the peanut allergy problem.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our Peanut Allergy pages

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hay Fever Allergy

Allergy is the most common illness in the world. It is characterized by the immune system's reaction to substances that are viewed by the body as potentially harmful. The body launches an attack on these substances which is manifested by the symptoms experienced in an allergy attack. There are many substances that can cause an allergic reaction. Among them are peanuts, shellfish, eggs, milk, dust, insect bites and pollen.

Also known as allergic rhinitis, hay fever is usually characterized by an allergic reaction to pollen. The illness is named after the "haying season" when pollen grains in the air are in abundance. Since pollen carried by the wind is the more popular culprit, you should be aware of the most common plants releasing these pollen grains in the air. Trees including birch, alder, hazel, hornbeam, horse chestnut, willow, poplar, plane, lime and olive cause hay fever. Among these, birch and olive pollen are the most dominant. On the other hand, grass pollen from rye and timothy are responsible for about 90% of the total hay fever cases.

Effects of hay fever vary form person to person. Some experience mild reactions while others suffer severe reactions. Symptoms of the illness include coughing, headache, itching nose, runny nose and sneezing. You might also experience impaired smelling functions and sensitivity to flavors. Your eyes will water from the irritation in your nose. Sore throat, wheezing and conjunctivitis are also common reactions.

Hay fever is usually diagnosed by determining the patient's history of symptoms. Your doctor will ask you the frequency of your symptoms, severity and onset. Changes in your diet, exposure to pets and allergens as well as weather conditions will all be considered in the evaluation for hay fever. Skin testing is also performed to determine specific sensitivity to particular allergens. Since cross-reactivity is normal, your doctor will naturally check you for reactions to cross-reacting substances.

To prevent hay fever, you should avoid being exposed to pollen. If you must go outdoors, try to wear a protective face mask for filtering pollen. You should also avoid going out during the early mornings and evenings when pollen levels are high. When drying your clothes, never put them outside where they can be exposed to pollen. The pollen will attach to the clothes you placed outside for longer than a moment and if you wear these clothes it's possible that you could have an allergic reaction. Another activity you should avoid is mowing your lawn. This activity will disperse pollen in the air, increasing your chances for a hay fever attack. Some doctors recommend putting little cream on the nostrils and around the eyes to prevent pollen from entering these areas.

There are currently several available medications for treating symptoms of hay fever. These include fast-acting antihistamines, short-acting antihistamines, longer-acting antihistamines, leukotriene receptor antagonists, corticosteroid nasal sprays, topical decongestants, cromolyn sodium, allergy shots and herbal remedies. Any of these medications can relieve symptoms of hay fever effectively. You should make sure that when taking these medications, you will not be driving or operating heavy machineries since drowsiness can be experienced when taking medication like antihistamines.

Article provided by Sven Ullmann, who runs Deserved Health - a site dedicated to different health related articles. Read more about Hay Fever

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Natural Remedies For Your Mold Allergy

Whether you have a mold allergy, gluten allergy, or any other type of allergy the time has come to learn about natural allergy treatments that will boots your immune system and adrenal system.

Most people treat the symptoms with a quick fix 12 hour relief and forget all about the reason they are suffering from allergies. Alternative treatments don?t treat symptoms they treat the underling causes which means over time you will see your allergy diminish and you?ve got to admit getting rid of that mold allergy would be really nice.

When one focuses on the nutritional supplements that will strengthen the body it can be a very personal prescription because each of us have different issues going on in our body that are making our immune system week and that applies whether you are dealing with your mold allergy or an allergy to your pet.

The object is to make your body healthy so it the signals are no longer mixed and it is able to help your body fend off those allergens. Herbs, nutrients, and natural decongestants and antihistamines can all work together. Additionally other supplements and herbs can help reduce the amount of inflammation which is part of allergies.

Your treatment for your mold allergy needs to be personal. Of course one of the things you will want to do is ensure that any mold in your own home has been killed. Your allergy program should be designed to strengthen your immune system and one of the simplest and cheapest ways to do that is with Vitamin C. It also neutralizes histamines giving you some relief from your allergy.

Let?s have a look at what relief you can get for your mold allergy and other allergies as well.

1. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and will improve adrenal function. Take up to 5000mg daily. Increase in 500mg increments and stop when the bowel is no longer tolerating it.

2. Vitamin B5 helps deal with stress and improve adrenal function. Take up to 1000 mg a day and split into two doses.

3. COQ10 is powerful boosting the immune system, reducing histamines, and improving heart health. Take 100mg two times a day.

4. Vitamin A is an anti inflammatory and immune booster. Take 10,000 IU twice daily.

5. Vitamin B12 reduces inflammation. Take 1000mcg in the morning.

6. Pantethine produced Coenzyme A and reduces stress. Take 300mg three times a day with your meals.

7. Omega-3 Fatty Acids will reduce allergic reactions. Take 1000mg daily.

8. Vitamin E & Selenium are immune boosters. Take 400IU of Vitamin E per day & 50mcg of selenium.

9. Magnesium relieves bronchospasms. Take 400mg daily.

10. A full spectrum digestive enzyme will enhance digestion of nutrients. Take with each meal.

There are also many herbs that can help. Remember although natural herbs are still medicines so you need to check with your doctor before taking any herb if you have a medical condition. There are herbs that will boost your immune system and there are herbs that are natural antihistamines or decongestants to help deal with your mold allergy.

1. Burdock will help clear congestion and is also good for colds.

2. Marshmallow root will help your body move mucus out.

3. Goldenseal Root will soothe inflamed membranes and it is also antibacterial.

4. Capsicum stimulates circulation and helps fight infection in the respiratory system.

That?s only a handful of natural remedies for your mold allergy. Why not get to the bottom of it?

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our mold allergy pages

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Get The Facts On Allergy Medication

Allergy medications are everywhere ? oral antihistamines, nasal antihistamines, decongestants ? Maybe it?s time to get the facts on your allergy medication.

Allergy medication is available over the counter and it is prescribed widely by doctors all around the world. Pick up a magazine there?s ads, the television is full of ads ? these products are heavily marketed and choosing the one that?s going to work is an entirely different game.

There are four allergy medication categories ? nasal sprays, decongestants, nasal antihistamines, and oral antihistamines. Let?s have a look at all four categories.

Oral antihistamines are by far the most common allergy medication prescribed by doctors. The block the histamines which is the chemical that is responsible for most of your symptoms. They do not offer permanent relief but as an allergy medication they do provide relief for itching, sneezing, hives, and nasal drip. Antihistamines can cause drowsiness and make it difficult to concentrate. You can actually be given a DUI if you are driving and taking this medication. Some of the OTC antihistamines are Benadryl, Atarax, Dimetapp, Tavist, Chlor-Trimeton, and Claritin. In fact Benadryl should be in every medicine cabinet.

Nasal antihistamines are newer and available through prescription and are a good allergy medication for the right situations. They work for12 hours and are steroid free. It is believed because of inhalation the dosage absorbed is better. It cause drowsiness, headache, and post nasal drip.

Oral and nasal decongestants are another allergy medication choice that is commonly used for those that have runny noses, sinus issues, post nasal drip, fever, pollen, sneezing, and itching. They are available in both prescription and OTC and in pills, drops, sprays, and liquids. However the ingredient phenylpropanolamine which was found in older decongestants has been banned. Current decongestants include Sudafed, Triaminic, Entex, and Ornade. Decongestants can make you jittery, elevate your blood pressure, and make sleeping difficult. Sudafed should be in every medicine cabinet.

The last allergy medication we?ll look at is nasal sprays. The non-steroid formulas are considered very safe and work best if you started a few weeks before the allergy season. Steroid formulas are available through prescription and are more effective and include Flonase, Nasonex, and Beclovent. Side effects include cataracts, hypertension, headache, weight gain, and nasal ulcers.

But wait we?ve had a look at a variety of allergy medications but there are also several natural remedies and an allergy medication that contains no harsh chemicals is likely to make your body much happier.

Besides considering a natural allergy medication you might also consider giving your body?s immune system a boost with the right supplement. After all the cause of allergies is an immune system that is misfiring.

And that means that an allergy medication isn?t always the solution to the problem. Sure it will reduce the symptoms but it is doing nothing to actually get to the bottom of the problem.

Once you get the facts on allergy medication you are in a much better position to make educated choices that work for you, your type of allergy, and your person situation. Choose what?s right for you.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our Allergy Medication pages

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Food Allergy Symptoms

Food allergy symptoms can be quite uncommon. You might not believe this but only 1 out of 70 adults suffer from true food allergies. Food poisoning or even food intolerance is sometimes mistaken for a food allergy because of the similarities in symptoms. If you are unsure if you are allergic to a particular food, you should learn to decipher what classic food allergy is.

Mostly affecting children, food allergy is an illness where the body's immune system defends itself from a substance that it considers to be harmful. The allergic reaction experienced is the sign that the body is trying to overcome the allergy-causing substance. Doctors usually run test to determine and confirm your food allergies. They might even ask you questions regarding your family's general health since food allergy is thought to be partly hereditary. If your doctor finds a history of eczema, hay fever or asthma, then you have a higher risk of having a food allergy.

A true allergic reaction usually starts with swelling and itching in the throat, tongue and mouth. Other food allergy symptoms include skin reactions, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, wheezing, runny nose and sore, red and itchy eyes. An allergic reaction could begin the moment you ingest the food you are allergic to. The symptoms, however, could take longer to develop, sometimes even several hours. An anaphylactic shock is the worst possible allergic reaction. It could cause severe swelling, unconsciousness, lowering of the blood pressure and breathing difficulties. If not given proper medical attention, it could possibly lead to death. As you can see, it's important to deal with food allergy symptoms right away.

Foods that cause allergy include peanuts, shellfish, tree nuts and fish. Some children develop allergies to cow's milk, soya, eggs, wheat and seafood. If you have an allergy to a particular food, you could also have a reaction to other allergy-causing food. This is called cross-reactivity. Your dietician and physician could help you identify which foods to avoid and prevent allergic reactions.

If you are still unsure if you have a food allergy, you should consult a doctor specializing on allergies. You would be asked questions pertaining to the symptoms you experience after eating a certain food, amount of the particular food you ate, preparation and storage of the food, medication you took to relieve the symptoms and effectivity of the medication. All these can help diagnose your food allergy.

It is very important that you see a food allergy specialist. You must never, under any circumstances, try to determine the food you are allergic to on your own. You must remember that allergic reactions can be severe and you might be putting yourself in a very dangerous situation. If you're allergic to something and you tamper with it, your body can react in bad ways.

Skin prick tests are sometimes used to diagnose a food allergy. A small amount of food extract is injected on the skin surface. An allergic reaction to that food extract will result to swelling and redness of the injection site. Sometimes, a false positive reaction is observed from a skin prick test. It would be wise to perform other tests, like a blood test for instance, to confirm food allergy and complete diagnosis.

Article provided by Sven Ullmann, who runs Deserved Health - a site dedicated to different health related articles. Read more about the Food Allergy Symptoms

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Effective Allergy Relief

Your nose is running, your eyes are itchy and watery and you just want to crawl out of your skin. What you wouldn?t do for effective allergy relief.

There are many different types of allergies and just as many different types of allergy relief products some more effective than others. You?ve probably tried a few over the years and probably had mixed results.

The big problem is not only finding effective allergy relief but also not going broke in the process. It?s not unusual to get soaked a $20 bill for maybe a dozen antihistamine time release pills. That?s expensive.!

You might be surprised to discover that your allergies are because you are actually suffering from food allergies with gluten sensitivity being the most common. We understand if you find it hard to make the leap from grains to allergies but natural medicine has scientifically documented and clinically proven that gluten sensitivity is responsible for many problems other than allergies ? IBS, Fibromyalgia, Child hood ear infections which are so commonly treated with antibiotics and tubes, sinusitis, migraines, Celiac disease, arthritis, and asthma.

Another underlying reason for allergies is an immune system that is misfiring and you might be surprised to discover that the number one reason that your immune system is not up to par is toxicity in the body. A good detoxification program and a good immune boosting program and you might be surprised to see your allergies disappear.

According to NIAID one in ten Americans suffers from hay fever and is search of effective allergy relief. The numbers are climbing and the seriousness of the allergies are also climbing. In fact more and more children are being faced with life threatening allergies such as the peanut allergy that is plaguing the country. In fact according to JACI and AAAAI in just five years from 1997 to 2002 it has doubled.

Stop and think back 20 years, heck 10 years what do you recall about peanut allergies? Didn?t hear about them much did you? Ever wondered why? Is it because we are using peanuts in everything which is over stimulating the body?s reaction? Is it because our bodies have become so toxic? It?s not just peanuts but the effective allergy relief for peanuts is generally an EPI Pen after all this is a serious allergy.

These days all of seem to suffer from some type of allergy that we are seeking effective allergy relief for. It seems everything causes allergies these days and I do mean everything ? trees, weeds, grasses, pollens, dust, pets, dander, dust mites, foods, gluten, chemicals found in cleaning products, bleach, and well the list could go on and on.

So instead of looking for an effective allergy relief you might want to delve a little deeper and try to figure out what?s changed so much in such a short period of time. Let?s see the trees, grasses, even the dust mites are probably the same as they were a decade ago but what has changed a lot is our exposure to toxins and when our body itself needs to be detoxified we can begin to develop allergies to just about anything.

So besides looking for a temporary effective allergy relief maybe the time has come to dig deeper and find out just what is going on.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our allergy relief pages.

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Allergy Shots As A Potential Eczema Control

Can you believe that an estimated one third of all Americans suffer from allergies in one form or another? Allergies today are the most common cause for chronic nasal congestion in children. Furthermore, for some people who suffer from both allergies and eczema, allergy shots are an effective way to manage their eczema flare-ups. A general practitioner will often provide a referral to an allergist for a patient with eczema. An allergist is a doctor who is trained in helping pinpoint the source of a patient?s allergy and then in helping the person treat the symptoms, thereby reducing the frequency of flare-ups.

How does it work? Allergy shots are a form of allergy and asthma treatment in which increasing, controlled doses of an allergen are injected into a patient over a period of time. The goal in using allergy shots is to increase a patient?s natural ability to tolerate a particular allergen, while simultaneously, decreasing the symptoms that result from an allergic reaction.

Allergy shots, also known as allergen immunotherapy, are similar to a vaccination. They serve to increase the ability of the immune system to work properly. The stronger the immune system is, the easier time it will have blocking an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction occurs when the body mistakes a common, harmless substance for an invader. When the body is exposed to the invader, it undertakes a series of chemical reactions as protection. As long as the person administering them is a trained professional, allergy shots can be both effective as well as safe and can be successfully used on children as young as four or five years of age.

Of course, this is not without debate. Some people believe in the effectiveness of allergy shots in the control of eczema while others are less impressed with the results. Research into allergy shots as treatment for eczema has shown that in some cases they can cause worsening of the symptoms. However, allergy shots have been found to be beneficial in treating other problems such as allergic rhinitis also known as hay fever, the symptoms of which are a runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes; breathing problems relating to asthma and symptoms accompanying an insect sting allergy. So each individual case must be considered before treatment is begun.

Allergy shots contain a purified form of the suspected allergen. Customarily, the shots are given to a sufferer throughout the year, over a five-year span of time. The allergy shot dosage begins small and then increases gradually over the first four to six months, little by little. After that time the dosage levels off to what is called a maintenance dose. This amount is then administered to the patient for up to a period of three years.

It is necessary to go for your allergy shots once or twice weekly at the start of treatment. The dose begins slower, gradually increasing to allow the immune system to become accustomed to it as well as to allow it time to begin to build an immunity to the substance. This is often called the buildup phase. Once this is reached, the aforementioned maintenance dose is administered and then the frequency shots begins to decline. It goes from a weekly shot, to bi-weekly, and then, in many cases, to a monthly shot.

Allergy shots have been found be more effective on some allergens than others. For example, they are most effective on inhaled allergens such as pet fur, dust, pollens, and mold. That may offer explanation as to why hay fever and asthma would respond better to allergy shots than eczema. The particular changes that the body undergoes with eczema may not respond as well to treatment. Only further research will answer those questions.

Linda Williams is a writer for several popular web-based magazines, on medicine and remedies and home remedies topics.

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Do You Understand What Allergy Asthma Means?

If you have both allergies and asthma you suffer from allergy asthma but you do you really understand what it means? Both of these have the ability to make you feel miserable. You might be surprised to find out that allergy induced asthma is actually the most common type of asthma in North America.

60% of all those that suffer from allergy asthma. If you are wondering what the link is it really isn?t that complex. Allergies trigger the asthma and the allergies can be caused by a host of tings such as pollen, dust mites, mold, pet dander which trigger an allergic reaction. But instead of runny eyes and nose, or maybe hives the airway becomes inflamed and the swollen airways cause an asthma attack.

The reason that allergies and asthma often merge into allergy asthma is that the lining of the nose and the airways are very similar when they become inflamed all caused by the IgE antibodies which cause all kinds of reactions within the body right from the tight airways to the itchy skin, runny nose, and watery eyes.

In some cases treating the allergy reduces the number of asthma attacks. Allergy shots that desensitize the person are one method of aiding in reducing allergies. You might also consider a more natural approach which would include detoxifying the body and building the immune system.

Preventing an asthma outbreak or allergy outbreak are treated much the same using corticosteroids to reduce inflammation which can help both asthma and allergies. Eve the corticosteroid creams can be used to reduce skin inflammation. And corticosteroids are used in the inhalers which reduce inflammation in the bronchial tubes. So you can see corticosteroids can help with allergy asthma but there are different medications that are more beneficial for each. A different method of treatment is used when a full asthma attack is under way.

A family history of allergies puts you at the highest risk for developing allergy asthma. If you have allergies you have a 75% greater chance of developing asthma or hay fever. Although allergy asthma is by far the most common type it is not the only type.

Asthma triggers can be a variety of things ? cold air, tobacco smoke, dogs or cats, exercise, fumes from paint, dust, and even laughing. When a person that suffers from asthma is anxious they are more likely to have an attack. Some may suffer an asthma attack if they take aspirin or other types of pain medication. The list is long. What?s known for certain is that asthma and allergy asthma are growing at an alarming rate.

Allergy asthma is growing at an alarming rate and it?s hitting children at a younger and younger age. No longer are these problems that adults face. It?s time we start to try to reduce the occurrences.

If you suffer from allergy asthma there are many things you can do to reduce the occurrence. Start by taking good care of yourself and using supplements designed to improve your immune system and reduce your allergies. Now that you understand what allergy asthma means.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our Allergy Asthma pages

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Acupuncture and Your Lack of Energy

Do you find yourself just dragging around, to wit, suffering from a lack of energy? Acupuncture may be the answer as your meridians may be out of whack.

The condition of a general lack of energy is usually related to insomnia. A person is dragging along because they have not had the proper amount of sleep. To understand the acupuncture treatment for insomnia, one must understand how Traditional Chinese Medicine views sleep. The human body is seen as being similar to the natural environment that surrounds it. Your body is like a miniature planet. In the same manner that the sun sets at night, the vital energy of the body (qi) and the blood retire into the body. When these elements reach the interior, sleep is possible.

Understanding this analogy makes it easier to understand why the acupuncture points that are targeted to aid sleep are those that are concerned with disorders of the heart and kidneys. Points that address deficiency of Qi and of blood at the heart or spleen are also used. It is thought the cause is sometimes a lack of Yin in the liver. These concepts are somewhat hard to grasp by those not trained in Chinese Medicine. It is comforting to know that either overeating or starving are viewed as culprits as well. The first condition suggests the needling of points that control food retention.

It is usually difficult to address the specific treatment for a disorder like a lack of energy by acupuncture. It is important to remember that something like this would be only a symptom. The insomnia might be considered a cause except insomnia itself is a symptom of something else. The underlying causes are at the elemental and vital energy level. Therefore, the treatment is going to address the underlying cause and not the symptom.

Once the underlying cause is gone and harmony is restored, the symptom will follow in short order. As can be seen, the underlying cause for a condition like this can be one of a large variety of things. This is why the acupuncture practitioner will do a complete physical examination. This examination is called the Four Element examination. Such things as the color and texture of the tongue are examined. All of the elements of the examination give the practitioner clues as to the exact nature of the disorder. When this is done, a treatment plan can be devised.

A lack of energy, if it is not related to insomnia, would still represent an emotional disorder of the body and even the spirit of the patient. The more classical Five Element acupuncture looks very closely at emotional disorder. Since it views treatment as bringing not only the Elements in harmony, but also the body and spirit, it is ideal for the treatment of any emotional disorder including chronic tiredness.

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Acupuncture With a Modern Twist

Acupuncture is thought of as an ancient Chinese practice and rightly so. Recent trends have resulted in a new modern twist on this ancient practice.

Modern technology is impacting virtually every area of our life and so it is no surprise to learn that it has reached the ancient practice of acupuncture. Laser acupuncture is a relatively new addition to this timeless healing art. A concentrated light beam can penetrate into the skin for a certain distance without burning or harming the skin. This allows the beam to stimulate certain acupuncture body points. This stimulation is not exactly the same as the stimulation of a needle, but it does trigger reactions in the points.

The practice is still considered to be in an investigational type of treatment, and in that status no claims of cures are permitted in the United States. The procedure is not being viewed as a replacement for the use of needles in acupuncture treatments. The idea is that the lasers will be used as just one of the tools in the overall regime of treatment offered by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The other tools such as herbal concoctions, acupressure, moxibustion, and advice on lifestyle choices will continue to be applied in a complete treatment package.

Currently, this new approach is limited by the strength of the beam itself. The normal range used is between 5 and 500 mW of power. When the level goes over 500, there is a possibility of burning the skin. This power level limits the depth of the beam and therefore its ability to stimulate the acupuncture point.

The process is so new and is being used in a practice that has taken centuries of study and trial and error to perfect. It is not unexpected that much experimentation and clinical studies are being done to attempt to understand the benefits and limitations of this modern twist on acupuncture. The beams can also be used only in certain areas. For example, points on the foot can be stimulated except for the points on the heel. The beam of light can not attain enough depth here to stimulate the point.

This new form of acupuncture is a technical change in the practice of acupuncture that will take some time to completely understand. Its use does say something about attitude of professional acupuncturists. While many view acupuncture as a foreign and very culturally different type of activity, the idea of a new approach shows that acupuncture is actually very much like any other body of knowledge. It is constantly seeking to improve. The great body of knowledge that is contained in the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine has always been growing and evolving.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Do You Have A Dog Allergy?

Runny nose, watery eyes? Sneezing all the time? Do you have a dog allergy? Maybe your best friend is what?s got your allergies going. After all there really is no dog breed that is truly non allergenic because they all produced dander, urine, and saliva.

Some dogs are less likely to cause allergies because they have less dander. There is a misconception that it is the fur that causes the allergies so the heavier the dog sheds the more likely you are to suffer. This is not the case. It is all about the dander. That is what actually causes the dog allergy.

Urine is generally more of a problem with cats than dogs because dogs go outside. And all dogs salivate. The pet hair becomes a problem when it collects other common allergens such as dust, pollen, dander causing a dog allergy.

The problem goes even deeper than what you are allergic to. You see people with allergies have an immune system that is super sensitive so it reacts to things that are harmless like pet dander. A dog allergy can cause wheezing, fatigue, coughing, headache, itchy watery eyes, sneezing, and in some cases asthma attacks. It can happen as quickly as five minute or be a delayed reaction occurring much later. And some people are allergic to only certain breeds.

There are also skin care products that you can use on your dog to reduce the amount of dander your dog produces. And there are some breeds that just by nature produce less dander so they can be a good choice for anyone with a dog allergy.

There are several things you can do to help reduce your dog allergy. For starters you can choose a natural product to help boost your immune system. You might also consider doing a detox to remove toxins from the body. Over the years our bodies build up large amounts of toxins which affect our immune system and can play a role in it short circuiting.

A dog allergy is just one of the allergies you might be suffering with that are environmental. Keep the dog dander to a minimal in your home. Run a HEPA filter in each room and use a vacuum with a HEPA filter. Vacuum at least once a day and don?t forget to vacuum in the vents where hair, dander, and dust gather. Also vacuum the furniture. HEPA filters make a huge difference.
Keep the dogs out of the bedroom. If you don?t want to close the door then install a baby gate to keep them out. Consider removing carpets and installing flooring. It reduces all kinds of allergies and is a known asthma reducer in children.

Bathe your dog at least once a week and wash dogging bedding and toys once a week. Spray areas where the dogs spend time with an anti allergen spray which helps deactivate allergens. Keep dust to a minimal.

You can also receive immunotherapy allergy shots if testing showed a pet allergy to begin with although it?s not as effective as they would like to see it. You can also use over the counter medications to reduce symptoms and of course there are some excellent natural products that are worth trying if you have a dog allergy.

A dog allergy can develop out of nowhere. Or it can be something you have lived with for years that got worse over the years. Whatever the reason you now suffer with a dog allergy you can reduce the effects of that allergy using natural products and these tips.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our Dog Allergy pages.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Dealing With Your Child?s Food Allergy

Food allergies are a growing concern and even more so with our children. In the USA alone there are as many as 7 million people living with a life threatening food allergy many of which are related to the peanut family. Dealing with your child?s food allergy can be a serious matter.

Of course it all depends on what type of food allergy your child has as to the seriousness. Some allergies may cause little more than a bit of an upset stomach, dry cough, or runny nose but for others the situation can be life and death. If that is the case it is important that your child understands as this can be the first line of defense.

However with younger children keeping a handle on that food allergy can be a bit more difficult. It is important that all care givers, teachers, parents of new friends, and anyone else the child may be exposed to are fully aware of the allergy and its seriousness.

Whether it is a nut allergy or any other type of food allergy they may run from mild to fatal and can include tingling, wheezing, hives, tummy upset, and diarrhea.

A fatal food allergy can kill in two different ways. The first is from swallowing the food which causes instant swelling in the vocal cords, quickly stopping the breathing, and almost instantly killing before anyone recognizes what is going on. This is called laryngospasm. The second we are all more familiar with and it is called anaphylactic shock where it can take as long as two hours for the reaction to occur and it will kill if intervention is not there.

Nut allergies are a serious food allergy for many but they are only one of many food allergies and one we are more aware of because so many foods contained traces of nuts but were not marked. A practice that is changing. Another very common food allergy is to the dyes used in foods which are thought to cause hyperactivity and even learning problems with some children.

There are some excellent natural remedies that can help treat a non life threatening food allergy. A food allergy is a reaction by the body?s immune system which is designed to fight disease and bacteria keeping us safe but
Some times it misfires as in the case of a food allergy.

For a mild to moderate food allergy you can look to some natural herbs and supplements for relief. You can also increase the amount of cold water fish your child eats of you can give them a supplement. You should also eliminate trans fats from their diet and increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables they eat.

And of course you can always eliminate the food that causes the food allergy from your child?s diet. For example if your child is allergic to dairy products restrict the child?s intake. This only works however if there is only a few food allergies. If your child is allergic to many foods you will want to look at alternatives.

Of course you will still most likely have to eliminate the source of the food allergy until your child becomes desensitized. With serious food allergies such as nuts do not play around trying to home treat. You should also make sure your child always has an anaphylactic kit on them and make sure everyone that will come in contact with your child and could be feeding fully understands this food allergy.

Many make the mistake of thinking that if they do not feed nuts they will have ensured that the child is not exposed to the food allergy not realizing that just trace amounts can be deadly. This is also true with other foods that might have trace amounts present in an unsuspecting environment.

Just about everyone suffers to some degree from a food allergy and our children are no different. However dealing with a child?s food allergy can be much more serious because it can be missed much easier than with an adult. Children simply forget.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our Food Allergy pages.

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Dealing With A Wheat Allergy

Foods that contain wheat are everywhere ? after all they are a staple in the American diet. But both the protein and the gluten in the wheat are a common allergen. Dealing with a wheat allergy can be frustrating.

If you have a wheat allergy of course the most logical thing is to avoid wheat products to prevent the allergic reaction. This includes cereals, baked goods, chocolate, pancake mixes, waffle mixes, pies, cookies, processed meats, breaded meats, some casseroles, pastas, some salad dressings, soups, alcoholic beverages, and the list could go on and on. Let?s face it wheat really is everywhere.

Symptoms of wheat allergy include nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, diarrhea, stomach cramps, skin disorders, eczema, dermatitis, respiratory infections including asthma, hypertension, headache, and even anaphylactic shock. Great you know what the problem is and you are doing your best to avoid wheat but it?s in the most unexpected places and you do occasionally mess up.

Besides avoiding wheat there are other things you should do to treat your wheat allergy. There are medications that can help depending on what your symptoms are. Stomach related issues can be dealt with either with OTC or prescription drugs. Immunotherapy can inject small amounts of wheat into your body with the theory that over several years your body will learn to tolerate wheat and the allergy will disappear.

Has anyone noticed that allergies are on the rise? Stats are certainly indicating this. Think back 10 years ago ? do you recall the press that wheat allergies were getting. I?m betting you don?t and yet today it seems like just about every other person has some type of allergy with wheat and wheat products being right on top. Why is that?

Modern life is hard on our bodies. We are exposed to high levels of toxins and stress which take their toll on our body, on our immune system, and on our adrenal system. Allergies are our body?s immune system misfiring and that?s exactly what happens with a wheat allergy. So what needs to happen is we need to bring our body back to optimum health.

We can remove wheat from our diet if we have a wheat allergy but the problem is when the body is out of sync the allergy list just keeps growing and growing so a smart choice would be to nourish the body with vitamins, herbs, and supplements.

For example in the case of a wheat allergy adrenal support and immune support are both very important and herbs such as goldenseal, licorice, marshmallow, and Echinacea can help boost the adrenals and the immune system.
You should also be sure that your vitamin supplements are giving you the most benefit. For example Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and will improve adrenal function. Take up to 5000mg daily. Increase in 500mg increments and stop when the bowel is no longer tolerating it. COQ10 is powerful boosting the immune system, reducing histamines, and improving heart health. Take 100mg two times a day. Vitamin B5 helps deal with stress and improve adrenal function. Take up to 1000 mg a day and split into two doses.
Dealing with a wheat allergy needs you to go beyond treating symptoms and get to the root of the problem. Only then will you be healthy and feel alive.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our Wheat Allergy pages.

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dealing With A Gluten Allergy

A gluten allergy can result in Coeliac disease which is a condition of the small intestine. Gluten is found in rye, barley, and wheat and it reacts with the small bowel causing the immune system to attack the bowels lining.

Sometimes it?s subtle while other times you know that you have a problem. When it is not treated it can lead to anemia, diseases of the bone, and even some types of cancer. Of course the best treatment for a gluten allergy is to avoid foods with gluten.

What causes the gluten allergy? Gluten is two proteins glutenin and gliadin which when mixed with water become sticky like dough. In the small bowel are little tiny fingers called villi which are supposed to absorb nutrients but with a gluten allergy your immune system attacks them and destroys them.

The symptoms of a gluten allergy in a child include irritability and generally not feeling happy, poor appetite, not gaining weight, swollen stomach , arms and legs become thin and wasted. In adult symptoms can be very similar but also include horrible smelling diarrhea, constipation, abdominal bloating, tiredness, depression, bone pain, thinning of the bones, itchy skin, and sometimes even a difficulty becoming pregnant.

Symptoms can also include nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, diarrhea, stomach cramps, skin disorders, eczema, dermatitis, respiratory infections including asthma, hypertension, headache, and even anaphylactic shock. Great you know what the problem is and you are doing your best to avoid wheat but it?s in the most unexpected places and you do occasionally mess up.

Diagnosing your gluten allergy might include blood tests for anemia, iron and folic acid, as well as blood tests for different antibodies. An endoscopy test with a biopsy might also be conducted.

A gluten allergy is not preventable and the best treatment is to have a gluten free diet to stop the damage to the small intestine and even reverse it. You will need to do you homework so that you know which foods contain gluten. There are many that you would not generally think of that do such as cooking oil.

There are some excellent books on dealing with a gluten allergy that can help you as well as help you learn about natural products that can help heal the intestine. Your doctor will also be able to assist you and a dietician can help you with your diet.

Don?t forget to heal your body with vitamins and minerals as well as herbal supplements that can boost your immune system and help bring you back into balance. Healing the intestine is an important part of bringing your body back into total health.

Complications from a gluten allergy are very rare. Occasionally infertility does occur, autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, and a slight increased risk of bowel cancer can occur. Studies have shown that after 5 years of being on a gluten free diet your risks of all cancers associated with gluten are removed.

Foods that contain gluten are everywhere ? after all it is a staple in the American diet. But both the protein and the gluten in the wheat are a common allergen. Dealing with a gluten allergy can be frustrating because there are so many restrictions. Learning how to properly deal with it will reduce your frustration and keep you healthier.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our gluten allergy pages.

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Dealing With A Cat Allergy

You are suspecting that you just might be allergic to your cat but there is no way that Fluffy is going to be moving out of your house. What to do? Dealing with a cat allergy can be accomplished with a little diligence.

Finding out you are allergic to your cat can be heart breaking. There are a variety of symptoms that can occur such as sneezing, itchy watery eyes, runny nose, sinus infection, headache, and a host of other mild to moderate symptoms that if you are determined enough you can likely find some relief from and still keep Fluffy. But there are also situations that are severe and even life threatening which means you will have to find your cat a new home. Lets assume your cat allergy is one you can live with. So what to do?

Let?s first have a look at some of the other symptoms that can be related to a cat allergy. The list is long ? besides the symptoms already mentions other symptoms include eye infections, redness, swelling, itching, post nasal drip, hives, rashes, itchy skin, plugged or poping ears, hoarseness, and coughing. There may also be shortness of breath, wheezing, reoccurring bronchitis which increases during tasks such as grooming or cleaning the litter box.

They may also increase when vacuuming or dusting which stirs up the dander. And often overlooked is that the allergy is actually not with the cat but with the perfumes used in cat products such as the litter. The cat allergy is caused buy allergens commonly the sebum produced by your cat. So it?s not the actual cat hair that causes the allergy but rather a protein that is in the dander and the tiny particles are easily moved around.

So how do you deal with a cat allergy? There are several things you can try. HEPA filters are a great place to start. HEPA filters situated in each room of your home as well as a vacuum with a HEPA filter will certainly help reduce the allergens.

Having your cat neutered or spayed can help your cat allergy because it reduces the sebum level that is produced. Replace carpets with flooring can make a big difference because carpet traps not only cat dander but dust mites, and a host of other allergy causing things.

Bathe your cat regularly and cover your pillows and mattress with tight casings that can help. We spend half of our life sleeping so it makes sense to also keep the cat out of the bedroom. And of course you can also have the allergy shots that are designed to desensitize you.

But wait! There are some natural remedies for dealing with a cat allergy and some are very effective. Seek out the help of a naturopath or do some research online. You can find several products that might be beneficial.

First of all it is a well known fact that allergies including your cat allergy are a result of an immune system that is misfiring, so building your immune system and doing natural things to help bring your body into balance can also be very helpful.

Don?t ignore the simple fixes when you are dealing with a cat allergy. Do it right and Fluffy will spend the rest of her days with you in a life of luxury!

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our cat allergy pages.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Difference between A Migraine And An Allergy Headache

Often people find it difficult to distinguish between an allergy headache and a migraine.There may be chances of Allergy headache if someone complains of headache after eating or drinking something. If the headache is accompanied with swelling, hives or breathing problems too then these symptoms confirm Allergy headache. These types allergies can be fatal if not handled properly a doctor should be consulted immediately. If a person suffers from headache pain, but have no other symptoms, then he can try to get relief by applying a cold pack on his forehead. When this is accompanied with proper rest he should feel much better after a short period of time. However, if he feels that the cold pack is of little use, then he should stop using it and allow the pain to settle down. A painkiller such as acetaminophen, naproxen sodium, ibuprofen or aspirin may prove to be helpful here.

Allergy Headaches Due To Weather Someone may also get an allergy headache from the changes in seasons as well.symptoms effectively make an allergy headache discernible from a migraine. The symptoms of migraine are an intense headache that is located in one particular area of your head. Usually it is accompanied by nausea and it may even cause you to vomit. Sometimes person having migraine may even become sensitive to touch on his arms and scalp. A migraine may last for several hours or days. If someone suffer from migraines, discussion with a doctor and proper medication may prove helpful. On the other hand, an allergy headache is usually triggered by person's allergies or a change in the air pressure. Therefore, if he notices that headache is seasonal or occurs due to weather change, then there might be a possibility of Allergy headache. Person having Allergy headache can simply treat this common type of headache by taking an over-the-counter allergy pain reliever medication. This helps the pressure inside your sinuses to equalize with the air around it. These medications prove very helpful in treating all seasonal allergy symptoms as well. If you want to know more about then please visit to headache cause

Richard Romando is an expert of giving information about Anxiety Attack Causes and Depression Pill

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Well, Here's a List of the Common Allergy and Bronchial Asthma Drugs

Anyone who has read most of my articles on the subject of asthma would easily garner that I tend to favor the more natural and non-conventional approach in regards to dealing with the respiratory disorder.

However, I am aware that many people may not necessarily be ready or prepared to fore-go so-called asthma drugs for alternative asthma treatment options, most people might still want information on allergy and bronchial asthma drugs options.

This may be based on the fact that being as though some recent studies have shown that when you give allergy shots to children with allergies, not only do their allergy symptoms improve, they are also less likely to develop asthma and also, since many cases of asthma are triggered by allergies, it makes sense that if you control the allergies, you will have fewer asthma attacks, so for those who choose more of a conventional approach for asthma treatment, perhaps there may be a link between allergy and bronchial asthma drugs after all.

That said I'll list the common allergy and bronchial asthma drugs choices most people use:

1. Accolate

2. Singulair

3. Claratyne / Claratin

4. Telfast / Allegra

5. Telfast D / Allegra D

6. Telfast 120

7. Zyrtec

8. Becloforte / Beclovent

9. Qvar Inhaler

10. Pulmicort

11. Flixotide / Flovent

12. Ventolin

13. Volmax

14. Serevent Inhaler

15. Atrovent

16. Combivent

17. Advair Diskus

18. Rhinolast / Astelin

19. Nasonex

20. Tilade

Talk about an exhausting list of allergy and bronchial asthma drugs choices!

Well, now, that I've paid homage to the medical fraternity by presenting their options for controlling respiratory disorders, allow me to present some simple tips and alternatives to these common allergy and bronchial asthma drugs that you could use preferably exclusively, or in conjunction with the ones above

1. Avoid excessive temperature changes.

2. Ensure dust mites are reduced as much as possible in your home

3. Use a humidifier along with a heater in the cold seasons.

4. Keep fresh air circulating as much as possible in the home.

5. Keep the bed clean - put dust proof covers with zippers on the mattress and pillow. Wash bed sheets and blankets in hot water.

6. Do not let pets in the bedroom.

7. Do not smoke.

8. Maintain good ventilation / Light.

9. Close the windows when the air outside is full of exhaust from cars, pollution from factories.

10. Air out the house before the patient with asthma returns e.g. sweep, vacuum, paint, spray for insects, are of strong cleaners, cook strong smelling foods.

Also, do keep in mind that it is advised that you avoid Mucus-Forming foods such as Animal flesh and products, Most Grains, Junk and Processed Foods and even some so-called health-food products like Soy, Yeast, Bragg?s Liquid Aminos and Vinegar.

Replace these items with Fruits, Leafy and Root Vegetables and if desired less harmful whole grains like Brown rice, Quinoa, Amaranth and Millet occasionally.

Furthermore, proper food combination and the abstinence from drinking liquids of any kind with your meals is suggested as these will see to it that the diaphragm is not constricted by a clogged up digestive tract consequently making breathing much freer and smoother.

In addition, make the effort to avoid the use of microwaves, conventionally grown produce and polluted tap water for your optimal health.

So, there you have it, both sides and methods of controlling asthma.

Well?here's to freer breathing!


Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Natural Asthma Treatment Blog today for more information on asthma and allergy medication

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Allergy Air Purifier Relief

Do you sneeze allot? Do your sinuses always seem to be plugged up? You could be one of the many people who suffer from allergies. An allergy air purifier can bring relief from things that can cause allergies, such as pollen and dust. An allergy air purifier is designed to get rid of particles that can be unhealthy and cause difficulty breathing. An air purifier designed to bring allergy relief is safe to put in any room of the house, and can be purchased just about anywhere household items are sold. The internet could be a very reliable source for investigating the different types, sizes and costs of the unit.

Allergies are very common in the summer time, when many different flowers are blooming and lawns are being mowed. There is usually a lot of pollen floating in the air. Summertime is usually very dry and a lot of dust can accumulate. If your job requires you to be outdoors during this time you may want to consider a portable allergy air purifier. This type of unit can be plugged in just about anywhere, including your car, and allow you to get some relief where ever you are. How convenient is that.

Dust can build up any time of the year, but summer seems to be the worst, as it is dryer than the other seasons. Our home is like a magnet for dust build up, as it is a more confined area, and just seems to be a good conductor for dust. You may dust one day only to find that even before the day ends, it needs it again. An allergy air purifier can help eliminate dust build up and clean the air at the same time. The air we breathe is very contaminated. If we could look at it through a microscope, we would be appalled and probably want to wear a face mask where ever we go. An allergy air purifier traps unwanted particles in the air and eliminates them; leaving behind fresh, clean air to breathe. They are easy to install and require very little maintenance.

Depending on the size of your home, where you work, or if you spend a lot of time outdoors, there is an allergy air purifier designed just for your needs. With a little research and determination, you could be breathing easier tonight.

For more information on Air Cleaners and Purifiers for your home or business try visiting, a website that specializes in providing helpful tips, advice and Air Cleaners and Purifiers resources to include Allergy Air Purifier information.

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Suffering From Asthma Allergy At Night

If you are suffering from asthma that wakes you up at night, this can be due to allergies. An asthma allergy would be caused by triggers in your bedroom that will affect you while you are sleeping.

The reason why some people are more prone to asthma while they are sleeping has to do with the position their body is in. More specifically, the horizontal position decreases the negative pressure on the lungs, leading to those susceptible to asthma to have an attack.

Developing an asthma allergy at night is different for everyone. It will most often be seen in children, who have been put to bed recently by their parents. In adults, an asthma allergy at night might start with coughing and waking up suddenly.

If you asthma is due to an allergy, it is recommended that you thoroughly clean your house, especially your bedroom from top to bottom. This is necessary to remove as much dust and debris from your house that might be triggering an asthma attack.

In your bedroom, remove all the old bed linen and wash them thoroughly. If the mattress is old, replace it because it might contain dust mites, which can trigger an asthma allergy attack. All of the pillows should be replaced as well. If you cannot afford to have a new mattress, you can opt to have it and your pillows cleaned. The same should be done for all curtains, and carpet within your bedroom. When the room is fully clean, you should stand a better chance at preventing an asthma allergy.

C Dietzig is co owner of where they discuss asthma treatment and how to live a normal productive life with asthma.

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